2016 - No good choices


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
As an Independent, I was unimpressed with America's choices for President. Though I vote Democrat about 75% of the time, I couldn't vote for Hillary. Her handling of emails was simply unacceptable, in addition, since the 90's the Clinton's have become more arrogant, and their since of entitlement rivals even that of "The Donald"...speaking of which, I think President Trump sincerely means well in what he is doing, however his arrogant insistence of trying to run the executive branch just like a NY Real Estate company has deprived him of some of the tools to move his agenda forward. He still has not learned that governing involves far more building of alliances, and far less bullying. With the house and senate in GOP hands, Trump should have been able to accomplish more than he has at this point. Maybe it's time to face the fact that we just didn't have much to choose from. Perhaps 2020 will be a better election cycle.
As an Independent, I was unimpressed with America's choices for President. Though I vote Democrat about 75% of the time, I couldn't vote for Hillary. Her handling of emails was simply unacceptable, in addition, since the 90's the Clinton's have become more arrogant, and their since of entitlement rivals even that of "The Donald"...speaking of which, I think President Trump sincerely means well in what he is doing, however his arrogant insistence of trying to run the executive branch just like a NY Real Estate company has deprived him of some of the tools to move his agenda forward. He still has not learned that governing involves far more building of alliances, and far less bullying. With the house and senate in GOP hands, Trump should have been able to accomplish more than he has at this point. Maybe it's time to face the fact that we just didn't have much to choose from. Perhaps 2020 will be a better election cycle.
As an Independent, I was unimpressed with America's choices for President.
An independent is a liberal too ashamed to call himself a liberal. Now we had a crooked ass, sick vagina candidate who lied all the time, stole money from the poor people through her foundation, and allowed her husband to rape and cover for his ass. Also was given answers to the debates by a crooked liberal machine and even after all this , she wanted to know why she was still 50 points down. But you go on and be independent, be wishy washy as hell, and sway which ever the way the wind blows, and just like the rest of the sorry ass liberals, you will end up getting the rewards that comes with a President who will make America Great again. Also for only being in office under 6 months , he has accomplished more than the FAKE news wants to give him credit for.

Unless one listened to the constant litany of lies from the rabid right, here was a clear cut best choice.

The problem is, we will all pay for RWNJ sheeple actions.

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