2012 Presidential Debate - Townhall

Who Will Win Tonight's Debate

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just logged on to the debate..how's it going? When i came on obama was grinning and reminded me of biden...now he's stammering around. Has anyone launched any zingers? I'm bummed because there's no chat on fox streaming this time.
Obama has the same policies that have failed southern Europe.

What was that? Extending the Bush tax cuts?

Spend, spend and spend some more.

Give everyone an entailment...Obama has more than doubled food stamps. You don't do that as people won't want to work. You have to make people want to find a job.

You can't take someones money and give it to another group and expect growth in the pie.
Yeah, Mr Obama said he wants everybody to have a great education, then he said he want's manufacturing jobs here in the US. Guess what, college grads don't work in manufacturing.Even a moron knows that.

Yup. And then he talked about student loans.

The President is clueless.

alan1 was wrong anyways... I wourked in manufacturing at GE and there are a ton of grads working in that industry.
What does he think all the engineers I worked with were... :confused:

They ALL graduated college.
I admit that that some college grads work for a company that does manufacturing, but the college educated are not the manufacturers.
Obama is on his game. Romney should get out in the sun more. He looks like a fucking zombie. Romney looks like he wants to cry.

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