2014: Reversal of Fortune in the House

Who could trust this asshole with anything major like immigration? He's changed this obamacare bullshit whenever he sees fit to favour political, and financial buddies, so who's to say he wouldn't do the same with this?

Fuck him, he's done enough damage to this great land.
The ACA rollout debacle gave the GOP the opportunity to overcome its collective stupidity on supporting a shut down and possible debt default.

Boehner just threw that opportunity in the gutter.

We are going to find out just how powerful women and minorities are compared to the far right turnout in an off-presidential election next year.
The ACA rollout debacle gave the GOP the opportunity to overcome its collective stupidity on supporting a shut down and possible debt default.

Boehner just threw that opportunity in the gutter.

We are going to find out just how powerful women and minorities are compared to the far right turnout in an off-presidential election next year.

You actually trust boehner, reid, and O to pass some meaningful law on immigration? Seriously?
The ACA rollout debacle gave the GOP the opportunity to overcome its collective stupidity on supporting a shut down and possible debt default.

Boehner just threw that opportunity in the gutter.

We are going to find out just how powerful women and minorities are compared to the far right turnout in an off-presidential election next year.

Let the sucker burn then.
Get ready to lose about 2/3rds + of the Hispanic votes each election.

17% of this population is now voting nearly 2/3rds against you compared to 45% for you in 2000( 12.5% of population). This population group is growing at 4-6% per decade in percentage of population the past 25 years.

Good luck in getting over 60% white to win elections....You'd have too to win another national election.

The cold hard truth is THESE PEOPLE AREN"T GOING TO BE DEPORTED. Obama Bill of enforcement after legalizion of the people already here is the only way we're going to do anything.

Don't you get it?

Florida--->Miami having a growing Hispanic population is why you lose Florida.
Co--->growing Hispanic population is why you lose.
Nevada-->Growing Hispanic population is why you lose.
Va--->Growing minority population and woman are killing you in the northern part of the state.

I looked at the Hispanic turn out+population growth and how much the shift effected the election.

Turning off 20-25% of the Hispanic population that MAY vote republican are killing the republican party.
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It's amazing how many people have a perfect crystal ball. Since you already know what the 2014 election results are...can you tell me next weeks lotto numbers?

Thanks in advance. :)
The ACA rollout debacle gave the GOP the opportunity to overcome its collective stupidity on supporting a shut down and possible debt default.

Boehner just threw that opportunity in the gutter.

We are going to find out just how powerful women and minorities are compared to the far right turnout in an off-presidential election next year.

Let the sucker burn then.

you have not the strength or the balls.
The ACA rollout debacle gave the GOP the opportunity to overcome its collective stupidity on supporting a shut down and possible debt default.

Boehner just threw that opportunity in the gutter.

We are going to find out just how powerful women and minorities are compared to the far right turnout in an off-presidential election next year.

Let the sucker burn then.

you have not the strength or the balls.

Judge not by your own standards.
The ACA rollout debacle gave the GOP the opportunity to overcome its collective stupidity on supporting a shut down and possible debt default.

Boehner just threw that opportunity in the gutter.

We are going to find out just how powerful women and minorities are compared to the far right turnout in an off-presidential election next year.

I'll bet you and all your aliases that the Republicans pick up house and Senate seats in 2014
The ACA rollout debacle gave the GOP the opportunity to overcome its collective stupidity on supporting a shut down and possible debt default.

Boehner just threw that opportunity in the gutter.

We are going to find out just how powerful women and minorities are compared to the far right turnout in an off-presidential election next year.

You actually trust boehner, reid, and O to pass some meaningful law on immigration? Seriously?

Jake trusts Obama. Period.
The Hispanic population has grown 4.5-5% since 2000 election.

Whites voted 58% for Bush to 37% Kerry in 2004.

44% of Hispanics voted for Bush ;)

Here is 2008-2012
The Illinois senator won 43 percent of white voters, 4 percentage points below Carter’s performance in 1976 and equal to what Bill Clinton won in the three-man race of 1996. Republican John McCain won 55 percent of the white vote

According to CNN’s interviews, 59 percent of white voters chose Mitt Romney to be their next president. Obama won 93 percent of the African-American vote, along with large majorities of Latino and Asian voters, according to CNN. about 65% of Hispanics voted for Obama....

Most White People Vote for Romney, CNN Exit Polls Find - Truthdig

David C. Wilson: The Elephant in the Exit Poll Results: Most White Women Supported Romney

Hispanics are growing....Think about it for a second 3.17 million=1% growth right now and the white population is also growing but slower. These people are moving into Miami, Co, Nevada, Misr, Va, etc Making it impossible for the grand old party to win.
What makes anyone think new immigration laws will be enforced any better than the current laws?

What makes anyone think new immigration laws will be observed and respected by prospective immigrants any more than they are now?

Good old Hazel posts a video saying "Here he (Boehner) is being confronted by kids effected by the current laws" but Hazel, and so many others, seem to forget that these kids have been effected by the laws because their parents broke the laws.
Karl rove makes a damn good case
More White Votes Alone Won't Save the GOP | Karl Rove

More White Votes Alone Won't Save the GOP

To win the presidency in 2016, the party needs to do better with Hispanics.

As immigration reform grinds its way through the U.S. Senate, the main focus has rightly been on the legislation's policy consequences. But there are important political implications, especially for the GOP, that are worth examining.

Some observers, including Phyllis Schlafly, Pat Buchanan and the Center for Immigration Studies, argue that if Republicans want to win back the White House, they should focus on white voters (who comprised 72% of the electorate in 2012) rather than worrying about Latinos. After all, new Census Bureau estimates are that 100,042,000 whites voted in 2008 but only 98,041,000 did in 2012. Wouldn't it be better to get those two million whites back into the polling booth?

This argument is incomplete. If as many white voters turned out in 2012 as in 2008—and if Mitt Romney received the 59% of them that he got last fall—then his vote total would have increased by 1,180,590. But President Obama's vote total would have increased by 780,390, and Mr. Romney still would have lost the election by 4.6 million votes.

To have prevailed over Mr. Obama in the electoral count, Mr. Romney would have had to carry 62.54% of white voters. That's a tall order, given that Ronald Reagan received 63% of the white vote in his 1984 victory, according to the Congressional Quarterly's analysis of major exit polls. It's unreasonable to expect Republicans to routinely pull numbers that last occurred in a 49-state sweep.

Moreover, a Reagan-like percentage of white voters would yield a much narrower win today. That's because the nonwhite share of the vote had doubled to 28% in 2012 from 13% in 1984, according to national exit polls.

Consider the impact of this growing nonwhite vote. In 1988, George H.W. Bush received 60% of the white vote and won 426 Electoral College votes. In 2004, George W. Bush captured 58% of the white vote but won 286 electoral votes.

It is true that Mr. Romney would not have been elected if he only increased his percentage of Hispanic voters. Had he received 35% of the Latino vote instead of the 27% he did, Mr. Obama would still have won by roughly 4,083,340 votes. The upshot is that if Republicans hope to win the presidency in 2016, they need to do better with both white and Hispanic voters.

How much better? A higher turnout among whites (to 2008 levels) and a small increase in the GOP share of the white vote (say raising it 1% to 60%), along with a somewhat better performance among Latinos (say 35%), and Mr. Romney would have landed in the White House.

The reality is that the nonwhite share of the vote will keep growing. As the American Enterprise Institute's Henry Olsen pointed out in a recent speech, the nonwhite vote as a share of total voters has increased in every presidential election since 1996 by 2% (much of it Hispanic) while the share of the white vote has dropped by 2% each election.

If the GOP leaves nonwhite voters to the Democrats, then its margins in safe congressional districts and red states will dwindle—not overnight, but over years and decades.

For example, the Hispanic population in Georgia's Gwinnett County increased by 153% from 2000 to 2010 while the GOP's presidential vote in the county dropped to 54% in 2012 from 63.7% in 2000. In Henry County, south of Atlanta, the Hispanic population increased by 339% over the same decade. The GOP's presidential vote dropped to 51.2% in 2012 from 66.4% in 2000. Republicans ignore changes like these at their peril.
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House Speaker John Boehner today declared comprehensive immigration reform effectively dead:

“Frankly, I’ll make clear, we have no intention of ever going to conference on the Senate bill,” Boehner told reporters Wednesday morning.

Here he is being confronted by kids effected by the current laws.

Kids Talk with Speaker Boehner - YouTube

What is it that you fucking commiecrats don't understand that criminals are separated from their families every fucking day? Don't want to be separated, don't break the law, very, very simple concept.

Also the senate amnesty bill is unconstitutional because it contains revenue raising provisions that are required to originate in the house. I know you ass holes have no reverence for the constitution but SCOTUS still does on occasion.
3 things that the republicans need to do to win back national power.
1. Pass a enforcement/amnesty bill--->helps you get back near the 44-45% Bush got within the Hispanic population.
2. Drop your fight against birth control--->This is hurting you with woman.
3. Drop your oppossion against gays. Who fucking cares?

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