2012 Presidential Debate - Third and Final Debate

And The Winner Is..

  • "Mitt Romneh won, yuo only think it was Obummer becuase deh moderater was bias!"

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Neocons used to brag incessantly about there being no attacks on America by terrorists while Bush was on watch. This was often cited as evidence of the success of "enhanced interrogation" techniques.

Well, there has been no attack on America by terrorists while Obama has been on watch, either.


On the other hand, no ambassador murdered since 1979......
Neocons used to brag incessantly about there being no attacks on America by terrorists while Bush was on watch. This was often cited as evidence of the success of "enhanced interrogation" techniques.

Well, there has been no attack on America by terrorists while Obama has been on watch, either.


Except for that Army Major screaming "Allahu Akbar" while killing people. Who inspired him? Anwar Al-Awlaki
Yellow and green just dipped.

Romney knows what China wants.

We can give them more of our jobs!! And borrow more money from them.
Man the women love Obama.

This is what makes you white men so angry and hateful. Your white women love the black POTUS.

Racist much?

If the women love Obama so much, why is he hemmoraging female support?
CNN focus group....

Lines drop every time Romney speaks.

This FP debate was a bad idea for him.

Oops, the women line just dipped below 50%....

"Drones, what's a drone."

I'll tell you why this is the case.

Romney would not do, and would not have done, a single thing different in the foreign policy arena that Obama would or has. He knows it, and the people know it. So he comes across as a jackass pretending he would do anything different.

Obama is an unmitigated disaster domestically. He is a huge threat to the future of our nation on that front.

Foreign policy-wise, he is handling Iran exactly right. He is doing a very good job all across the foreign front.

Obama needs to go before he bankrupts us and takes a long way down the road to socialism, but he is kicking Romney's nuts in this particular debate, because Romney is being insincere.

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Neocons used to brag incessantly about there being no attacks on America by terrorists while Bush was on watch. This was often cited as evidence of the success of "enhanced interrogation" techniques.

Well, there has been no attack on America by terrorists while Obama has been on watch, either.


Except for that Army Major screaming "Allahu Akbar" while killing people. Who inspired him? Anwar Al-Awlaki

That wasn't a terrorist attack. Just ask Obama and his administration.

Monitors? They were from the Civil War

What a Douchebag. One carrier wipes out that whole fleet

Shows what numbers are worth

God you're ignorant, seriously, read what I wrote and Romney was right the fleet is as small, sux huh?

You are a moron

Those ships ran on COAL

They have no range, no defense and no lethality

For Romney to compare their numbers to todays fleet is idiocy. Forget one Aircraft carrier. One Destroyer could wipe out that fleet of rust buckets

I m not comparing ship to ship dumb ass, wtf are you on?

A carrier grps is composed of how many dopey?
Green dipping, dipping...

No one likes Romney....

Shit this guy is unpopular.
"You mentioned the Navy and that we have fewer ships than we did in 1916. Well, Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets."

"When we bring those who have harmed us to justice, that sends a message to the world."

"I went to Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Museum, to remind myself of the nature of evil and why our bond with Israel will be unbreakable."

"The question is not a game of Battleship where we’re counting ships—it’s what are our capabilities."

Those are just 4 of ways President Obama is bitch-slapping Mitt Romney tonight.

Obama is putting on a fucking clinic in this debate. He's in total control of it while Romney appears clammy and red-faced.

When the President speaks about the world, you can sense that he looks out with opportunity and clarity while the Governor is selling two big heapings of fear.

Romney said tonight, "I see America's influence receding." What a fucking pessimist.

I'm sorry, but America right now is a lot more respected around the world than it was exactly 4 years ago today.
Romney is not stating facts.

Obama's foreign policy record is kick-ass. We are safer, more respected and more influential now than we were 4 years ago.

That might be why mitt looks like he has gas.

Seriously, Obama has done an incredible job for us on the national stage. And, while the R has worked against the US, Obama has produced jobs, economic growth, growth on Wall Street, lower taxes for small business and individuals.

If mitt is elected, all that ends and we're right back to the Bush regime.
Bob just tried to throw Romney a fastball on the outside corner with that do we want a trade war with China question. He knocked it out of the park.

Okay Bob, go ahead and loft Obama a pitch now :lmao:
Ok, Romney is sounding a little better, Obama better come back strong.

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