2012 Vice Presidential Debate Thread

Biden acted like he was drunk. His laughing and smirky was a major blow it.
Biden's behavior was inappropriate. He's not ready for prime time.

Washington Examiner’s Philip Klein: “Biden’s strategy seems to be to laugh at Ryan constantly. Will it work to infantalize Ryan, or backfire like Gore sighing?”

Former Eric Cantor staffer Brad Dayspring: “Joe Biden needs to realize this isn’t a Senate Foreign Relations Hearing. His laughter and condescending attitude is a disaster.

Townhall.com’s Guy Benson: “Will Biden laugh his ass off at the terrible economy, too?”

MSNBC’s S.E. Cupp: “Biden needs to laugh a little less through the Libya, Middle East, nuclear Iran segment.”

Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza: “Ok. I have decided. I find the Biden smile slightly unsettling.”

PBS’ Jeff Greenfield: “Biden has always had a smile that at times is really, really inappropriate.”

Movie critic Roger Ebert: “Joe! Stop smiling and laughing!”

Washington Times’ Emily Miller: “Biden laughing when he disagrees with Ryan is so annoying. Like a child in time out.”

Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin: “Biden’s laughing is losing the debate- obnoxious”
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Only the 0bama fluffers will claim a Biden victory...

Most thinking people will call it what it was - no clear winner...

i think by stopping the bleeding and doing his job, it puts the president in a much better position.

ryan screwed up on afghanistan and should never have said what he did about abortion

is that no clear winner?

it wasn't the blow out that last week was... but that doesn't mean it wasn't a win.
No...I seriously think Biden rocking Ryan back on his heels over point after point of policy gives him the win.

Regards from Rosie

And, as always, Vice President Biden was the complete gentleman and utterly charming while he smacked Ryan's smart ass face.

But still, Ryan LOOKED okay and the rw's don't care about content. SO, they'll still love Ryan and they won't notice that he's still Empty Shirt the Younger to Romney's Empty Shirt the Elder.

All is well for the rw's.

Did you even watch the television, or were you just trying to be funny?

I don't think Luddite Neddy will be opening an etiquette school anytime soon.
donald trump just tweeted that the debate was a tie

that's 'trump-ese' for ryan got mashed.

GAWD - what a trip that guy is. He knows nothing but says he knows everything.

And keeps saying it, over and over and over and over and over and over and over ........

Flip Flop or "Malarkey"?

Fact checkers are busy at work.
Only the 0bama fluffers will claim a Biden victory...

Most thinking people will call it what it was - no clear winner...

i think by stopping the bleeding and doing his job, it puts the president in a much better position.

ryan screwed up on afghanistan and should never have said what he did about abortion

is that no clear winner?

it wasn't the blow out that last week was... but that doesn't mean it wasn't a win.

Biden screwed up with the Libya debacle. No, there was no clear winner, and a person can lose on style alone. If it was a college debate......Biden would have lost, there is no doubt on that.
Remember, they were hoping to get the independents , I don't think that happened.
Blaaa, Biden acted a buffoon and Ryan tried to show the elder buffoon respect..

was a complete failure for the Obama team, hope they weren't putting too much hope on this one...
Only the 0bama fluffers will claim a Biden victory...

Most thinking people will call it what it was - no clear winner...

i think by stopping the bleeding and doing his job, it puts the president in a much better position.

ryan screwed up on afghanistan and should never have said what he did about abortion

is that no clear winner?

it wasn't the blow out that last week was... but that doesn't mean it wasn't a win.

Have to see the fact checks tomorrow

I suspect Ryan will be labeled a fibber
I thought the debate was almost as anti-climactic as the last VP debate. However, I think Biden came across as a loon. He looked like he was high.
Biden certainly made more substantive points than Obama did. Ryan also made some substantive points and would have had more if he hadn't reverted to be Ryan, the detail and how to man, and thereby lost the bigger picture that would have made for better television. (Also if he hadn't been consistently interrupted.) But in substance, I would put it at pretty much a draw.

But in my now very lengthy history of watching these debates--and that spans quite a few decades now--I have never, and I honestly mean NEVER have seen a presidential or vice presidential candidate who was so thoroughly rude, condescending, and disrespectful as Joe Biden was tonight. It was even more shocking because that is not Biden's normal style or personality. But it definitely made him thoroughly unlikable much of the time. But it may have been designed that way to ensure that Ryan couldn't gain any momentum attacking the Obama record.

The spin is going faster than a room full of Maytags in the rise cycle in a laundromat now, but all in all I think Biden did some damage, probably not major damage, to his ticket and Ryan may not have helped, but he certainly didn't hurt his.
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no "people" do not think biden is a jackass... rightwingnuts like to paint him as one.

and if he is, that doesn't say much for ryan getting schooled by him.

I don't think anyone was schooled this evening. Biden was the stronger of the two, but, I don't think he made any gains with the independents. His smirks and his interrupting may hurt him in the eyes of those they wanted to win over.

It didn't hurt Mitt Romney and Biden was telling the truth.

When those letters about Ryan taking stimulus money came up, I about peed my pants. I fell over laughing. And Ryan tried to blame it on his staff? Hilarious.

Ryan never takes responsibility for his own actions. His signature was on that letter. Are we to believe that he just signs what it put in front of him without knowing what it says?

Is that really what R&R want us to think?
Biden certainly made more substantive points than Obama did. Ryan also made some substantive points and would have had more if he hadn't reverted to be Ryan, the detail and how to man, and thereby lost the bigger picture that would have made for better television. (Also if he hadn't been consistently interrupted.) But in substance, I would put it at pretty much a draw.

But in my now very lengthy history of watching these debates--and that spands quite a few decades now--I have never, and I honestly mean NEVER have seen a presidential or vice presidential candidate who was so thoroughly rude and disrespectful as Joe Biden was tonight. It was even more shocking because that is not Biden's normal
style or personality. But it definitely made him thoroughly unlikable much of the time.

The spin is going faster than a room full of Maytags in the rise cycle in a laundromat now, but all in all I think Biden did some damage to his ticket and Ryan may not have helped, but he certainly didn't hurt his.

Obama himself; said they were being too polite. So, the sad part is that that jackassery was premeditated.

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