2016: Conservatism WON the presidential popular vote

Still tying to play what if. Look at it any way you want. More people voted against Trump than against Hillary. Still the same outcome. Trump was elected with fewer votes than Hillary, and no amount of playing what if will change that. He is not the country's top choice, and I'm pretty sure he will never be. You've gone past dumb to desperate.

You guys are the ones playing the "what-if" game. There was NO 2 way race for president. And you are dissing the popular vote of 6 million OTHER Americans who did not reward Clinton or Trump with their votes. They COUNT. You cannot disenfranchise them. That's even in the "equal protection" clause of the Constitution.

If you want to know the Pop vote outcome for a TWO way race --- go create one.

No. As it turns out with the electoral college, they don't count. As it turns out with the popular vote,their numbers weren't as high as the two front runners, so they don't really count there either. As they were told before the election, those votes were thrown away.

You don't get to determine that votes "were thrown away" because people chose principle over brand name damaged goods. Clinton lost largely just because of the puny Jill Stein vote. True fact. If the DNC hadn't screwed Bernie 13 ways from Sunday -- those votes might have STAYED with the Dems.

Third party votes didn't even have a chance of electing the people they were cast for. Yes. They were thrown away.

Do I really have to point out the obvious here? More than 1/2 of ALL VOTES cast in an election are "thrown away". Because only about 30% of America WINS anything in an election. Those are the fraction of the WINNING cause who got off their asses to vote. Others stayed home, or voted for other choices.

My vote was not thrown away. I voted for a mediation team to STOP the juvenile tribal feuding between the "entitled" parties. And that's what I wanted and what I believed America NEEDED. Winning is NOT the measure of the value to a vote.

If that were true -- the minority parties in Congress should JUST NOT SHOW UP.. Because according to you, "Their votes are wasted and don't count".. Take your own advice. Tell Nancy Pelosi to walk-out and give it up..

What a frantic thing to say. The reality is that your candidate won due to many unethical actions. Years of nonstop trumped up witch hunt investigations, hacking by the Russians, unnecessary and misleading statements by Comey, a continuous flow of fake news and lies by the right, and a quirk that caused a highly unusual outcome from the electoral college. Not because the majority of the voters wanted him to win. 3 million more votes for Hillary prove that.
No. As it turns out with the electoral college, they don't count. As it turns out with the popular vote,their numbers weren't as high as the two front runners, so they don't really count there either. As they were told before the election, those votes were thrown away.

You don't get to determine that votes "were thrown away" because people chose principle over brand name damaged goods. Clinton lost largely just because of the puny Jill Stein vote. True fact. If the DNC hadn't screwed Bernie 13 ways from Sunday -- those votes might have STAYED with the Dems.

Third party votes didn't even have a chance of electing the people they were cast for. Yes. They were thrown away.

Do I really have to point out the obvious here? More than 1/2 of ALL VOTES cast in an election are "thrown away". Because only about 30% of America WINS anything in an election. Those are the fraction of the WINNING cause who got off their asses to vote. Others stayed home, or voted for other choices.

My vote was not thrown away. I voted for a mediation team to STOP the juvenile tribal feuding between the "entitled" parties. And that's what I wanted and what I believed America NEEDED. Winning is NOT the measure of the value to a vote.

If that were true -- the minority parties in Congress should JUST NOT SHOW UP.. Because according to you, "Their votes are wasted and don't count".. Take your own advice. Tell Nancy Pelosi to walk-out and give it up..

So you voted for Trump in other words.

Nope. I voted for 2 competent 2 term Governors that both operated very successfully despite a partisan disadvantage in their legislatures. 2 people who BY NATURE and PRINCIPALS would set a completely different NON-PARTISAN tone in D.C. And who have adopted MOST of the same successful principals that have driven my politics for over 20 years. Since I LEFT retail brand name politics in America. It was the PERFECT choice for me. And I will CONTINUE to work tirelessly to make certain that BOTH of your corrupt, dynasty building parties become irrelevant in the near future.

If I had a right winger's ethics , I would point to your statement as proof that your party stole the election with illegal votes. You admitting that you voted for two different people would be my irrefutable evidence. Instead, I'll just ask you to explain your remark.
Ms. Clinton got more votes than anyone else.

Unfortunately states like California and New York only have a set number of state electoral counts to contribute towards the election, no matter how many votes they contribute to the overall popular vote.
Ms. Clinton got more votes than anyone else.

Yes, but if the election were about that; those voting for other conservative candidates may well have voted for Trump. And clearly we see that your agenda is not supported by a majority as well.

If. if. If. if. Your clown lucked out, and you want to act like he legitimately won. He' will be president, but you will never be able to say the majority of the country wanted that.

You couldn't say that about Clinton either.
Ms. Clinton got more votes than anyone else.

Does that make you feel better......just curious? Because right now Hillary is sitting at home, drinking a butt-load of wine, and crying on Huma's shoulder while the Trumpster is getting ready to rule the World? :D

and...p.s.....the Dims got schlonged in the House, Senate, and pretty much everywhere else in the known Universe. :lol:
Ms. Clinton got more votes than anyone else.

Yes, but if the election were about that; those voting for other conservative candidates may well have voted for Trump. And clearly we see that your agenda is not supported by a majority as well.

If. if. If. if. Your clown lucked out, and you want to act like he legitimately won. He' will be president, but you will never be able to say the majority of the country wanted that.

You couldn't say that about Clinton either.

Yes, Trump won. No he didn't deserve to win.
Ms. Clinton got more votes than anyone else.

Yes, but if the election were about that; those voting for other conservative candidates may well have voted for Trump. And clearly we see that your agenda is not supported by a majority as well.

If. if. If. if. Your clown lucked out, and you want to act like he legitimately won. He' will be president, but you will never be able to say the majority of the country wanted that.

You couldn't say that about Clinton either.

Yes, Trump won. No he didn't deserve to win.

No he didn't and neither did Hillary. They are both bad choices.
Ms. Clinton got more votes than anyone else.

Yes, but if the election were about that; those voting for other conservative candidates may well have voted for Trump. And clearly we see that your agenda is not supported by a majority as well.

If. if. If. if. Your clown lucked out, and you want to act like he legitimately won. He' will be president, but you will never be able to say the majority of the country wanted that.

You couldn't say that about Clinton either.

Yes, Trump won. No he didn't deserve to win.

No he didn't and neither did Hillary. They are both bad choices.

Yet, she still got more votes. Trump was not, and is not the choice of the voters
Yes, but if the election were about that; those voting for other conservative candidates may well have voted for Trump. And clearly we see that your agenda is not supported by a majority as well.

If. if. If. if. Your clown lucked out, and you want to act like he legitimately won. He' will be president, but you will never be able to say the majority of the country wanted that.

You couldn't say that about Clinton either.

Yes, Trump won. No he didn't deserve to win.

No he didn't and neither did Hillary. They are both bad choices.

Yet, she still got more votes. Trump was not, and is not the choice of the voters

Hillary received less than 50% of the votes and not a clear choice of anyone, terrible choices.
Conservative Republican: 45.95%
Conservative Libertarian: 3.28%
Conservative Independent (McMullin): 0.53%
Conservative Constitution: 0.15%

Conservative Total: 49.91%

Liberal Democrat: 48.04%
Liberal Green: 1.06%

Liberal Total: 49.10%

Even with all the illegals (and felons) voting, liberals still lost the total popular vote; and this narrative that Hillary won the popular vote is superficial, phony nonsense like everything else coming from the liberal establishment.

Just more NaziCon spin. FACT: Hillary received 3 million more popular votes than Adolf Trump.

The Nazis were the socialists, dude. Spare me your false equivalencies.
For what it's worth putting liberalism and conservatism as worthy foes was always your globalists' way of supplanting so-called populists. But people awoke to the scam at least in part.
Define the term "Conservatism", "Liberalism" and "Populism" because I'm not sure you really understand them.

Don't give your condescending shit, fuckface. But I'll tell you right now that the modern liberal is nothing more than globalist who has no use for customs, heritage and national identity; nor do they have any sort of moral code that prevents them from destroying such things through any means.
Just as I thought. You have no base in reality to discuss politics.

You are emblematic of today's Ramboesque Trump supporter. Talking points gleaned from Right Wing radio 'pundits', fearful, suspicious and dangerously incurious. Bound by the blinders you find comfortable, you are doomed to stumble through life without the means to learn anything.

You will respond to this with a profanity laced, simplistic post. How do I know? The same way I know the sun will rise in the east. You folks are nothing but consistent.

Don't throw insults and pretend you have high ground, ass hat. You're emblematic of willful ignorance.
Oooo! Well argued!

Pretty axiomatic, jackass.
The colostomy bag in a pantsuit also known as the Hildabeast lost the fucking election, get the fuck over it.
There will be a female president but she has to be a conservative not a piece of shit progressive socialist... fact
Seriously dude? You're hawking lugeys of political wisdom all over USMB and you have NO IDEA of what other party was on the ballot in ALL 50 states, pulled over 3.5% of vote, and had 2 successful US State Governors running on the ticket?

Thats Assinine. Governor party affiliation doesn't interest me. Why should it? You voted for one and belong to some Podunk Party I guess and that would be the only reason you know.

I thought I'd ask a card carrying member of a Podunk Party but I guess you are too ashamed to admit where and who your governors are.

They were Governors of New Mexico and Massachusetts for 8 years each. I had no idea how uninformed and shamelessly opinionated you were. I expect folks who THINK they understand know politics to KNOW this stuff.

You guys are the ones playing the "what-if" game. There was NO 2 way race for president. And you are dissing the popular vote of 6 million OTHER Americans who did not reward Clinton or Trump with their votes. They COUNT. You cannot disenfranchise them. That's even in the "equal protection" clause of the Constitution.

If you want to know the Pop vote outcome for a TWO way race --- go create one.

No. As it turns out with the electoral college, they don't count. As it turns out with the popular vote,their numbers weren't as high as the two front runners, so they don't really count there either. As they were told before the election, those votes were thrown away.

You don't get to determine that votes "were thrown away" because people chose principle over brand name damaged goods. Clinton lost largely just because of the puny Jill Stein vote. True fact. If the DNC hadn't screwed Bernie 13 ways from Sunday -- those votes might have STAYED with the Dems.

Third party votes didn't even have a chance of electing the people they were cast for. Yes. They were thrown away.

Do I really have to point out the obvious here? More than 1/2 of ALL VOTES cast in an election are "thrown away". Because only about 30% of America WINS anything in an election. Those are the fraction of the WINNING cause who got off their asses to vote. Others stayed home, or voted for other choices.

My vote was not thrown away. I voted for a mediation team to STOP the juvenile tribal feuding between the "entitled" parties. And that's what I wanted and what I believed America NEEDED. Winning is NOT the measure of the value to a vote.

If that were true -- the minority parties in Congress should JUST NOT SHOW UP.. Because according to you, "Their votes are wasted and don't count".. Take your own advice. Tell Nancy Pelosi to walk-out and give it up..

What a frantic thing to say. The reality is that your candidate won due to many unethical actions. Years of nonstop trumped up witch hunt investigations, hacking by the Russians, unnecessary and misleading statements by Comey, a continuous flow of fake news and lies by the right, and a quirk that caused a highly unusual outcome from the electoral college. Not because the majority of the voters wanted him to win. 3 million more votes for Hillary prove that.

"... you're candidate won due to ... " Who you talking to Clyde? My choice didn't win. But it was a FAR BETTER choice than Hillary or Trump.. :tongue-44: Pay attention. Your 2 parties are not gonna be the only game in town. .

Have you told Nancy Pelosi that her votes don't count for the next 2 years because she has "no chance of winning" yet??? :rofl:
You don't get to determine that votes "were thrown away" because people chose principle over brand name damaged goods. Clinton lost largely just because of the puny Jill Stein vote. True fact. If the DNC hadn't screwed Bernie 13 ways from Sunday -- those votes might have STAYED with the Dems.

Third party votes didn't even have a chance of electing the people they were cast for. Yes. They were thrown away.

Do I really have to point out the obvious here? More than 1/2 of ALL VOTES cast in an election are "thrown away". Because only about 30% of America WINS anything in an election. Those are the fraction of the WINNING cause who got off their asses to vote. Others stayed home, or voted for other choices.

My vote was not thrown away. I voted for a mediation team to STOP the juvenile tribal feuding between the "entitled" parties. And that's what I wanted and what I believed America NEEDED. Winning is NOT the measure of the value to a vote.

If that were true -- the minority parties in Congress should JUST NOT SHOW UP.. Because according to you, "Their votes are wasted and don't count".. Take your own advice. Tell Nancy Pelosi to walk-out and give it up..

So you voted for Trump in other words.

Nope. I voted for 2 competent 2 term Governors that both operated very successfully despite a partisan disadvantage in their legislatures. 2 people who BY NATURE and PRINCIPALS would set a completely different NON-PARTISAN tone in D.C. And who have adopted MOST of the same successful principals that have driven my politics for over 20 years. Since I LEFT retail brand name politics in America. It was the PERFECT choice for me. And I will CONTINUE to work tirelessly to make certain that BOTH of your corrupt, dynasty building parties become irrelevant in the near future.

If I had a right winger's ethics , I would point to your statement as proof that your party stole the election with illegal votes. You admitting that you voted for two different people would be my irrefutable evidence. Instead, I'll just ask you to explain your remark.

Don't know where you got that. Our Ticket had 2 ex governors on it. Didn't vote twice.

BUT -- I did in the primaries. Because I attended LParty caucus and voted for my candidate. Then I waltzed in on the "Primary" day -- declared myself a Repub for the day) and voted in the "official" primary for Rand Paul.. Because that's how stupid the system is. I also monkeywrenched the 10 electors and chose them differently than I did Rand Paul.
I'm not lying about a damn thing, she could have had 10 million more and it would still mean NOTHING.

Your beloved Trump lies for you. He legitimized a fake news story when he claimed after election that he won the popular vote if all the illegal votes were withdrawn.

No proof that 3 million illegals voted but the President elect takes info from fake news sites thus legitimizing it.

A fake news driven US President is a dangerous situation don't you think?

Did people vote illegally, yep, did MI count votes more than once and have more votes than people registered, yep, exactly how many we may never know. Some have already been caught, most will never be, deal with it. My only contention anywhere in this thread is that the national popular vote is a myth and meaningless, it's not the way we elect presidents. Any questions?
Okay, but say it had came down to a runoff between two candidates; the data shows that it wouldn't have been in the bag for Hillary. My overarching point is that the Hillary winning the popular vote by 2.5 percent is superficial if not just outright phony.

3 million more votes is not superficial, and not phony. The country didn't want Trump as president

67% of the States said they did, that was more than enough.

Why would that matter?

LMAO, remind the class who's being inaugurated on Jan 20. What do you not understand about more than enough? 304 EVs. LOL
That is a totally different subject. Everybody knows Trump will be inaugurated. We are discussing whether the majority of the voters in the country want that to happen, and you can't accept the fact that the numbers say they don't.

Feel free to keep rambling about totally irrelevant shit, I don't care, won't change reality.

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