2012 Vice Presidential Debate Thread

I don't think anyone was schooled this evening. Biden was the stronger of the two, but, I don't think he made any gains with the independents. His smirks and his interrupting may hurt him in the eyes of those they wanted to win over.

It didn't hurt Mitt Romney and Biden was telling the truth.

When those letters about Ryan taking stimulus money came up, I about peed my pants. I fell over laughing. And Ryan tried to blame it on his staff? Hilarious.

Ryan never takes responsibility for his own actions. His signature was on that letter. Are we to believe that he just signs what it put in front of him without knowing what it says?

Is that really what R&R want us to think?

we are still waiting for Obama to take some Responsibly for something, how about you?

Right or left, every one of us should be against what this one party has done to our country. No excuse for obstructing and filibustering ALL jobs. No excuse for the R stopping all job creation to put Obama out of a job.

McConnell should be run out of town on a rail.

Biden is the drunk at the bar; Martha is the unhappy bartender, and Ryan is the unfortunate salesman caught in the middle.

Greg gutfeld


You wish.

for what its worth and actually, that may not be much, snap poll just now -

50% - Biden
31% - Ryan
Only the 0bama fluffers will claim a Biden victory...

Most thinking people will call it what it was - no clear winner...

i think by stopping the bleeding and doing his job, it puts the president in a much better position.

ryan screwed up on afghanistan and should never have said what he did about abortion

is that no clear winner?

it wasn't the blow out that last week was... but that doesn't mean it wasn't a win.

Biden made up numbers and came across as an arrogant ass... Not how you win over indys...

Sorry, it was a draw.... Claiming victory is for the nutters....
Biden was not a listener, could he work across the aisle? Absolutely not. Not presidential material. He interrupts, is condescending and cannot let others talk. Not good for a negotiator which is what we need in a president.

Ryan came off as truly informed but oabove all he listened and answered questions asked of him, unlike Biden., Ryan is cool, collected and more presidential.
BTW - Palin never mentioned a death panel point in 08. That point wasn't even on the radar. It just shows how willing Biden is to talk out of his ass.
This media trickster started out her question by POINTING OUT BIDEN HAD A SON WHO SERVED (inferring Ryan had not)

That is a Hollywood trick to make the person YOU WANT TO WIN A DEBATE INTO A HERO. And by omission, DISPARAGE HIS ADVERSARY.

What a chickenshit hostess. She's corrupt, a trickster, and really, really, I hope I never see her on National Television


ever again.

hack much?
No, madam. I have a trained eye dating back to school when I took a college elective in theater craft, on how to fool an audience into thinking an actor is a hero or whatever the director wishes.

The MC alluded to Biden's son's service paused, sent a dirty look Ryan's way (several times during the debate) and created a hero out of Biden and a lesser being out of Ryan 55 different ways a trained eye would know and a pretender would deny.

I've heard it's all over twitter the dirty tricks the MC employed to orchestrate a victory for Joe Biden.

Project much?
Biden's behavior was inappropriate. He's not ready for prime time.

Washington Examiner’s Philip Klein: “Biden’s strategy seems to be to laugh at Ryan constantly. Will it work to infantalize Ryan, or backfire like Gore sighing?”

Exactly what Joe Biden's behavior made me think of too. I agree that people aren't going to respond well...just like when Al Gore acted this way. Glad I wasn't the only one who remembered that.

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