2014 On Track To Be Hottest Year On Record

Africa Heats Up -- climate change threatens future of the continent

A group of researchers presented their findings on the subject at the American Geophysical Union's annual conference in May of this year. Generated from the analysis of 60 separate computer simulations imitating global climate, the results infer that the temperature increase in the Indian Ocean is to blame for the present drought in southern Africa. Further, higher rainfall in the Sahel appears to be linked to temperature changes in the Atlantic. The nature of the change is not as simple as a straightforward increase in temperature however.

Regular droughts have decimated crop yields in various parts of the continent since 1970. The scientists' models reveal consistent and marked warming of the Indian Ocean, implying persistent and increased occurrence of drought in the Horn as well as southern Africa. Results indicate that the droughts in southern Africa can be traced directly to the change in the Indian Ocean, which has warmed by one degree Celsius since 1950. The new models show that the regular monsoon winds that bring seasonal rain to sub-Saharan Africa may be 10-20% drier than in the last 50 year period. With this warming, rainy seasons are becoming markedly shorter.
Read more at Africa Heats Up -- climate change threatens future of the continent

Seems to confirm the previous post.
Arctic monthly surface air temperatures north of 70N


The arctic still maintaining a warming.
Not to mention.......India and China burn gargantuan amounts of coal sending their economies soaring over the past 20 years.

Only the AGW community thinks they can be talked out of it and go 100% solar and wind!!!!!:woohoo::funnyface::woohoo:
Crick goes for every adjusted and manipulated data set to 'prove' his lies.... Desperate times for alarmists as their lies are being exposed in almost every nation.. Whistle blowers are exposing their data manipulations all over..
Europe Faces Cold Winter After Longest Warm Spell Since 1964 - Bloomberg

Temperatures in Europe are forecast to be warmer than average this month in the mildest year since 1964 before plunging below normal this winter, potentially pushing up power and natural gas prices.

Six of seven forecasters surveyed by Bloomberg predict November to be milder than normal across Europe, marking 10 months of above-average temperatures this year. December through February is expected to be the 10th-coldest winter since 1981, according to MDA Information Systems LLC.

Warm in Europe
The little ice age is over we're all gonna die!!!
And yet, no evidence of temperature increase.

Good example of braindead denial of reality.

So far this year, in 2014, April was tied with April of 2010 as the hottest April on record, with records dating back to 1880. May and June were both the hottest May and June on record, and August and September were also the hottest August and September on record. October has so far been declared to be the hottest October in the satellite records and will probably be confirmed as the hottest October in the entire instrumental record as well.

The past 12 months -- October 2013-September 2014 -- was the warmest 12-month period among all months since records began in 1880....With the exception of February, every month to date in 2014 has been among its four warmest on record, with May, June, August, and September all record warm.
(NOAA - Global Analysis - September 2014)
sure it was!! what does that get you?
Clear evidence of global temperature increases. You poor blind retard.
i guess only clear for you. See if you finagle the numbers, you can make it anything you want. For the actual observed readings, the one's that cities and states use, it's cooling. I have observed on my side, you only have your finagled numbers.
First big heat event melts Australian temperature records

Australia's first major heatwave of the warming season has broken temperature records across the nation, more than a month before the official start to summer.

On Saturday, the country set its warmest October day in records going back to 1910, with average maximums across the nation reaching 36.39 degrees, according to the Bureau of Meteorology.

The previous record for October was set on the 31st of the month in 1988, at 36.31 degrees.

Warm in Australia.

Read more: First big heat event melts Australian temperature records
sure they do, they always do, just watch your numbers.

Denier cult drivel. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, the amount of CO2 that was naturally emitted was 100% balanced by the amount if CO2 that was naturally absorbed or sequestered. It was in a natural homeostatic balance. Now mankind has burned billions of tonnes of fossil fuels and un-naturally altered the previous balance so that the Earth's atmosphere has accumulated more and more CO2, raising the CO2 levels by 43% (so far and still rapidly rising) over the stable pre-industrial levels.
Crick goes for every adjusted and manipulated data set to 'prove' his lies.... Desperate times for alarmists as their lies are being exposed in almost every nation.. Whistle blowers are exposing their data manipulations all over..
Desperate denier cult lies, bogus propaganda myths and the usual crackpot conspiracy theories from ol' BoobyBobNutJob, based on no evidence whatsoever. The worldwide scientific consensus on AGW/CC is stronger than ever.
And yet, no evidence of temperature increase.

Good example of braindead denial of reality.

So far this year, in 2014, April was tied with April of 2010 as the hottest April on record, with records dating back to 1880. May and June were both the hottest May and June on record, and August and September were also the hottest August and September on record. October has so far been declared to be the hottest October in the satellite records and will probably be confirmed as the hottest October in the entire instrumental record as well.

The past 12 months -- October 2013-September 2014 -- was the warmest 12-month period among all months since records began in 1880....With the exception of February, every month to date in 2014 has been among its four warmest on record, with May, June, August, and September all record warm.
(NOAA - Global Analysis - September 2014)
sure it was!! what does that get you?
Clear evidence of global temperature increases. You poor blind retard.
i guess only clear for you. See if you finagle the numbers, you can make it anything you want. For the actual observed readings, the one's that cities and states use, it's cooling. I have observed on my side, you only have your finagled numbers.
More crackpot conspiracy theory nonsense involving tens of thousands of scientists all around the world. Suitable only for extremely gullible retards.

JustCrazy says he uses the "actual observed readings that cities and states use". LOLOL. That means, in denier cult lingo, that he uses only some cherry-picked U.S. temperature records (representing less than 2% of the Earth's surface), not the global temperature records.
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First big heat event melts Australian temperature records

Australia's first major heatwave of the warming season has broken temperature records across the nation, more than a month before the official start to summer.

On Saturday, the country set its warmest October day in records going back to 1910, with average maximums across the nation reaching 36.39 degrees, according to the Bureau of Meteorology.

The previous record for October was set on the 31st of the month in 1988, at 36.31 degrees.

Warm in Australia. Read more: First big heat event melts Australian temperature records
sure they do, they always do, just watch your numbers.
LOLOLOLOL......riiiiight, JustCrazy.....Australia just set a new record high temperature for October since they began keeping records in 1910, on October 25th, six days earlier than the previous, somewhat lower record high that happened on October 31st in 1988. And you moronically claim that "they always do"....what, exactly?,,,,,,set new records for heat waves? You are a troll!
First big heat event melts Australian temperature records

Australia's first major heatwave of the warming season has broken temperature records across the nation, more than a month before the official start to summer.

On Saturday, the country set its warmest October day in records going back to 1910, with average maximums across the nation reaching 36.39 degrees, according to the Bureau of Meteorology.

The previous record for October was set on the 31st of the month in 1988, at 36.31 degrees.

Warm in Australia. Read more: First big heat event melts Australian temperature records
sure they do, they always do, just watch your numbers.
LOLOLOLOL......riiiiight, JustCrazy.....Australia just set a new record high temperature for October since they began keeping records in 1910, on October 25th, six days earlier than the previous, somewhat lower record high that happened on October 31st in 1988. And you moronically claim that "they always do"....what, exactly?,,,,,,set new records for heat waves? You are a troll!
And yet, no evidence of temperature increase.

Good example of braindead denial of reality.

So far this year, in 2014, April was tied with April of 2010 as the hottest April on record, with records dating back to 1880. May and June were both the hottest May and June on record, and August and September were also the hottest August and September on record. October has so far been declared to be the hottest October in the satellite records and will probably be confirmed as the hottest October in the entire instrumental record as well.

The past 12 months -- October 2013-September 2014 -- was the warmest 12-month period among all months since records began in 1880....With the exception of February, every month to date in 2014 has been among its four warmest on record, with May, June, August, and September all record warm.
(NOAA - Global Analysis - September 2014)
sure it was!! what does that get you?
Clear evidence of global temperature increases. You poor blind retard.
i guess only clear for you. See if you finagle the numbers, you can make it anything you want. For the actual observed readings, the one's that cities and states use, it's cooling. I have observed on my side, you only have your finagled numbers.
More crackpot conspiracy theory nonsense involving tens of thousands of scientists all around the world. Suitable only for extremely gullible retards.

JustCrazy says he uses the "actual observed readings that cities and states use". LOLOL. That means, in denier cult lingo, that he uses only some cherry-picked U.S. temperature records (representing less than 2% of the Earth's surface), not the global temperature records.
right back at ya!!!!!
Good example of braindead denial of reality.

So far this year, in 2014, April was tied with April of 2010 as the hottest April on record, with records dating back to 1880. May and June were both the hottest May and June on record, and August and September were also the hottest August and September on record. October has so far been declared to be the hottest October in the satellite records and will probably be confirmed as the hottest October in the entire instrumental record as well.

The past 12 months -- October 2013-September 2014 -- was the warmest 12-month period among all months since records began in 1880....With the exception of February, every month to date in 2014 has been among its four warmest on record, with May, June, August, and September all record warm.
(NOAA - Global Analysis - September 2014)
sure it was!! what does that get you?
Clear evidence of global temperature increases. You poor blind retard.
i guess only clear for you. See if you finagle the numbers, you can make it anything you want. For the actual observed readings, the one's that cities and states use, it's cooling. I have observed on my side, you only have your finagled numbers.
More crackpot conspiracy theory nonsense involving tens of thousands of scientists all around the world. Suitable only for extremely gullible retards.

JustCrazy says he uses the "actual observed readings that cities and states use". LOLOL. That means, in denier cult lingo, that he uses only some cherry-picked U.S. temperature records (representing less than 2% of the Earth's surface), not the global temperature records.
right back at ya!!!!!
A completely vacuous and meaningless reply. I suppose this is the sort of desperate nonsense the denier cultists will be doing more and more as the world warms, their lies get debunked and their cult crumbles.
sure it was!! what does that get you?
Clear evidence of global temperature increases. You poor blind retard.
i guess only clear for you. See if you finagle the numbers, you can make it anything you want. For the actual observed readings, the one's that cities and states use, it's cooling. I have observed on my side, you only have your finagled numbers.
More crackpot conspiracy theory nonsense involving tens of thousands of scientists all around the world. Suitable only for extremely gullible retards.

JustCrazy says he uses the "actual observed readings that cities and states use". LOLOL. That means, in denier cult lingo, that he uses only some cherry-picked U.S. temperature records (representing less than 2% of the Earth's surface), not the global temperature records.
right back at ya!!!!!
A completely vacuous and meaningless reply. I suppose this is the sort of desperate nonsense the denier cultists will be doing more and more as the world warms, their lies get debunked and their cult crumbles.
it is all your response deserved. See I have been waiting and waiting for something meaningful from you or your peers and you spew the same sludge over and over. Get some new material. BTW, back at you means your own comments back at you. Why requote them? Seems useless, since you're in error.

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