2016: Conservatism WON the presidential popular vote

TheGreatGatsby, post: 16176625.
Yea, I put forth no such conclusion.

That is you conclusion when you pick four losers combined to beat the winner.

Hillary won more votes than anybody. The way you you made "conservatives total" the winners is absurd. Trump could not convince third place on down to vote for him. They rejected him. You can't arbitrarily give Trump votes from voters that rejected him

conservatives total was not in the ballot anywhere. It can't win.

More votes for conservative principles than liberal principles. Sorry, but that whole "we won the popular vote" is just that shallow before even all the ballot box stuffing by the Clintons.

Gary Johnson on the issues:


He is right in the center on the left/right spectrum. Only an idiot thinks all his votes would go to Trump.
TheGreatGatsby, post: 16176625.
Yea, I put forth no such conclusion.

That is you conclusion when you pick four losers combined to beat the winner.

Hillary won more votes than anybody. The way you you made "conservatives total" the winners is absurd. Trump could not convince third place on down to vote for him. They rejected him. You can't arbitrarily give Trump votes from voters that rejected him

conservatives total was not in the ballot anywhere. It can't win.

More votes for conservative principles than liberal principles. Sorry, but that whole "we won the popular vote" is just that shallow before even all the ballot box stuffing by the Clintons.

You have the credibility of a birther.

Are libertarians conservative on abortion and same sex marriage?
You are a birther, you voted for that birther Hillary...

Show us one statement by Hillary Clinton supporting the birther conspiracy, or,

as an alternative, go fuck a sheep.
TheGreatGatsby, post: 16176625.
Yea, I put forth no such conclusion.

That is you conclusion when you pick four losers combined to beat the winner.

Hillary won more votes than anybody. The way you you made "conservatives total" the winners is absurd. Trump could not convince third place on down to vote for him. They rejected him. You can't arbitrarily give Trump votes from voters that rejected him

conservatives total was not in the ballot anywhere. It can't win.

More votes for conservative principles than liberal principles. Sorry, but that whole "we won the popular vote" is just that shallow before even all the ballot box stuffing by the Clintons.

You have the credibility of a birther.

Are libertarians conservative on abortion and same sex marriage?

Your label is ridiculous. Fitting for a guy who supports the biggest con artists on earth.

No, I don't support this guy:

All Mostly False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
TheGreatGatsby, post: 16176625.
Yea, I put forth no such conclusion.

That is you conclusion when you pick four losers combined to beat the winner.

Hillary won more votes than anybody. The way you you made "conservatives total" the winners is absurd. Trump could not convince third place on down to vote for him. They rejected him. You can't arbitrarily give Trump votes from voters that rejected him

conservatives total was not in the ballot anywhere. It can't win.

More votes for conservative principles than liberal principles. Sorry, but that whole "we won the popular vote" is just that shallow before even all the ballot box stuffing by the Clintons.

You have the credibility of a birther.

Are libertarians conservative on abortion and same sex marriage?
You are a birther, you voted for that birther Hillary...

Show us one statement by Hillary Clinton supporting the birther conspiracy, or,

as an alternative, go fuck a sheep.
Awwww....birther snowflake.....
TheGreatGatsby, post: 16176625.
Yea, I put forth no such conclusion.

That is you conclusion when you pick four losers combined to beat the winner.

Hillary won more votes than anybody. The way you you made "conservatives total" the winners is absurd. Trump could not convince third place on down to vote for him. They rejected him. You can't arbitrarily give Trump votes from voters that rejected him

conservatives total was not in the ballot anywhere. It can't win.

More votes for conservative principles than liberal principles. Sorry, but that whole "we won the popular vote" is just that shallow before even all the ballot box stuffing by the Clintons.

You have the credibility of a birther.

Are libertarians conservative on abortion and same sex marriage?

Your label is ridiculous. Fitting for a guy who supports the biggest con artists on earth.

No, I don't support this guy:

All Mostly False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

Populism won, unless you.'re gullible enough to believe Trump is a rock ribbed ideologue.

Populism is just a purerer conservatism than what Republicans practice.
You ability to rationalize Political Science is baffling.

For what it's worth putting liberalism and conservatism as worthy foes was always your globalists' way of supplanting so-called populists. But people awoke to the scam at least in part.
Define the term "Conservatism", "Liberalism" and "Populism" because I'm not sure you really understand them.

Don't give your condescending shit, fuckface. But I'll tell you right now that the modern liberal is nothing more than globalist who has no use for customs, heritage and national identity; nor do they have any sort of moral code that prevents them from destroying such things through any means.
Just as I thought. You have no base in reality to discuss politics.

You are emblematic of today's Ramboesque Trump supporter. Talking points gleaned from Right Wing radio 'pundits', fearful, suspicious and dangerously incurious. Bound by the blinders you find comfortable, you are doomed to stumble through life without the means to learn anything.

You will respond to this with a profanity laced, simplistic post. How do I know? The same way I know the sun will rise in the east. You folks are nothing but consistent.
Populism is just a purerer conservatism than what Republicans practice.
You ability to rationalize Political Science is baffling.

For what it's worth putting liberalism and conservatism as worthy foes was always your globalists' way of supplanting so-called populists. But people awoke to the scam at least in part.
Define the term "Conservatism", "Liberalism" and "Populism" because I'm not sure you really understand them.

Don't give your condescending shit, fuckface. But I'll tell you right now that the modern liberal is nothing more than globalist who has no use for customs, heritage and national identity; nor do they have any sort of moral code that prevents them from destroying such things through any means.
Just as I thought. You have no base in reality to discuss politics.

You are emblematic of today's Ramboesque Trump supporter. Talking points gleaned from Right Wing radio 'pundits', fearful, suspicious and dangerously incurious. Bound by the blinders you find comfortable, you are doomed to stumble through life without the means to learn anything.

You will respond to this with a profanity laced, simplistic post. How do I know? The same way I know the sun will rise in the east. You folks are nothing but consistent.

Don't throw insults and pretend you have high ground, ass hat. You're emblematic of willful ignorance.
Populism is just a purerer conservatism than what Republicans practice.
You ability to rationalize Political Science is baffling.

For what it's worth putting liberalism and conservatism as worthy foes was always your globalists' way of supplanting so-called populists. But people awoke to the scam at least in part.
Define the term "Conservatism", "Liberalism" and "Populism" because I'm not sure you really understand them.

Don't give your condescending shit, fuckface. But I'll tell you right now that the modern liberal is nothing more than globalist who has no use for customs, heritage and national identity; nor do they have any sort of moral code that prevents them from destroying such things through any means.
Just as I thought. You have no base in reality to discuss politics.

You are emblematic of today's Ramboesque Trump supporter. Talking points gleaned from Right Wing radio 'pundits', fearful, suspicious and dangerously incurious. Bound by the blinders you find comfortable, you are doomed to stumble through life without the means to learn anything.

You will respond to this with a profanity laced, simplistic post. How do I know? The same way I know the sun will rise in the east. You folks are nothing but consistent.
You ability to rationalize Political Science is baffling.

For what it's worth putting liberalism and conservatism as worthy foes was always your globalists' way of supplanting so-called populists. But people awoke to the scam at least in part.
Define the term "Conservatism", "Liberalism" and "Populism" because I'm not sure you really understand them.

Don't give your condescending shit, fuckface. But I'll tell you right now that the modern liberal is nothing more than globalist who has no use for customs, heritage and national identity; nor do they have any sort of moral code that prevents them from destroying such things through any means.
Just as I thought. You have no base in reality to discuss politics.

You are emblematic of today's Ramboesque Trump supporter. Talking points gleaned from Right Wing radio 'pundits', fearful, suspicious and dangerously incurious. Bound by the blinders you find comfortable, you are doomed to stumble through life without the means to learn anything.

You will respond to this with a profanity laced, simplistic post. How do I know? The same way I know the sun will rise in the east. You folks are nothing but consistent.

Don't throw insults and pretend you have high ground, ass hat. You're emblematic of willful ignorance.
Oooo! Well argued!
I guess Putin figures, "What could I do to them that's worse than electing Donald Trump?"
What if it had been revealed that California had hacked the popular vote to make Trump look like the Minority President of white men Nation ?
owebo, post: 16177160,
Yep....here is evidence of Trump grabbing a pussy...

Why is Trump the biggest "pussy" of all for Putin. Spineless, yellow stripe down Trump's backside, will reward Putin with a summit of praise for dropping bombs on Syrian women children and elderly and for hacking and meddling in democratic elections around the
world including our own. Obama has never kissed Putin's ass as Trump's lips are already puckered and getting ready to do through Tex Tillerson medal of friendship recipient from Putin himself.
owebo, post: 16177160,
Yep....here is evidence of Trump grabbing a pussy...

Why is Trump the biggest "pussy" of all for Putin. Spineless, yellow stripe down Trump's backside, will reward Putin with a summit of praise for dropping bombs on Syrian women children and elderly and for hacking and meddling in democratic elections around the
worked including our own. Obama has never kissed Putin's ass as Trump's lips are already puckered and getting ready to do through Tex Tillerson medal of friendship recipient from Putin himself.
Awwww....perplexed snowflake....

You have no explanation as to why you accept Trump's yellow stripe in dealing with Putin but you cannot accept your mis-diagnosed weakness by Obama on Putin.

That leaves us with the only difference between the two men with regard to their relationship to the Kleptocrat Putin. Obama's skin is much darker than Putin's and white Putin lover Trump's is.
Ms. Clinton got more votes than anyone else.

... more than any other SINGLE candidate. However, her pop vote margin over Trump was about 1/3 of the 3rd party/independent vote that voted AGAINST her. This election was determined, not quite by conservatives as it says in the OP, but by the rapidly growing independent/3rd party sector of the electorate. In fact, probably THIS YEAR, the number of voters declaring independence from 2 tribal brand name parties will reach a landmark of being BIGGER than both the Dem and Rep faithful put together.

Don't discount that percentage of votes that went for NEITHER candidate. It's the future of American politics.

Okay, but say it had came down to a runoff between two candidates; the data shows that it wouldn't have been in the bag for Hillary. My overarching point is that the Hillary winning the popular vote by 2.5 percent is superficial if not just outright phony.

3 million more votes is not superficial, and not phony. The country didn't want Trump as president

67% of the States said they did, that was more than enough.

Why would that matter?

LMAO, remind the class who's being inaugurated on Jan 20. What do you not understand about more than enough? 304 EVs. LOL
LMAO, remind the class who's being inaugurated on Jan 20. What do you not understand about more than enough? 304 EVs. LOL

Why do you not understand what the conversation taking place on this thread is?

No one is disputing Trump's win. There are other conversations to be had like Republucan lies that Trump won the popular vote or that Clinton didn't. Republican hypocrisy on Trump's cozy relationship with Kleptocrat Putin.

You have no explanation as to why you accept Trump's yellow stripe in dealing with Putin but you cannot accept your mis-diagnosed weakness by Obama on Putin.

That leaves us with the only difference between the two men with regard to their relationship to the Kleptocrat Putin. Obama's skin is much darker than Putin's and white Putin lover Trump's is.
Awww...racist snowflake...

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