2012 Vice Presidential Debate Thread

Biden's HOME town unemployment rate is 10%, but hey they are on the right track so vote for him again

man oh man people get serious
Actually, I think Charles Krauthammer put it best, if you heard this debate on a radio, you would have to give the edge to Biden. However, since Biden came off as such an disrepectful, arrogant, pompous ass - he turned off alotta people.

Now, trying to be as fair as I can, I watched the debate. Biden did far better than I expected, but he came off as desperate and frantic. While I disagree with almost everything Biden said, I give him credit in that he did a good job of backing where he was coming from. However, his smiles, his laughing, rudeness and disrespect completely overshadowed his holding his own against a much smarter Paul Ryan.

I feel Ryan was like the NFL team that was in the lead and playing prevent defense. It is not a winning approach. I felt Ryan made some strong and solid points, and did have the best one liner of the debate, but I expected more of Ryan.

In conclusion, the debate was close, and I think both sides have good reason to claim victory. Had Biden not come off like such an ass, he would have come off as the winner of this debate. And while Biden was well coached, his natural idiocy overcame and dominated!!!
Just look at all the thread titles, alone!

When all the wingnuts can criticize is the STYLE, it means they have lost on the SUBSTANCE.

Bitter Biden interrupted Paul Ryan 82 times!

CNN's Gloria Borger: Biden Came Off As Condescending

Mark Levin, "Biden was off his meds"

FOX NEWS' CHRIS WALLACE: I've Never Seen A Candidate As Disrespectful As Joe Biden Wa

Biden Laughs and Calls Ryan's Statements a 'Bunch of Shit'

ETA: Oops - I missed one!

Biden has roid rage

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Wolf Blitzer just gave the report card.at CNN:
Biden had 5 high points in the debate to Ryan's 8.
Biden had 8 low points in the debate to Ryan's 1.
(This based on their focus group's scoring while watching.)

CNN's immediate after the debate telephone poll:
Who did better job defending his running mate?
Ryan 49%
Biden 43%

Who did the debate make you more likely to vote for?
Obama - 21%
Ryan - 28%
Neither 50%

So based on this, Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper discussed this and declared the debate a draw and that it definitely energied the Democratic base.

You can't make this stuff up. :)
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Polls and Focus groups seem to be calling it a Draw or even a slight win for Ryan because of Biden's Smirking, and Laughing.

Either way, it not a big win, or lose for anyone, and will have little effect on anything.
LOL, left wing reaction Romney won, altitude, tired, brazenness, surprised, obama just playing dumb:lol:

man oh man are the left DESPERATE

From a pussy who down votes people who kick his ass all over the place....but Borger is a wingnut?

Wow you're reaching....Iran.....naaaah dont worry about them...we got this....just like security in Libya.....ooops

So Synth, what tax loopholes is Obama going to close?
I think you should start a thread criticizing Biden's hair plugs!
Wolf Blitzer just gave the report card.at CNN:
Biden had 5 high points in the debate to Ryan's 8.
Biden had 8 low points in the debate to Ryan's 1.
(This based on their focus group's scoring while watching.)

CNN's immediate after the debate poll:
Who did better job defening his running mate?
Ryan 49%
Biden 43%

Who did the debate make yu more likely to vote for?
Obama - 21%
Ryan - 28%
Neither 50%

So based on this, Wolf Blitzler and Tucker Anderson discussed this and declared the debate a draw and that it definitely energied the Democratic base.

You can't make this stuff up. :)

:lmao: "You can't make it up" Whether you can or can't; it's certainly pre-packaged media drivel.

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