2012 Presidential Debate - Townhall

Who Will Win Tonight's Debate

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The Romney camp obviously made a calculation somewhere along the way that the undecideds haven't been paying attention to politics for the last year or so.

Sorry, but undecideds are idiots...

If you do not know by now who is going to be the best man for the job, you don't deserve to vote.

These two men are as different as night and day.
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why has obammy face froze with a forced smile like he got kicked in the balls and cant show the pain
The Romney camp obviously made a calculation somewhere along the way that the undecideds haven't been paying attention to politics for the last year or so.

Sorry, but undecideds are idiots...

If you do not know by now who is going to be the best man for the job, you don't deserve to vote.

These two men are as different as noght and day.
They're as different as twilight ans sunrise...That's as close as it gets.
Yeah, Mr Obama said he wants everybody to have a great education, then he said he want's manufacturing jobs here in the US. Guess what, college grads don't work in manufacturing.Even a moron knows that.

Yup. And then he talked about student loans.

The President is clueless.

alan1 was wrong anyways... I wourked in manufacturing at GE and there are a ton of grads working in that industry.
What does he think all the engineers I worked with were... :confused:

They ALL graduated college.

Are you sure you're talking about manufacturing jobs? Grads don't generally work on the production line and those are what are counted as manufacturing jobs. Go look it up at BLS.
clearly Obama has no clue what grows the economy if he thinks the government does.

Obama has no interest in growing the economy., He knows his base wants to punish the top earners because that is the liberal narrative. That class warfare gets him votes.
And here we go with the $5 trillion dollar crap...
It doesn't exist. THAT is a lie.,
Obama adding up the Romney math

$7 trillion.....doesn't add to deficit?

Where did Mittens get that?

Another flip flop just before that new lie.

Business as usual.

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