2014 Senate?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Seems everybody in the world prophesies what will happen in November. Well, here's yet another:


[wonder what happened to the other 4 seats?]

I would love to see this but am certain a lot of posters disagree with the article @ Looking at the current 2014 Senate map. | RedState :eusa_whistle:
I predict the Dems will have a 55-45 Senate majority in 2014
That map is from March. Kansas is now a toss up and Michigan is now leaning Dem.
Yep. The 'Conservatives' on this board were talking of suicide watchs of liberals even on election day in 2012. Their grounding in reality seems a bit tenuous.
The Republicans have been doing a happy dance for six or eight months now.

Not sure why, what they want could easily not happen.

Looking at the last two or three election cycles, it's fair to wonder if their compass has been knocked out of whack.


Actually, in the past week they seem to have seen a sudden surge in most of their races. The only one they seem to be moving backwards in is North Carolina for some reason.
2014 U.S. Senate Scoreboard (9/21/14)

According to this blog, here's the latest.

Kansas Democrats pull a stealth switcheroo, and now GOP incumbent Pat Roberts has fallen behind. Meanwhile, Scott Brown closes slightly on Jeanne Shaheen in New Hampshire.

And, as it points out, with Karl Rove leading the way, the Dimbocraps just might keep their majority.

Read more @ Political Pistachio 2014 U.S. Senate Scoreboard 9 21 14
And, as it points out, with Karl Rove leading the way, the Dimbocraps just might keep their majority.

Fitch affirms Triple-A rating for U.S. - MarketWatch

Sept 19, 2014

Fitch Ratings Inc. affirmed its Triple-A rating for the U.S., citing the nation’s “unparalleled financing flexibility as the issuer of the world’s pre-eminent reserve currency and benchmark fixed-income asset, and as home to the world’s deepest and most liquid capital markets.

the reason the democrats may keep the Senate may have nothing to do with stumbling republicans but for reasons of proactive policies maintained by the present Administration.

It's highly unlikely Democrats will hold onto the Senate, even with the Kansas wild card.
perhaps, but it will be more definitive the 3rd week of October.

- there is more going on than the pols, the country is maturing and the old moralities are giving way to better reasoning for why people will be voting, even republicans.
It's highly unlikely Democrats will hold onto the Senate, even with the Kansas wild card.

It's possible they will, even Karl Rove warned it was possible the Democrats keep a majority.

What's absolutely certain though is the majority, whichever side it's on, will be very very small, as in 1 or 2 seat majority, if that. I'm almost positive that if some GOP wave were coming we'd already see it developing by now, right now there is no sign of it.
perhaps the Rs have peaked, that is what usually happens when destiny takes a turn from the expected ... this country deserves better than 2010.

I would say candycorn has nailed it. And since the leadership of the Ds are the saner and more competent members of their caucus a leadership change will not help.
GOP majority good for Hillary. Dem majority bad for Hillary. Pick your poison.

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