2012 Repeat? Obama 'Touts' His Progress Against ISIS

After the Madrid train bombing, I didn't hear the Right saying "Al Qaeda isn't contained!"

ISIS is contained. Only an idiot rube believes there will be no casualties of innocents in the West at all in a war on terror.

Innocents are being slaughtered on a daily basis by ISIS. But because they are Muslim innocents, the Right doesn't make a big fuss about it.

But let a few Parisians get killed, and the Right curls up in the fetal position. Meanwhile, the socialist Frenchie surrender monkeys dusted themselves off and said they will still take refugees.

So much for "home of the brave".

Barack Obama has been a tower of jello when it comes to ISIS. He doesn't want to get any tarnish on his peace prize by starting another war, especially since he was elected to end wars.

Every play he has made on the offense against the Syrian and ISIS problems has fumbled. Every single play. He's an overcautious boob.

Not that he's alone in this. His ineptitude has been exceeded by the cowardice of the Republicans. When Obama drew a red line, the Republicans screamed like women when it came time to fire some missiles up Assad's ass. "Don't shoot without our permission, and we aren't going to give it! Nyah! Nyah! Nyah!"

For over a year, Obama has sought an AUMF. The GOP has steadfastly refused it.

Obama has succeeded in putting ISIS in a box. Their territory has been greatly reduced. But that's as far as we can go without stepping up our game considerably.

Are the American people ready for another ten year war?

Nope. That's why all the cowardice on the part of our politicians. This is what happens when you elect demagogues instead of leaders.

They give the people EXACTLY what the people want.

You get the government you deserve.
Obama: I have ISIS contained.
Senator Feinstein: No you do not they are expanding, I read the intelligence reports.
Obama: HEY they are contained damn you.
France: ISIS is not contained what are you smoking Obama?
Obama: Ah ah ah climate change.
Joint Chiefs: Look the idiot is claiming ISIS is contained again.
Obama: I'll fire all you damn generals shut it.
Putin: I'm taking over ISIS is not contained and Obama is a clown.
Obama: HEY I have ISIS contained butt out Putin
Putin: You are a child
Obama: Hey fuck you Putin
Press: Are you really that delusional that you think ISIS is contained?
Obama: How dare you question me and make me look stupid.
Press: That's all you Obama.
Obama: They are contained damn it. Ah but the strawberries, you see I proved categorically Fox News was stealing the strawberries...
After the Madrid train bombing, I didn't hear the Right saying "Al Qaeda isn't contained!"

ISIS is contained. Only an idiot rube believes there will be no casualties of innocents in the West at all in a war on terror..

..but G, YOUR IDIOT declared to the WORLD, not just the American people, back in 2012 that the 'War on Terror is OVER', 'Al Qaeida is on the Run'....YOUR IDIOT said there was NO MORE 'War'. He claimed he was kicking ISISA ass, that this 'JV Team' was not a threat anyway. Despite the repeated successful terrorist attacks in the US and abroad, despite the American deaths at the hands of terrorists, he continued to declare we are NOT 'at war', that he had successfully 'contained' ISIS, and that Americans were / are just cowards who are afraid of 'widows and orphans'!

Obama has succeeded in putting ISIS in a box.
ISIS is in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Algeria, Tunisia, Belgium, France...and in the United States. Obama spewed that same bullshite the DAY BEFORE the Paris attacks, and ISIS humiliated him and proved he was either an idiot, a liar OR BOTH by handing Paris the worst attacks they have suffered since WWII.

'Your Boy' has been supplying, arming, training, and even PROTECTING ISIS (before Paris)!

Put down the crack pipe - you and Barry should join the rest of us in the REAL world!
Obama: They are contained damn it. Ah but the strawberries, you see I proved categorically Fox News was stealing the strawberries...

Ok that was awesome, especially the last 'Captain Queag' / Cain Mutiny part!


crybaby trifecta.

Yeah, Obama has screwed you for six years. ISIS is screwing you now. Give her a chance and Hillary will screw you for four years.

Trifecta, all right.
Obama: They are contained damn it. Ah but the strawberries, you see I proved categorically Fox News was stealing the strawberries...

Ok that was awesome, especially the last 'Captain Queag' / Cain Mutiny part!


Obama has the stuttering part down pat. (With no teleprompters).
He needs two steel balls and Humphrey Bogart's good looks to be the perfect modern day Captain Queeg.
The moron RW's have pretty much made that happen already so don't blame me.

Sorry, Siete, ISIS is ALL Obama's 'baby'! He supplied them, armed them, protected their #1 source of funding for their terrorist activities, made excuses and minimalized them as a threat to the world.... 'Embrace the suck'!
In 2012 President Obama FALSELY - knowingly - declared to the American people, "The 'War on Terror' is over,

Quote him ever saying that.
Obama: 'Global War on Terror' Is Over

"We must define our effort not as a boundless 'Global War on Terror,' but rather as a series of persistent, targeted efforts to dismantle specific networks of violent extremists that threaten America," Obama said.

ETA: Source speech: Remarks by the President at the National Defense University
The moron RW's have pretty much made that happen already so don't blame me.

Sorry, Siete, ISIS is ALL Obama's 'baby'! He supplied them, armed them, protected their #1 source of funding for their terrorist activities, made excuses and minimalized them as a threat to the world.... 'Embrace the suck'!

This is why conservatives will never rule America. They are too stupid.
Yup, It was Obama who removed the Baath party in Iraq, and allowed anyone with a following big enough to take over that shithole.

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In 2012 President Obama FALSELY - knowingly - declared to the American people, "The 'War on Terror' is over,

Quote him ever saying that.
Obama: 'Global War on Terror' Is Over

"We must define our effort not as a boundless 'Global War on Terror,' but rather as a series of persistent, targeted efforts to dismantle specific networks of violent extremists that threaten America," Obama said.

ETA: Source speech: Remarks by the President at the National Defense University

Funny that the President never actually says that in the article.
In 2012 President Obama FALSELY - knowingly - declared to the American people, "The 'War on Terror' is over,

Quote him ever saying that.
I would be more than glad to, NY:

"The "Global War on Terror" is over, President Barack Obama announced Thursday, saying the military and intelligence agencies will not wage war against a tactic but will instead focus on a specific group of networks determined to destroy the U.S."

LINK: Obama: 'Global War on Terror' Is Over

It's a never-ending cycle of denial and finger-pointing with you Liberals, isn't it, NY?!
Obama supplied them, armed them, protected their #1 source of funding for their terrorist activities, made excuses and minimalized them as a threat to the world.... 'Embrace the suck'

-- This is why conservatives will never rule America. They are too stupid.

This has been proven, NY, EXPOSED! Liberals like yourself continue to be in denial, though, spouting stupid shite like 'Global Warming is our biggest threat' and ' FROM PARIS, the site of the largest attack on Paris since WWII - 'Mass shootings don't happen anywhere outside the US.'

Go peddle that shite somewhere else....
Funny that the President never actually says that in the article.

I find it sad that despite Obama declaring in 2012 - when Al Qaeida murdered a US Ambassador - the 1st in over 30 years to be killed - and 3 other Americans that Obama LIED to the American shee....er, people by declaring Al Qaeida was 'on the run'. Stevens' e-mails CLEARLY show Al Qaeida's presence and power growing stronger in Libya...after Obama HELPED Al Qaeida take over Libya...while every other nation with reps in Benghazi pulled their people out! Obama LIED and SACRIFICED Stevens in favor of giving the perception that his failed foreign policy had / was working and that he deserved another 4 years.

As part of this ruse Obama and his administration declared the 'war on terror' to be over, LIED to the American people about ISIS, and that the evidence has shown / shows he has been lying ever since...

...yet delusional / defensive Libs like yourself are trying to preserve the illusion that Obama is somehow successful, that his failed foreign policy has worked, that his moronic choice to try to 'contain' ISIS has somehow worked.

Obama declared THE DAY BEFORE the Paris attacks that he was successful, that his foreign policy was working, that he HAD contained ISIS...and the next day ISIS DESTROYED that LIE / ILLUSION by perpetrating the worst attack on Paris since WWII, killing more than 150 Parisians and wounding almost as many more.... a tragedy Obama callously called a 'setback'. WOW!

After Paris, ANYONE who thinks Obama's 'containment policy' is a success is an idiot and obvious Obama apologist. Obama declared that he refuses to change that policy....that ISIS is contained. ISIS is not in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Belgium, Tunisia, Algeria, France, and even in the US. Their tentacles are SPREADING - they are not contained.

And when this point it made Liberals like yourself try to find any minute argument, any small way, to defend Obama and spin his documented failures into 'success'. THAT is what is truly pathetic, that Partisan loyalty has trumped REALITY.
In 2012 President Obama FALSELY - knowingly - declared to the American people, "The 'War on Terror' is over,

Quote him ever saying that.
Obama: 'Global War on Terror' Is Over

"We must define our effort not as a boundless 'Global War on Terror,' but rather as a series of persistent, targeted efforts to dismantle specific networks of violent extremists that threaten America," Obama said.

ETA: Source speech: Remarks by the President at the National Defense University

Funny that the President never actually says that in the article.
It is the gist of what he said.
Funny that the President never actually says that in the article.

I find it sad that despite Obama declaring in 2012 - when Al Qaeida murdered a US Ambassador - the 1st in over 30 years to be killed - and 3 other Americans that Obama LIED to the American shee....er, people by declaring Al Qaeida was 'on the run'. Stevens' e-mails CLEARLY show Al Qaeida's presence and power growing stronger in Libya...after Obama HELPED Al Qaeida take over Libya...while every other nation with reps in Benghazi pulled their people out! Obama LIED and SACRIFICED Stevens in favor of giving the perception that his failed foreign policy had / was working and that he deserved another 4 years.

As part of this ruse Obama and his administration declared the 'war on terror' to be over, LIED to the American people about ISIS, and that the evidence has shown / shows he has been lying ever since...

...yet delusional / defensive Libs like yourself are trying to preserve the illusion that Obama is somehow successful, that his failed foreign policy has worked, that his moronic choice to try to 'contain' ISIS has somehow worked.

Obama declared THE DAY BEFORE the Paris attacks that he was successful, that his foreign policy was working, that he HAD contained ISIS...and the next day ISIS DESTROYED that LIE / ILLUSION by perpetrating the worst attack on Paris since WWII, killing more than 150 Parisians and wounding almost as many more.... a tragedy Obama callously called a 'setback'. WOW!

After Paris, ANYONE who thinks Obama's 'containment policy' is a success is an idiot and obvious Obama apologist. Obama declared that he refuses to change that policy....that ISIS is contained. ISIS is not in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Belgium, Tunisia, Algeria, France, and even in the US. Their tentacles are SPREADING - they are not contained.

And when this point it made Liberals like yourself try to find any minute argument, any small way, to defend Obama and spin his documented failures into 'success'. THAT is what is truly pathetic, that Partisan loyalty has trumped REALITY.

ISIS has been contained in the Syria Iraq region. They are being rolled back.

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