2012 Presidential Debate - Townhall

Who Will Win Tonight's Debate

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here we go with the silly personal anecdotes..and of course not answering the question
This income equality issue is a lot of nonsense. Not in and of itself.
Women should be paid what men of equal qualifications and equal performance.
But to pass laws that make it easier to sue? No way. That solves nothing. And may actually cause companies to be reluctant to hire women.
Expanding the availability of going into debt is NOT going to raise pay for women. Obama's answer was a rambling essay on nothing
Yup. And then he talked about student loans.

The President is clueless.

alan1 was wrong anyways... I wourked in manufacturing at GE and there are a ton of grads working in that industry.
What does he think all the engineers I worked with were... :confused:

They ALL graduated college.
I admit that that some college grads work for a company that does manufacturing, but the college educated are not the manufacturers.

So you think that the states should bring back more teaching jobs? More money should be invested in education? It's a fact that Obama created more private sector jobs than Dubya did in eight years. It's a fact that Obama kept our financial system afloat. Too bad Obama didn't get his jobs bill passed. Too bad that Obama wasn't given the same opportunity as Reagan and Dubya, and grow state government, to keep teachers in their jobs.
alan1 was wrong anyways... I wourked in manufacturing at GE and there are a ton of grads working in that industry.
What does he think all the engineers I worked with were... :confused:

They ALL graduated college.
I admit that that some college grads work for a company that does manufacturing, but the college educated are not the manufacturers.

So you think that the states should bring back more teaching jobs? More money should be invested in education? It's a fact that Obama created more private sector jobs than Dubya did in eight years. It's a fact that Obama kept our financial system afloat. Too bad Obama didn't get his jobs bill passed. Too bad that Obama wasn't given the same opportunity as Reagan and Dubya, and grow state government, to keep teachers in their jobs.

Link?....Newsflash. government does not create jobs in the private sector unless government gets the hell out of the way.

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