2014 On Track To Be Hottest Year On Record

The only scientific correlation of temperature to warming is that both started when climate scientists started manipulating data.
The only scientific correlation of temperature to warming is that both started when climate scientists started manipulating data.
More braindead drivel from another clueless denier cult dingbat.

The " scientific correlation of temperature to warming" phrase is meaningless gibberish that only reveals how completely clueless this particular imbecile really is. Apparently this moron doesn't even know what 'correlation' actually means scientifically. Temperature is a measure of the ambient heat energy. Recording temperatures around the world allows people to see the changes over time, and currently those changing temperatures indicate that the Earth is warming up.

Topped off of course with the usual crackpot conspiracy theory insanity. Where do these nutjobs come from? A mental hospital perhaps.
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The only scientific correlation of temperature to warming is that both started when climate scientists started manipulating data.

Partially true...a genuine warming trend has been going on for the past 14k years as evidenced by the fact that Chicago isn't under a mile of ice....warming that could be construed as alarming if you are a real warckaloon only began when climate science began to cool the past while warming the present....and lets not forget the effort to erase the MWP which was certainly warmer than the present in order to present what small warming that is happening as "unprecedented"
So you believe there was no 20th century warming till NOAA and NCDC began making adjustments? Is that right?
The only scientific correlation of temperature to warming is that both started when climate scientists started manipulating data.

Partially true...a genuine warming trend has been going on for the past 14k years as evidenced by the fact that Chicago isn't under a mile of ice....warming that could be construed as alarming if you are a real warckaloon only began when climate science began to cool the past while warming the present....and lets not forget the effort to erase the MWP which was certainly warmer than the present in order to present what small warming that is happening as "unprecedented"
But the libtards want us to go back to dark ages with a new mini ICE age. Apparently they think colder is better than warmer.
The only scientific correlation of temperature to warming is that both started when climate scientists started manipulating data.
Now that is just plain fucking stupid. So, the scientists have been out there in all the mountain ranges on earth melting the glaciers? There were 150+ glaciers in Glacier National Park when it was declared a National Park, today, less than 30. So, no warming is melting the glaciers?
The only scientific correlation of temperature to warming is that both started when climate scientists started manipulating data.
Now that is just plain fucking stupid. So, the scientists have been out there in all the mountain ranges on earth melting the glaciers? There were 150+ glaciers in Glacier National Park when it was declared a National Park, today, less than 30. So, no warming is melting the glaciers?
FYI the glaciers used to cover most of north america. Is that what you want? An ICE Age?
The only scientific correlation of temperature to warming is that both started when climate scientists started manipulating data.

Partially true...a genuine warming trend has been going on for the past 14k years as evidenced by the fact that Chicago isn't under a mile of ice....warming that could be construed as alarming if you are a real warckaloon only began when climate science began to cool the past while warming the present....and lets not forget the effort to erase the MWP which was certainly warmer than the present in order to present what small warming that is happening as "unprecedented"
But the libtards want us to go back to dark ages with a new mini ICE age. Apparently they think colder is better than warmer.
Look, you irrational retarded little dingle fuck, what we would like to see is a continuation of the present rather nice interglacial. However, a very rapid warming will put an end to that, and create conditions that make it very difficult for our infrastructure, and agriculture, to cope. That with 7 billion humans depending on both.
The only scientific correlation of temperature to warming is that both started when climate scientists started manipulating data.
Now that is just plain fucking stupid. So, the scientists have been out there in all the mountain ranges on earth melting the glaciers? There were 150+ glaciers in Glacier National Park when it was declared a National Park, today, less than 30. So, no warming is melting the glaciers?
FYI the glaciers used to cover most of north america. Is that what you want? An ICE Age?
What the fuck do you want, a prize for the stupidest comments on the board? Keep working at it, you are getting there.
The only scientific correlation of temperature to warming is that both started when climate scientists started manipulating data.
Now that is just plain fucking stupid. So, the scientists have been out there in all the mountain ranges on earth melting the glaciers? There were 150+ glaciers in Glacier National Park when it was declared a National Park, today, less than 30. So, no warming is melting the glaciers?
FYI the glaciers used to cover most of north america. Is that what you want? An ICE Age?
What the fuck do you want, a prize for the stupidest comments on the board? Keep working at it, you are getting there.
Let me get this straight. You cry about the glaciers receding from the ICE Age, something that has been going on for a very very very long time. Then when I point out that this is not a new thing, you say that is stupid. I see. So you don't believe glaciers recede between ice ages? Or are you trying to claim "this" time the gap between ice ages is worse than prior times? Uhmm why don't you explain to the class why you want more ice and less warming? Or maybe you can show proof that this time glaciers are receding farther than they did last time before humans caused the end of the ice age...
The only scientific correlation of temperature to warming is that both started when climate scientists started manipulating data.

Partially true...a genuine warming trend has been going on for the past 14k years as evidenced by the fact that Chicago isn't under a mile of ice....warming that could be construed as alarming if you are a real warckaloon only began when climate science began to cool the past while warming the present....and lets not forget the effort to erase the MWP which was certainly warmer than the present in order to present what small warming that is happening as "unprecedented"
But the libtards want us to go back to dark ages with a new mini ICE age. Apparently they think colder is better than warmer.
Look, you irrational retarded little dingle fuck, what we would like to see is a continuation of the present rather nice interglacial. However, a very rapid warming will put an end to that, and create conditions that make it very difficult for our infrastructure, and agriculture, to cope. That with 7 billion humans depending on both.
So, you know what a normal recovery from an ice age is supposed to look like? Is that what you're saying?

I know it's been stated here that the NA continent was all ice in history and has been recovering from the ice age. So what is it about glaciers continuing that melt is wrong according to you. So what? why is that an issue for you? See this doom and gloom the sky falling shit is just pompous crapola. You know it, and since you do, you are but an antigonist.
The only scientific correlation of temperature to warming is that both started when climate scientists started manipulating data.

Partially true...a genuine warming trend has been going on for the past 14k years as evidenced by the fact that Chicago isn't under a mile of ice....warming that could be construed as alarming if you are a real warckaloon only began when climate science began to cool the past while warming the present....and lets not forget the effort to erase the MWP which was certainly warmer than the present in order to present what small warming that is happening as "unprecedented"
But the libtards want us to go back to dark ages with a new mini ICE age. Apparently they think colder is better than warmer.
Look, you irrational retarded little dingle fuck, what we would like to see is a continuation of the present rather nice interglacial. However, a very rapid warming will put an end to that, and create conditions that make it very difficult for our infrastructure, and agriculture, to cope. That with 7 billion humans depending on both.
So, you know what a normal recovery from an ice age is supposed to look like? Is that what you're saying?

I know it's been stated here that the NA continent was all ice in history and has been recovering from the ice age. So what is it about glaciers continuing that melt is wrong according to you. So what? why is that an issue for you? See this doom and gloom the sky falling shit is just pompous crapola. You know it, and since you do, you are but an antigonist.
More idiotic meaningless drivel from the troll JustCrazy.

Why do glacial periods end abruptly?
Warming at the end of glacial periods tends to happen more abruptly than the increase in solar insolation. There are several positive feedbacks that are responsible for this. One is the ice-albedo feedback. A second feedback involves atmospheric CO2. Direct measurement of past CO2 trapped in ice core bubbles show that the amount of atmospheric CO2 decreased during glacial periods (Figure 3), in part because more CO2 was stored in the deep ocean due to changes in either ocean mixing or biological activity. Lower CO2 levels weakened the atmosphere's greenhouse effect and helped to maintain low temperatures. Warming at the end of the glacial periods liberated CO2 from the ocean, which strengthened the atmosphere's greenhouse effect and contributed to further warming.
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The only scientific correlation of temperature to warming is that both started when climate scientists started manipulating data.

Partially true...a genuine warming trend has been going on for the past 14k years as evidenced by the fact that Chicago isn't under a mile of ice....warming that could be construed as alarming if you are a real warckaloon only began when climate science began to cool the past while warming the present....and lets not forget the effort to erase the MWP which was certainly warmer than the present in order to present what small warming that is happening as "unprecedented"
But the libtards want us to go back to dark ages with a new mini ICE age. Apparently they think colder is better than warmer.
Look, you irrational retarded little dingle fuck, what we would like to see is a continuation of the present rather nice interglacial. However, a very rapid warming will put an end to that, and create conditions that make it very difficult for our infrastructure, and agriculture, to cope. That with 7 billion humans depending on both.
So, you know what a normal recovery from an ice age is supposed to look like? Is that what you're saying?

I know it's been stated here that the NA continent was all ice in history and has been recovering from the ice age. So what is it about glaciers continuing that melt is wrong according to you. So what? why is that an issue for you? See this doom and gloom the sky falling shit is just pompous crapola. You know it, and since you do, you are but an antigonist.
More idiotic meaningless drivel from the troll JustCrazy.

Why do glacial periods end abruptly?
Warming at the end of glacial periods tends to happen more abruptly than the increase in solar insolation. There are several positive feedbacks that are responsible for this. One is the ice-albedo feedback. A second feedback involves atmospheric CO2. Direct measurement of past CO2 trapped in ice core bubbles show that the amount of atmospheric CO2 decreased during glacial periods (Figure 3), in part because more CO2 was stored in the deep ocean due to changes in either ocean mixing or biological activity. Lower CO2 levels weakened the atmosphere's greenhouse effect and helped to maintain low temperatures. Warming at the end of the glacial periods liberated CO2 from the ocean, which strengthened the atmosphere's greenhouse effect and contributed to further warming.
oh come on, why don't you learn how CO2 gets in the atmosphere!!!!!
Partially true...a genuine warming trend has been going on for the past 14k years as evidenced by the fact that Chicago isn't under a mile of ice....warming that could be construed as alarming if you are a real warckaloon only began when climate science began to cool the past while warming the present....and lets not forget the effort to erase the MWP which was certainly warmer than the present in order to present what small warming that is happening as "unprecedented"
But the libtards want us to go back to dark ages with a new mini ICE age. Apparently they think colder is better than warmer.
Look, you irrational retarded little dingle fuck, what we would like to see is a continuation of the present rather nice interglacial. However, a very rapid warming will put an end to that, and create conditions that make it very difficult for our infrastructure, and agriculture, to cope. That with 7 billion humans depending on both.
So, you know what a normal recovery from an ice age is supposed to look like? Is that what you're saying?

I know it's been stated here that the NA continent was all ice in history and has been recovering from the ice age. So what is it about glaciers continuing that melt is wrong according to you. So what? why is that an issue for you? See this doom and gloom the sky falling shit is just pompous crapola. You know it, and since you do, you are but an antigonist.
More idiotic meaningless drivel from the troll JustCrazy.

Why do glacial periods end abruptly?
Warming at the end of glacial periods tends to happen more abruptly than the increase in solar insolation. There are several positive feedbacks that are responsible for this. One is the ice-albedo feedback. A second feedback involves atmospheric CO2. Direct measurement of past CO2 trapped in ice core bubbles show that the amount of atmospheric CO2 decreased during glacial periods (Figure 3), in part because more CO2 was stored in the deep ocean due to changes in either ocean mixing or biological activity. Lower CO2 levels weakened the atmosphere's greenhouse effect and helped to maintain low temperatures. Warming at the end of the glacial periods liberated CO2 from the ocean, which strengthened the atmosphere's greenhouse effect and contributed to further warming.
oh come on, why don't you learn how CO2 gets in the atmosphere!!!!!
More idiotic denier cult nonsense. All the world's scientists know how CO2 gets into the atmosphere, and, since I trust the scientists, I do too. You, on the other hand, are too retarded to know your ass from a hole in the ground so you just mindlessly parrot the lies and propaganda the fossil fuel industry is manufacturing.

What are the main sources of carbon dioxide emissions?
There are both natural and human sources of carbon dioxide emissions. Natural sources include decomposition, ocean release and respiration. Human sources come from activities like cement production, deforestation as well as the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas.

Due to human activities, the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide has been rising extensively since the Industrial Revolution and has now reached dangerous levels not seen in the last 3 million years.1 2 3 Human sources of carbon dioxide emissions are much smaller than natural emissions but they have upset the natural balance that existed for many thousands of years before the influence of humans.

This is because natural sinks remove around the same quantity of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than are produced by natural sources.4 This had kept carbon dioxide levels balanced and in a safe range. But human sources of emissions have upset the natural balance by adding extra carbon dioxide to the atmosphere without removing any.

Human Sources
Since the Industrial Revolution, human sources of carbon dioxide emissions have been growing. Human activities such as the burning of oil, coal and gas, as well as deforestation are the primary cause of the increased carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere.

87 percent of all human-produced carbon dioxide emissions come from the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil. The remainder results from the clearing of forests and other land use changes (9%), as well as some industrial processes such as cement manufacturing (4%).1
But the libtards want us to go back to dark ages with a new mini ICE age. Apparently they think colder is better than warmer.
Look, you irrational retarded little dingle fuck, what we would like to see is a continuation of the present rather nice interglacial. However, a very rapid warming will put an end to that, and create conditions that make it very difficult for our infrastructure, and agriculture, to cope. That with 7 billion humans depending on both.
So, you know what a normal recovery from an ice age is supposed to look like? Is that what you're saying?

I know it's been stated here that the NA continent was all ice in history and has been recovering from the ice age. So what is it about glaciers continuing that melt is wrong according to you. So what? why is that an issue for you? See this doom and gloom the sky falling shit is just pompous crapola. You know it, and since you do, you are but an antigonist.
More idiotic meaningless drivel from the troll JustCrazy.

Why do glacial periods end abruptly?
Warming at the end of glacial periods tends to happen more abruptly than the increase in solar insolation. There are several positive feedbacks that are responsible for this. One is the ice-albedo feedback. A second feedback involves atmospheric CO2. Direct measurement of past CO2 trapped in ice core bubbles show that the amount of atmospheric CO2 decreased during glacial periods (Figure 3), in part because more CO2 was stored in the deep ocean due to changes in either ocean mixing or biological activity. Lower CO2 levels weakened the atmosphere's greenhouse effect and helped to maintain low temperatures. Warming at the end of the glacial periods liberated CO2 from the ocean, which strengthened the atmosphere's greenhouse effect and contributed to further warming.
oh come on, why don't you learn how CO2 gets in the atmosphere!!!!!
More idiotic denier cult nonsense. All the world's scientists know how CO2 gets into the atmosphere, and, since I trust the scientists, I do too. You, on the other hand, are too retarded to know your ass from a hole in the ground so you just mindlessly parrot the lies and propaganda the fossil fuel industry is manufacturing.

What are the main sources of carbon dioxide emissions?
There are both natural and human sources of carbon dioxide emissions. Natural sources include decomposition, ocean release and respiration. Human sources come from activities like cement production, deforestation as well as the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas.

Due to human activities, the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide has been rising extensively since the Industrial Revolution and has now reached dangerous levels not seen in the last 3 million years.1 2 3 Human sources of carbon dioxide emissions are much smaller than natural emissions but they have upset the natural balance that existed for many thousands of years before the influence of humans.

This is because natural sinks remove around the same quantity of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than are produced by natural sources.4 This had kept carbon dioxide levels balanced and in a safe range. But human sources of emissions have upset the natural balance by adding extra carbon dioxide to the atmosphere without removing any.

Human Sources
Since the Industrial Revolution, human sources of carbon dioxide emissions have been growing. Human activities such as the burning of oil, coal and gas, as well as deforestation are the primary cause of the increased carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere.

87 percent of all human-produced carbon dioxide emissions come from the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil. The remainder results from the clearing of forests and other land use changes (9%), as well as some industrial processes such as cement manufacturing (4%).1
Still no explanation on how the CO2 gets in the atmosphere. All of this is who produces CO2, not how it actually gets in the atmosphere. So do you know that? I have little doubt. Even though it is explained on the internet.
Look, you irrational retarded little dingle fuck, what we would like to see is a continuation of the present rather nice interglacial. However, a very rapid warming will put an end to that, and create conditions that make it very difficult for our infrastructure, and agriculture, to cope. That with 7 billion humans depending on both.
So, you know what a normal recovery from an ice age is supposed to look like? Is that what you're saying?

I know it's been stated here that the NA continent was all ice in history and has been recovering from the ice age. So what is it about glaciers continuing that melt is wrong according to you. So what? why is that an issue for you? See this doom and gloom the sky falling shit is just pompous crapola. You know it, and since you do, you are but an antigonist.
More idiotic meaningless drivel from the troll JustCrazy.

Why do glacial periods end abruptly?
Warming at the end of glacial periods tends to happen more abruptly than the increase in solar insolation. There are several positive feedbacks that are responsible for this. One is the ice-albedo feedback. A second feedback involves atmospheric CO2. Direct measurement of past CO2 trapped in ice core bubbles show that the amount of atmospheric CO2 decreased during glacial periods (Figure 3), in part because more CO2 was stored in the deep ocean due to changes in either ocean mixing or biological activity. Lower CO2 levels weakened the atmosphere's greenhouse effect and helped to maintain low temperatures. Warming at the end of the glacial periods liberated CO2 from the ocean, which strengthened the atmosphere's greenhouse effect and contributed to further warming.
oh come on, why don't you learn how CO2 gets in the atmosphere!!!!!
More idiotic denier cult nonsense. All the world's scientists know how CO2 gets into the atmosphere, and, since I trust the scientists, I do too. You, on the other hand, are too retarded to know your ass from a hole in the ground so you just mindlessly parrot the lies and propaganda the fossil fuel industry is manufacturing.

What are the main sources of carbon dioxide emissions?
There are both natural and human sources of carbon dioxide emissions. Natural sources include decomposition, ocean release and respiration. Human sources come from activities like cement production, deforestation as well as the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas.

Due to human activities, the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide has been rising extensively since the Industrial Revolution and has now reached dangerous levels not seen in the last 3 million years.1 2 3 Human sources of carbon dioxide emissions are much smaller than natural emissions but they have upset the natural balance that existed for many thousands of years before the influence of humans.

This is because natural sinks remove around the same quantity of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than are produced by natural sources.4 This had kept carbon dioxide levels balanced and in a safe range. But human sources of emissions have upset the natural balance by adding extra carbon dioxide to the atmosphere without removing any.

Human Sources
Since the Industrial Revolution, human sources of carbon dioxide emissions have been growing. Human activities such as the burning of oil, coal and gas, as well as deforestation are the primary cause of the increased carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere.

87 percent of all human-produced carbon dioxide emissions come from the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil. The remainder results from the clearing of forests and other land use changes (9%), as well as some industrial processes such as cement manufacturing (4%).1
Still no explanation on how the CO2 gets in the atmosphere. All of this is who produces CO2, not how it actually gets in the atmosphere. So do you know that? I have little doubt. Even though it is explained on the internet.
LOLOLOLOLOL.....do you even know what the word 'emission' means, little retard? "Producing CO2" MEANS 'emitting CO2', moron.

Carbon combines with oxygen, in the combustion of fuels, or in certain industrial processes (like cement production), or in the bacterial decomposition of biomass, or in the internal cellular production of energy in living organisms, to produce carbon dioxide, which is released (or 'emitted') either directly as with fuel burning, cement production and decomposition of organic material into the atmosphere, or indirectly through blood transport and respiration in living organisms.

Only a complete retard would imagine that there is some question about how the combustion gases from an open flame get into the atmosphere.

And Alaska is unusually warm, as are many other parts of the planet. Last November was the hottest November on record globally; last April was tied with April 2010 as the hottest April on record; this last May and June and August and September and now October were all the hottest respective months on record. Globally, the world just experienced the hottest 12 month period or 'year', from September 2013 to October 2014, since at least the beginning of instrumental temperature records, and very probably, according to the proxy temperature records that scientists have studied, for many thousands of years. A slightly early cold snap in North America, driven by a very unusual storm in the North Pacific, is not the big deal you deniers try to make it and basically has no significance to the overall rapid warming of the entire planet that has been scientifically observed over the last century or so, but particularly since the 1970s.
Someone who does not understand how the earths climatic systems work..
Hey thanks, BoobyBobNutJob, for so clearly and accurately identifying yourself right at the start of your post.....it lets everybody know where you're coming from right off the bat....you nailed your condition exactly...

What is so hard about paradoxical presentations and cooling you cant grasp?
What is you can't grasp about the clear and overwhelming evidence that the Earth is warming up because mankind's fossil fuel use has increased CO2 levels by 43% so far (and heading for a doubling within decades)? Why are you acting like such a brainwashed retard?

You really are totally fucking clueless.. Empirical evidence says NO to your CO2 monster and i have shown you over and over that lie is exposed. You really are a clueless marxist piece of work..
And Alaska is unusually warm, as are many other parts of the planet. Last November was the hottest November on record globally; last April was tied with April 2010 as the hottest April on record; this last May and June and August and September and now October were all the hottest respective months on record. Globally, the world just experienced the hottest 12 month period or 'year', from September 2013 to October 2014, since at least the beginning of instrumental temperature records, and very probably, according to the proxy temperature records that scientists have studied, for many thousands of years. A slightly early cold snap in North America, driven by a very unusual storm in the North Pacific, is not the big deal you deniers try to make it and basically has no significance to the overall rapid warming of the entire planet that has been scientifically observed over the last century or so, but particularly since the 1970s.
Someone who does not understand how the earths climatic systems work..
Hey thanks, BoobyBobNutJob, for so clearly and accurately identifying yourself right at the start of your post.....it lets everybody know where you're coming from right off the bat....you nailed your condition exactly...

What is so hard about paradoxical presentations and cooling you cant grasp?
What is you can't grasp about the clear and overwhelming evidence that the Earth is warming up because mankind's fossil fuel use has increased CO2 levels by 43% so far (and heading for a doubling within decades)? Why are you acting like such a brainwashed retard?

You really are totally fucking clueless.. Empirical evidence says NO to your CO2 monster and i have shown you over and over that lie is exposed. You really are a clueless marxist piece of work..
You have no evidence, retard, "empirical" or otherwise. All you've got are your moldy old denier cult myths and the moronic pseudo-science bullshit you scrape off of denier cult blogs and astroturfed fossil fuel industry propaganda outlets. All of the lying drivel you post gets immediately debunked with the facts, but you're too much of a brainwashed troll to admit that.
And Alaska is unusually warm, as are many other parts of the planet. Last November was the hottest November on record globally; last April was tied with April 2010 as the hottest April on record; this last May and June and August and September and now October were all the hottest respective months on record. Globally, the world just experienced the hottest 12 month period or 'year', from September 2013 to October 2014, since at least the beginning of instrumental temperature records, and very probably, according to the proxy temperature records that scientists have studied, for many thousands of years. A slightly early cold snap in North America, driven by a very unusual storm in the North Pacific, is not the big deal you deniers try to make it and basically has no significance to the overall rapid warming of the entire planet that has been scientifically observed over the last century or so, but particularly since the 1970s.
Someone who does not understand how the earths climatic systems work..
Hey thanks, BoobyBobNutJob, for so clearly and accurately identifying yourself right at the start of your post.....it lets everybody know where you're coming from right off the bat....you nailed your condition exactly...

What is so hard about paradoxical presentations and cooling you cant grasp?
What is you can't grasp about the clear and overwhelming evidence that the Earth is warming up because mankind's fossil fuel use has increased CO2 levels by 43% so far (and heading for a doubling within decades)? Why are you acting like such a brainwashed retard?

You really are totally fucking clueless.. Empirical evidence says NO to your CO2 monster and i have shown you over and over that lie is exposed. You really are a clueless marxist piece of work..
You have no evidence, retard, "empirical" or otherwise. All you've got are your moldy old denier cult myths and the moronic pseudo-science bullshit you scrape off of denier cult blogs and astroturfed fossil fuel industry propaganda outlets. All of the lying drivel you post gets immediately debunked with the facts, but you're too much of a brainwashed troll to admit that.

Did the oceans swallow up Florida yet? Did the north pole melt yet? ROFL you libtards are so funny.

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