2012 Presidential Debate - Townhall

Who Will Win Tonight's Debate

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Yup. And then he talked about student loans.

The President is clueless.

alan1 was wrong anyways... I wourked in manufacturing at GE and there are a ton of grads working in that industry.
What does he think all the engineers I worked with were... :confused:

They ALL graduated college.

Are you sure you're talking about manufacturing jobs? Grads don't generally work on the production line and those are what are counted as manufacturing jobs. Go look it up at BLS.

Yes... manufacturing.

There were engineers crawling all over our generators.

Hell, I am a college grad, and I worked in sourcing.
Simply yes....

Oh, and nearly every one of the men on production line were grads.
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If you put a gun to Romney's head he couldn't explain these magic budget tricks he keeps talking about. I have yet to hear these coherently explained. And yet, any time this dickhead is questioned he just goes back to crying about Obama's plans.

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