2012 Vice Presidential Debate Thread

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Frank Luntz always gets a group of undecided voters to watch the debates--most of these people voted for Obama in 2008--and all of THEM were very discouraged with Joe Biden interrupting Ryan 82 times--sneering--and laughing.

Now a couple of interruptions and laughs are O.K. in a debate--but when you do it all night long--it reminds people of someone going around a corner hits a patch of ice--then over corrects and drives off a 3000 foot cliff. And that's exactly what happened to Joe Biden tonight. He way overdid it.

IOW--according to the Ohio focus group that voted for Obama in 2008--Joe Biden's like ability rating just did a NOSE DIVE.

Frank Luntz. :lol:
I'm sure the Obama campaign thinks it was a success because Biden rudely stopped Ryan from talking, which is a favorite tactic. I suspect they listened carefully to Ryan at the GOP convention and knew that the only hope was to stop him since Biden can't begin to match his intelligence. They are probably real happy that Biden didn't make more damaging statements, like "The middle class was buried the last 4 years." or "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man." or one of my favorites, "When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the princes of greed," Biden told Couric. "He said, 'Look, here's what happened.'" (only people who owned experimental TVs in 1929 would have seen speech. Oh, and Hoover was president then, not Roosevelt)

Biden has given us so many outlandish comments. Tonight he gave us rudeness and a cackle that made him sound like a maniac. His job was to drown out Ryan by acting like a raving lunatic. At least I am guessing those were his orders since that is what he did the entire time.
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They only have two speeds in this situation, shameless gloating or shameful whining, we can all see what they are doing now.

lol, we saw that from you guys ALL LAST WEEK

poor poor Obama, now poor poor Biden

but remember folks, it's in the bag for Obama/Biden;)

You guys are just mad Biden did not conform to the addled senile gaffe machine you all see him as.
For an addled senile gaffe machine, he sure kicked Lyin' Ryan's ass! :lol:
Well I'll agree with the ass part on Biden, Obama be doing the ass kicking on him later..
You've proven time and again that your opinion is worthless, cultist.

I'm on a roll! :lol:

you seem to be ignoring reality though. Nobody got their ass kicked. Nobody won big. The only poll so far says Ryan had a slight edge, and most people(talking head on TV) seem to think Biden Blew a chance at win by acting like a dick.

the only people who liked his behavior are Left wingers. So Biden may have helped Excite the Base, but he didn't win shit. And this close to the Election if you are still worrying about Exciting the base, it isn't a good sign.

Ryan on the other hand had much lower Expectations, and while he didn't
win, he didn't lose, and that is all he had to do.

So you can keep ignoring all that, and accusing the "the right of panicking, and that proving Biden Won" But Reality is Reality.
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According to Breitbart, Biden interrupted Ryan 82 times tonight.

And I believe Biden did vote for both the Afghanistan and Iraq invasions.

"Almost no one disagrees with these basic facts. That he has weapons of mass destruction and that he is doing everything in his power to get nuclear weapons."
--Sen. John Edwards, Sept. 12, 2002
"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al-Qaeda members."
--Sen. Hillary Clinton, Oct. 10, 2002
"Saddam Hussein certainly has chemical and biological weapons. There's no question about that."
--Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Nov. 17, 2002
"We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction."
--Sen. Edward Kennedy, Sept. 27, 2003
"If we wait for the danger to become clear, it could be too late."
--Sen. Joseph Biden, Sept. 4, 2002
Joe Biden on War & Peace

BIDEN, when asked who would pay more taxes in Obama's second term: "People making a million dollars or more."
THE FACTS: Obama's proposed tax increase reaches farther down the income ladder than millionaires. He wants to roll back Bush-era tax cuts for individuals making over $200,000 and couples making more than $250,000.
FACT CHECK: Slips in vice president's debate | General Headlines | Comcast
(This is a good early fact check site for the debate by the way)
Biden lost a huge amount of respect tonight. Even from people that didn't vote for him. What a terrible showing for someone who holds the office he does. I'm surprised Hilary Clinton didn't show up and drag him off of the set. I kept thinking that they needed someone with those big hooks to reach in from side-stage and pull him behind the curtain.
They only have two speeds in this situation, shameless gloating or shameful whining, we can all see what they are doing now.

lol, we saw that from you guys ALL LAST WEEK

poor poor Obama, now poor poor Biden

but remember folks, it's in the bag for Obama/Biden;)

You guys are just mad Biden did not conform to the addled senile gaffe machine you all see him as.

All Biden had to do in order to exceed expectations is show up without actually wearing a clown nose and then refrain from bumping into the furniture. :eusa_whistle:
Ryan kicked his ass on substance, and the fact-checkers are going to have a field day with Laughin' Joe by morning.

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