2012 Presidential Debate - Third and Final Debate

And The Winner Is..

  • "Mitt Romneh won, yuo only think it was Obummer becuase deh moderater was bias!"

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It's too late to take the spotlight off of the fact that he ignored Israel during his "I'll be nicer to you" tour of the ME.
Obama isnt credible. Every time he asks "Who will be credible?" He is undermining himself.
Obama is at 92% to win tonight's debate on intrade, absolutely owning Romney over the last 30 min. The first 30 min were a wash.
He said 1917

U.S.Navy Active Ship Force Levels, 1917-1923

DATE 4/6/17 11/11/18 7/1/19 7/1/20 7/1/21 7/1/22 7/1/23
BATTLESHIP 37 39 36 26 22 19 18
MONITORS, COASTAL 7 7 5 1 2@ - -
CARRIERS, FLEET - - - - - - -
CARRIERS, ESCORT - - - - - - -
CRUISERS 33 31 28 27 10 12 13
DESTROYERS 66 110 161 189 68 (208rc ) 103 103
FRIGATES 17 17 - - - - -
SUBMARINES 44 80 91 58 69 (11rc) 82 (7rc) 69 (5rc)
MINE WARFARE - 53 62 48 50 (8rc) 36 38
PATROL 42 350 65 45 59 (1rc) 43 41
AUXILIARY 96 87 304 173 104 83 82
SURFACE WARSHIPS 160 204 230 243 102 134 134
TOTAL ACTIVE 342 774 752 567 384 (228rc) 379 (7rc) 365 (5rc)

US Ship Force Levels

Obama is wrong, ships occupy their physical space and command the horizon around them ........less ships less space covered, Obama sounded like an ass.


Monitors? They were from the Civil War

What a Douchebag. One carrier wipes out that whole fleet

Shows what numbers are worth

God you're ignorant, seriously, read what I wrote and Romney was right the fleet is as small, sux huh?

Faster ships with more aircraft cover much more area than their literal footprint. Also missiles with longer range on board those ships are a big help too.

Feel free to Google it.
Obama is obfuscating. Mitt is coming across with facts, strategy and policy..every time he pounds Obama with facts, Obama comes up with ridiculous posturing and lies.

The O is toast. Americans are done with him.
No actually it's 100% correct. In WWII, Korea, and Vietnam, we had to pound the shoreline with battleships and cruisers. Today we fire missiles from aircraft and destroyers. Hence you need fewer ships and the battle ships are now museums.


Obama kicked Romney's ass.

His snarky attitude is most definitely a turn off...it hasn't worked for him in the past, and it certainly won't work for him in this debate.

He's also mastering the facts as well. You can be somewhat snarky when your opponent is literally ignorant of what the capabilities of the modern navy are in a foreign policy debate.

Hey, if you think this is a winning strategy for him, then you can cheer him on...it will not help his slipping likeability numbers though. He already had your vote.:D
It's a turn off to everyone except for his hungry base.

No actually it's 100% correct. In WWII, Korea, and Vietnam, we had to pound the shoreline with battleships and cruisers. Today we fire missiles from aircraft and destroyers. Hence you need fewer ships and the battle ships are now museums.


Obama kicked Romney's ass.

His snarky attitude is most definitely a turn off...it hasn't worked for him in the past, and it certainly won't work for him in this debate.

Just think of how irritating it must be for POTUS, the leader of the free world to have to go though this ridiculous spectacle with this clown, Romney.

Mitt doesn't know anything about FP and he's just reciting talking points.

He thinks we need more ships for Christ sakes. More horses!! My Cayman island account for a horse!!

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