2012 Vice Presidential Debate Thread

Biden did an excellent job. Based on compassion, facts and sincerity - I give him an A. He was the adult on stage.

Ryan did a poor job. Based on LACK OF compassion, facts and sincerity - I give him a D. He was the child on stage.

I thought the moderator was good (not great) - I give her a B. I thought she cheated Biden out of equal time, leaving Biden with little choice but to sometimes interrupt Ryan.
I'm on a roll! :lol:

you seem to be ignoring reality though. Nobody got their ass kicked. Nobody won big. The only poll so far says Ryan had a slight edge, and most people(talking head on TV) seem to think Biden Blew a chance at win by acting like a dick.

the only people who liked his behavior are Left wingers. So Biden may have helped Excite the Base, but he didn't win shit. And this close to the Election if you are still worrying about Exciting the base, it isn't a good sign.

Ryan on the other hand had much lower Expectations, and while he didn't
win, he didn't lose, and that is all he had to do.

So you can keep ignoring all that, and accusing the "the right of panicking, and that proving Biden Won" But Reality is Reality.

I think there was an ass-kickin'. I've been watching some of the clips afterward, and Ryan's responses are much more substantive, and more importantly... true. I think that in the next few days, Biden will be picked apart by fact-checkers and it will end up a net loss as he gets his nose rubbed in the facts. Totally agree with your point on appealing to the base though. It's pretty sad that these folks are still trying to turn out the base a month before the election.

you seem to be ignoring reality though. Nobody got their ass kicked. Nobody won big. The only poll so far says Ryan had a slight edge, and most people(talking head on TV) seem to think Biden Blew a chance at win by acting like a dick.

The only people who think he acted like a dick are RWers.

True story!

And Ryan had his dick moments, like saying that Biden was under distress, and saying that Biden can sympathize with words coming out wrong.

Last week Romney was rude.

the only people who liked his behavior are Left wingers. So Biden may have helped Excite the Base, but he didn't win shit. And this close to the Election if you are still worrying about Exciting the base, it isn't a good sign.

Biden's job tonight was to make up for Obama's bad performance last week. He did that in spades, and then some.


Ryan on the other hand had much lower Expectations, and while he didn't
win, he didn't lose, and that is all he had to do.

Ryan had lower expectations? I thought your meme was that Biden is a bumbling gaffe machine and an idiot?

That's where the wingnuts fucked up - they have been lowering expectations on Biden for MONTHS!

So you can keep ignoring all that, and accusing the "the right of panicking, and that proving Biden Won" But Reality is Reality.

Learn to read - I never said that. I said that they are criticizing Biden's style because they can't criticize his substance.

It's right there in the OP!!! :lol:
Biden did an excellent job. Based on compassion, facts and sincerity - I give him an A. He was the adult on stage.

Ryan did a poor job. Based on LACK OF compassion, facts and sincerity - I give him a D. He was the child on stage.

I thought the moderator was good (not great) - I give her a B. I thought she cheated Biden out of equal time, leaving Biden with little choice but to sometimes interrupt Ryan.
I'm on a roll! :lol:

you seem to be ignoring reality though. Nobody got their ass kicked. Nobody won big. The only poll so far says Ryan had a slight edge, and most people(talking head on TV) seem to think Biden Blew a chance at win by acting like a dick.

The only people who think he acted like a dick are RWers.

True story!

And Ryan had his dick moments, like saying that Biden was under distress, and saying that Biden can sympathize with words coming out wrong.

Last week Romney was rude.

Biden's job tonight was to make up for Obama's bad performance last week. He did that in spades, and then some.


Ryan on the other hand had much lower Expectations, and while he didn't
win, he didn't lose, and that is all he had to do.

Ryan had lower expectations? I thought your meme was that Biden is a bumbling gaffe machine and an idiot?

That's where the wingnuts fucked up - they have been lowering expectations on Biden for MONTHS!

So you can keep ignoring all that, and accusing the "the right of panicking, and that proving Biden Won" But Reality is Reality.

Learn to read - I never said that. I said that they are criticizing Biden's style because they can't criticize his substance.

It's right there in the OP!!! :lol:

2 post Debate Polls, By CNN and NBC have Ryan Winning.

True Story.

Perception is Realty. Clearly more than Just RWers thought the way I do.

And as I said before if you want to call me a right winger, I challenge you to compare your positions on a list of Major Issues, to mine and we will see who is more of a moderate and who is a fucking wing Nut.
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Greta VanSustern just read the numbers of the NBC immediate after debate telephone poll:

Ryan 56
Biden 36%
Neither 8%

And apparently CNN released different numbers than Wolf Blitzer posted just a little while ago:

Ryan 48%
Biden 44%

So then, oh well, certainly Biden won. :)

And incredibly Greta was reading these numbers to a spokesperson for the Obama campaign who replied that Biden won, but Ryan didn't necessarily lose. . .
Biden did an excellent job. Based on compassion, facts and sincerity - I give him an A. He was the adult on stage.

Ryan did a poor job. Based on LACK OF compassion, facts and sincerity - I give him a D. He was the child on stage.

I thought the moderator was good (not great) - I give her a B. I thought she cheated Biden out of equal time, leaving Biden with little choice but to sometimes interrupt Ryan.

LOL, obviously you watched a different debate. Or did you only watch the Left side of the screen?
You gave Obama an A too, nitwit.

All I can remember about the debate are Biden's teeth. It was like Ryan was debating the Cheshire Cat:

lol, we saw that from you guys ALL LAST WEEK

poor poor Obama, now poor poor Biden

but remember folks, it's in the bag for Obama/Biden;)

You guys are just mad Biden did not conform to the addled senile gaffe machine you all see him as.

All Biden had to do in order to exceed expectations is show up without actually wearing a clown nose and then refrain from bumping into the furniture. :eusa_whistle:
Ryan kicked his ass on substance, and the fact-checkers are going to have a field day with Laughin' Joe by morning.
Ryan had no substance. He gave no specifics on taxes, even when asked directly by Raddatz.
The same Intrade that has Obama at a 75% odds of winning?


No where near 75% bud. Do you get anything right?

Sorry - 63%. It was 75% before Obama's debate.


Since when is 63% "No where near 75%", wingnut? :lol:

And you wonder why I call you wingnut.

It's 62% and in Stats a 13 Point Difference is no where near.

75% is Exponentially better lead than 62%

For each point someone gains on Intrade the other loses one. So It's only a 6 point swing from Even right now. :)

I can't believe you even posted That Graph. Look at that Sharp ass Swing toward Romney, How can you even stand to look at it with out losing it?
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I am starting to think that people are forgetting the role of vice president here. God forbid something happens to Romney during his presidency because that would leave Ryan to be our president. One thing everyone knows here is that Biden is known throughout. He is upfront and he tells it how it is. To me, Ryan dodged alot of questions and quote on quote danced around the issue. Is this someone that you would want to run the white house? Would you trust someone with limited experience and a" dodge the major issues attitude" to possibly run this question or would you want biden whom answered the questions directly, gave specifics, and fact checked throughout his debate. I felt I had so many unanswered questions with ryan. He is to vauge, he is emotionless, robotic, and wayyyyy to rehearsed. lets put all the smile, laughing, and cackling aside from Romney and look at the facts! who would you rather be the president out of Ryan and Joe Biden? Personally, I'm team biden because I do not believe in trickle down politics...Period!
I'm on a roll! :lol:

you seem to be ignoring reality though. Nobody got their ass kicked. Nobody won big. The only poll so far says Ryan had a slight edge, and most people(talking head on TV) seem to think Biden Blew a chance at win by acting like a dick.

the only people who liked his behavior are Left wingers. So Biden may have helped Excite the Base, but he didn't win shit. And this close to the Election if you are still worrying about Exciting the base, it isn't a good sign.

Ryan on the other hand had much lower Expectations, and while he didn't
win, he didn't lose, and that is all he had to do.

So you can keep ignoring all that, and accusing the "the right of panicking, and that proving Biden Won" But Reality is Reality.

I think there was an ass-kickin'. I've been watching some of the clips afterward, and Ryan's responses are much more substantive, and more importantly... true. I think that in the next few days, Biden will be picked apart by fact-checkers and it will end up a net loss as he gets his nose rubbed in the facts. Totally agree with your point on appealing to the base though. It's pretty sad that these folks are still trying to turn out the base a month before the election.

“Our most effective ad is our welfare ad,” a top television advertising strategist for Romney, Ashley O’Connor, said at a forum Tuesday hosted by ABCNews and Yahoo! News. “It’s new information.”...​
The Washington Post’s “Fact Checker” awarded Romney’s ad “four Pinocchios,” a measure Romney pollster Neil Newhouse dismissed.​
“Fact checkers come to this with their own sets of thoughts and beliefs, and we’re not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact checkers,” he said.

Fact checking for thee, but not for me - The Plum Line - The Washington Post
Wingnut hypocrisy is hilarious, yet pathetic. :lol:

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