2016: Conservatism WON the presidential popular vote

LMAO, remind the class who's being inaugurated on Jan 20. What do you not understand about more than enough? 304 EVs. LOL

Why do you not understand what the conversation taking place on this thread is?

No one is disputing Trump's win. There are other conversations to be had like Republucan lies that Trump won the popular vote or that Clinton didn't. Republican hypocrisy on Trump's cozy relationship with Kleptocrat Putin.

Trump did win the popular vote in 67% of the States which was enough to garner 304 EVs and the win, any other discussions are irrelevant.
Who cares, it's just a footnote.

It's happened four times now, the country survived, it will again. Get over it.

If it's just a footnote why are Trumpunist Party members seeking so dramatically to the point of lying, that Hillary Clinton did not win the popular vote?

It is reasonable to expect such distortions of reality are coming from so many who are internally hyper-defensive about their vote for the unstable, uncontrollable liar, racist, misogynist and self-proclaimed sexual assaulter, to be our President.

You consciously know no shame but your collective subconscious has shame.
OKTexas, post: 16179234
Trump did win the popular vote in 67% of the States which was enough to garner 304 EVs and the win, any other discussions are irrelevant.

Talking about the entire nation - all that voted. Pay attention.
OKTexas, post: 16179234
Trump did win the popular vote in 67% of the States which was enough to garner 304 EVs and the win, any other discussions are irrelevant.

Talking about the entire nation - all that voted. Pay attention.

You can insist on the irrelevant all you want, doesn't change a thing, the national popular vote is a meaningless myth, democracy ends at the State line.
Conservative Republican: 45.95%
Conservative Libertarian: 3.28%
Conservative Independent (McMullin): 0.53%
Conservative Constitution: 0.15%

Conservative Total: 49.91%

Liberal Democrat: 48.04%
Liberal Green: 1.06%

Liberal Total: 49.10%

Even with all the illegals (and felons) voting, liberals still lost the total popular vote; and this narrative that Hillary won the popular vote is superficial, phony nonsense like everything else coming from the liberal establishment.

Just more NaziCon spin. FACT: Hillary received 3 million more popular votes than Adolf Trump.
OKTexas, post: 16179309
You can insist on the irrelevant all you want, doesn't change a thing, the national popular vote is a meaningless myth, democracy ends at the State line.

You make no sense. You attempt to distort reality to no end to declare Clinton did not win the popular vote. While at the same time arguing that it is a meaningless myth.

All I know is it happened in 2000 and America suffered a meaningless war taking the lives of 4500 Service Members and created ISIS and brought on the worst recession since the Great Depression.

A Republican presidential candidate losing the popular vote by a huge margin while winning the electoral vote does not bode well for America and the world.

Trump is much dumber than Bush43 and crude on race, sex and religion and foreign policy and has a proven record of gaming the system for his own self-aggrandizement and enrichment.

It's not wise to ignore the popular vote. At least keep the Bush43 debacle in mind when attacking those wise enough declining to vote for the charlatan and liar Donald J Trump.
OKTexas, post: 16179309
You can insist on the irrelevant all you want, doesn't change a thing, the national popular vote is a meaningless myth, democracy ends at the State line.

You make no sense. You attempt to distort reality to no end to declare Clinton did not win the popular vote. While at the same time arguing that it is a meaningless myth.

All I know is it happened in 2000 and America suffered a meaningless war taking the lives of 4500 Service Members and created ISIS and brought on the worst recession since the Great Depression.

A Republican presidential candidate losing the popular vote by a huge margin while winning the electoral vote does not bode well for America and the world.

Trump is much dumber than Bush43 and crude on race, sex and religion and foreign policy and has a proven record of gaming the system for his own self-aggrandizement and enrichment.

It's not wise to ignore the popular vote. At least keep the Bush43 debacle in mind when attacking those wise enough declining to vote for the charlatan and liar Donald J Trump.

Well feel free to keep proclaiming the hildabitch won fairy dust, unicorn farts and the national popular vote, they all have the same value. LMAO
Well feel free to keep proclaiming the hildabitch won fairy dust, unicorn farts and the national popular vote, they all have the same value. LMAO

She won the popular vote. When you quit denying it and lying about 3,000,000 illegal aliens, we won't bring it up.
Conservative Republican: 45.95%
Conservative Libertarian: 3.28%
Conservative Independent (McMullin): 0.53%
Conservative Constitution: 0.15%

Conservative Total: 49.91%

Liberal Democrat: 48.04%
Liberal Green: 1.06%

Liberal Total: 49.10%

Even with all the illegals (and felons) voting, liberals still lost the total popular vote; and this narrative that Hillary won the popular vote is superficial, phony nonsense like everything else coming from the liberal establishment.
Well feel free to keep proclaiming the hildabitch won fairy dust, unicorn farts and the national popular vote, they all have the same value. LMAO

She won the popular vote. When you quit denying it and lying about 3,000,000 illegal aliens, we won't bring it up.

I'm not lying about a damn thing, she could have had 10 million more and it would still mean NOTHING. State votes are the only ones that count for anything in the EC. If you don't fucking like it, see Article 5.
Who cares, it's just a footnote.

It's happened four times now, the country survived, it will again. Get over it.

If it's just a footnote why are Trumpunist Party members seeking so dramatically to the point of lying, that Hillary Clinton did not win the popular vote?

It is reasonable to expect such distortions of reality are coming from so many who are internally hyper-defensive about their vote for the unstable, uncontrollable liar, racist, misogynist and self-proclaimed sexual assaulter, to be our President.

You consciously know no shame but your collective subconscious has shame.

There are some who seem to believe that a lot of illegals in California voted.

Regardless, it's irrelevant, the goal is to capture 270 electoral votes. Trump did just that, he's the legitimate winner.
Ms. Clinton got more votes than anyone else.

Yes, but if the election were about that; those voting for other conservative candidates may well have voted for Trump. And clearly we see that your agenda is not supported by a majority as well.

Majority???? It's not even half. The country is pretty evenly divided if you go by raw votes. Even the counties and states that Trump carried, he won most by a slim majority, including the swing states. Half the country disagrees with the other half. The problem has been that when Republicans get in power, they run up big deficits, and they don't grow the economy effectively, creating fewer jobs, and no increases in income to match increases in productivity.
So if a candidate polls 40% and that is MORE than any other single candidate -- to YOU --- "America wanted that candidate" ?? That's what "winning" the popular vote means to you? :uhoh3: Even if 60% of America DID NOT VOTE for them? Good luck with that "definition"..

Because the 2 brand name parties are dying and we're headed in that direction..
Still tying to play what if. Look at it any way you want. More people voted against Trump than against Hillary. Still the same outcome. Trump was elected with fewer votes than Hillary, and no amount of playing what if will change that. He is not the country's top choice, and I'm pretty sure he will never be. You've gone past dumb to desperate.

You guys are the ones playing the "what-if" game. There was NO 2 way race for president. And you are dissing the popular vote of 6 million OTHER Americans who did not reward Clinton or Trump with their votes. They COUNT. You cannot disenfranchise them. That's even in the "equal protection" clause of the Constitution.

If you want to know the Pop vote outcome for a TWO way race --- go create one.

No. As it turns out with the electoral college, they don't count. As it turns out with the popular vote,their numbers weren't as high as the two front runners, so they don't really count there either. As they were told before the election, those votes were thrown away.

You don't get to determine that votes "were thrown away" because people chose principle over brand name damaged goods. Clinton lost largely just because of the puny Jill Stein vote. True fact. If the DNC hadn't screwed Bernie 13 ways from Sunday -- those votes might have STAYED with the Dems.

Third party votes didn't even have a chance of electing the people they were cast for. Yes. They were thrown away.

Do I really have to point out the obvious here? More than 1/2 of ALL VOTES cast in an election are "thrown away". Because only about 30% of America WINS anything in an election. Those are the fraction of the WINNING cause who got off their asses to vote. Others stayed home, or voted for other choices.

My vote was not thrown away. I voted for a mediation team to STOP the juvenile tribal feuding between the "entitled" parties. And that's what I wanted and what I believed America NEEDED. Winning is NOT the measure of the value to a vote.

If that were true -- the minority parties in Congress should JUST NOT SHOW UP.. Because according to you, "Their votes are wasted and don't count".. Take your own advice. Tell Nancy Pelosi to walk-out and give it up..
Still tying to play what if. Look at it any way you want. More people voted against Trump than against Hillary. Still the same outcome. Trump was elected with fewer votes than Hillary, and no amount of playing what if will change that. He is not the country's top choice, and I'm pretty sure he will never be. You've gone past dumb to desperate.

You guys are the ones playing the "what-if" game. There was NO 2 way race for president. And you are dissing the popular vote of 6 million OTHER Americans who did not reward Clinton or Trump with their votes. They COUNT. You cannot disenfranchise them. That's even in the "equal protection" clause of the Constitution.

If you want to know the Pop vote outcome for a TWO way race --- go create one.

No. As it turns out with the electoral college, they don't count. As it turns out with the popular vote,their numbers weren't as high as the two front runners, so they don't really count there either. As they were told before the election, those votes were thrown away.

You don't get to determine that votes "were thrown away" because people chose principle over brand name damaged goods. Clinton lost largely just because of the puny Jill Stein vote. True fact. If the DNC hadn't screwed Bernie 13 ways from Sunday -- those votes might have STAYED with the Dems.

Third party votes didn't even have a chance of electing the people they were cast for. Yes. They were thrown away.

Do I really have to point out the obvious here? More than 1/2 of ALL VOTES cast in an election are "thrown away". Because only about 30% of America WINS anything in an election. Those are the fraction of the WINNING cause who got off their asses to vote. Others stayed home, or voted for other choices.

My vote was not thrown away. I voted for a mediation team to STOP the juvenile tribal feuding between the "entitled" parties. And that's what I wanted and what I believed America NEEDED. Winning is NOT the measure of the value to a vote.

If that were true -- the minority parties in Congress should JUST NOT SHOW UP.. Because according to you, "Their votes are wasted and don't count".. Take your own advice. Tell Nancy Pelosi to walk-out and give it up..

So you voted for Trump in other words.
You guys are the ones playing the "what-if" game. There was NO 2 way race for president. And you are dissing the popular vote of 6 million OTHER Americans who did not reward Clinton or Trump with their votes. They COUNT. You cannot disenfranchise them. That's even in the "equal protection" clause of the Constitution.

If you want to know the Pop vote outcome for a TWO way race --- go create one.

No. As it turns out with the electoral college, they don't count. As it turns out with the popular vote,their numbers weren't as high as the two front runners, so they don't really count there either. As they were told before the election, those votes were thrown away.

You don't get to determine that votes "were thrown away" because people chose principle over brand name damaged goods. Clinton lost largely just because of the puny Jill Stein vote. True fact. If the DNC hadn't screwed Bernie 13 ways from Sunday -- those votes might have STAYED with the Dems.

Third party votes didn't even have a chance of electing the people they were cast for. Yes. They were thrown away.

Do I really have to point out the obvious here? More than 1/2 of ALL VOTES cast in an election are "thrown away". Because only about 30% of America WINS anything in an election. Those are the fraction of the WINNING cause who got off their asses to vote. Others stayed home, or voted for other choices.

My vote was not thrown away. I voted for a mediation team to STOP the juvenile tribal feuding between the "entitled" parties. And that's what I wanted and what I believed America NEEDED. Winning is NOT the measure of the value to a vote.

If that were true -- the minority parties in Congress should JUST NOT SHOW UP.. Because according to you, "Their votes are wasted and don't count".. Take your own advice. Tell Nancy Pelosi to walk-out and give it up..

So you voted for Trump in other words.

Nope. I voted for 2 competent 2 term Governors that both operated very successfully despite a partisan disadvantage in their legislatures. 2 people who BY NATURE and PRINCIPALS would set a completely different NON-PARTISAN tone in D.C. And who have adopted MOST of the same successful principals that have driven my politics for over 20 years. Since I LEFT retail brand name politics in America. It was the PERFECT choice for me. And I will CONTINUE to work tirelessly to make certain that BOTH of your corrupt, dynasty building parties become irrelevant in the near future.
I'm not lying about a damn thing, she could have had 10 million more and it would still mean NOTHING.

Your beloved Trump lies for you. He legitimized a fake news story when he claimed after election that he won the popular vote if all the illegal votes were withdrawn.

No proof that 3 million illegals voted but the President elect takes info from fake news sites thus legitimizing it.

A fake news driven US President is a dangerous situation don't you think?
No. As it turns out with the electoral college, they don't count. As it turns out with the popular vote,their numbers weren't as high as the two front runners, so they don't really count there either. As they were told before the election, those votes were thrown away.

You don't get to determine that votes "were thrown away" because people chose principle over brand name damaged goods. Clinton lost largely just because of the puny Jill Stein vote. True fact. If the DNC hadn't screwed Bernie 13 ways from Sunday -- those votes might have STAYED with the Dems.

Third party votes didn't even have a chance of electing the people they were cast for. Yes. They were thrown away.

Do I really have to point out the obvious here? More than 1/2 of ALL VOTES cast in an election are "thrown away". Because only about 30% of America WINS anything in an election. Those are the fraction of the WINNING cause who got off their asses to vote. Others stayed home, or voted for other choices.

My vote was not thrown away. I voted for a mediation team to STOP the juvenile tribal feuding between the "entitled" parties. And that's what I wanted and what I believed America NEEDED. Winning is NOT the measure of the value to a vote.

If that were true -- the minority parties in Congress should JUST NOT SHOW UP.. Because according to you, "Their votes are wasted and don't count".. Take your own advice. Tell Nancy Pelosi to walk-out and give it up..

So you voted for Trump in other words.

Nope. I voted for 2 competent 2 term Governors that both operated very successfully despite a partisan disadvantage in their legislatures. 2 people who BY NATURE and PRINCIPALS would set a completely different NON-PARTISAN tone in D.C. And who have adopted MOST of the same successful principals that have driven my politics for over 20 years. Since I LEFT retail brand name politics in America. It was the PERFECT choice for me. And I will CONTINUE to work tirelessly to make certain that BOTH of your corrupt, dynasty building parties become irrelevant in the near future.

What Party did they represent?
You don't get to determine that votes "were thrown away" because people chose principle over brand name damaged goods. Clinton lost largely just because of the puny Jill Stein vote. True fact. If the DNC hadn't screwed Bernie 13 ways from Sunday -- those votes might have STAYED with the Dems.

Third party votes didn't even have a chance of electing the people they were cast for. Yes. They were thrown away.

Do I really have to point out the obvious here? More than 1/2 of ALL VOTES cast in an election are "thrown away". Because only about 30% of America WINS anything in an election. Those are the fraction of the WINNING cause who got off their asses to vote. Others stayed home, or voted for other choices.

My vote was not thrown away. I voted for a mediation team to STOP the juvenile tribal feuding between the "entitled" parties. And that's what I wanted and what I believed America NEEDED. Winning is NOT the measure of the value to a vote.

If that were true -- the minority parties in Congress should JUST NOT SHOW UP.. Because according to you, "Their votes are wasted and don't count".. Take your own advice. Tell Nancy Pelosi to walk-out and give it up..

So you voted for Trump in other words.

Nope. I voted for 2 competent 2 term Governors that both operated very successfully despite a partisan disadvantage in their legislatures. 2 people who BY NATURE and PRINCIPALS would set a completely different NON-PARTISAN tone in D.C. And who have adopted MOST of the same successful principals that have driven my politics for over 20 years. Since I LEFT retail brand name politics in America. It was the PERFECT choice for me. And I will CONTINUE to work tirelessly to make certain that BOTH of your corrupt, dynasty building parties become irrelevant in the near future.

What Party did they represent?

Seriously dude? You're hawking lugeys of political wisdom all over USMB and you have NO IDEA of what other party was on the ballot in ALL 50 states, pulled over 3.5% of vote, and had 2 successful US State Governors running on the ticket?

Get off the cloud.
... more than any other SINGLE candidate. However, her pop vote margin over Trump was about 1/3 of the 3rd party/independent vote that voted AGAINST her. This election was determined, not quite by conservatives as it says in the OP, but by the rapidly growing independent/3rd party sector of the electorate. In fact, probably THIS YEAR, the number of voters declaring independence from 2 tribal brand name parties will reach a landmark of being BIGGER than both the Dem and Rep faithful put together.

Don't discount that percentage of votes that went for NEITHER candidate. It's the future of American politics.

Okay, but say it had came down to a runoff between two candidates; the data shows that it wouldn't have been in the bag for Hillary. My overarching point is that the Hillary winning the popular vote by 2.5 percent is superficial if not just outright phony.

3 million more votes is not superficial, and not phony. The country didn't want Trump as president

67% of the States said they did, that was more than enough.

Why would that matter?

LMAO, remind the class who's being inaugurated on Jan 20. What do you not understand about more than enough? 304 EVs. LOL
That is a totally different subject. Everybody knows Trump will be inaugurated. We are discussing whether the majority of the voters in the country want that to happen, and you can't accept the fact that the numbers say they don't.
Seriously dude? You're hawking lugeys of political wisdom all over USMB and you have NO IDEA of what other party was on the ballot in ALL 50 states, pulled over 3.5% of vote, and had 2 successful US State Governors running on the ticket?

Thats Assinine. Governor party affiliation doesn't interest me. Why should it? You voted for one and belong to some Podunk Party I guess and that would be the only reason you know.

I thought I'd ask a card carrying member of a Podunk Party but I guess you are too ashamed to admit where and who your governors are.

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