2016 What’s Wrong With Hillary?

And your point is what? Yes, there are rules that run the nomination. The rules you point out were made before Trump ever started running and they DON'T ensure the establishment candidate wins. The rules might make it harder for a favorite southern candidate to win but that could be changed by those in the south changing the day they vote.

So what you posted and what i posted are both true but the one you posted has nothing to do with the RNC stealing the nomination from Trump.

Are you trying to say the GOP isn't determined to steal the election from T-rump? There have been more than enough public statements by leading Republicans to prove they are.

Quote them as I quoted the chairman of the RNC.

Not my job to educate you about what your own party leaders are saying.
What they're doing is what we need to watch. They floated a Brokered Convention to see what kind of response it would get. It got an angry response.

Whatever you do is your call. The GOP has become trash, and has been needing change for a long time.
Yuh think???
A better question is what is right with the Hildabeast, in my lifetime I can't recall a more flawed candidate
lol coming from a vile dishonest hate filled republican ,,that's funny,,,,,,,,,,but expected

Still going for the personal attack because you have no facts? I had hoped you would have upped your game since P2K
Hunarcy What facts ?? All you have to do is listen to the leading clown of your party and his 2 wannabesThere is nothing there except hate for obama hate for hillary hate for dems ,,BTW I remember you too from P2k....you haven't changed either Still support bushs war based on bs??

Eddie, I was ALWAYS nice to you as you know. But, you lead off with a personal attack because you have nothing else so say. You did it with sassy, you're doing it with me. It's just so...disappointing.
Hunarcy ,,your first post to me was ""still going for the personal attacks"" I posted nothing to you and if I believe it's time that dems stop turning the other cheek then so be it

I made an observation about your post, not a personal attack against you. And, you'll forgive me for laughing at the idea that the Democrats were civil while the Republicans were becoming outrageous. Go back and look at the behavior Democrats as they introduced the Politics of Personal Destruction when Robert Bork was nominated for the Supreme Court. I'm saddened that you so completely ignore the truth.
lol coming from a vile dishonest hate filled republican ,,that's funny,,,,,,,,,,but expected

Still going for the personal attack because you have no facts? I had hoped you would have upped your game since P2K
Hunarcy What facts ?? All you have to do is listen to the leading clown of your party and his 2 wannabesThere is nothing there except hate for obama hate for hillary hate for dems ,,BTW I remember you too from P2k....you haven't changed either Still support bushs war based on bs??

Eddie, I was ALWAYS nice to you as you know. But, you lead off with a personal attack because you have nothing else so say. You did it with sassy, you're doing it with me. It's just so...disappointing.
Hunarcy ,,your first post to me was ""still going for the personal attacks"" I posted nothing to you and if I believe it's time that dems stop turning the other cheek then so be it

I made an observation about your post, not a personal attack against you. And, you'll forgive me for laughing at the idea that the Democrats were civil while the Republicans were becoming outrageous. Go back and look at the behavior Democrats as they introduced the Politics of Personal Destruction when Robert Bork was nominated for the Supreme Court. I'm saddened that you so completely ignore the truth.
I don't ignore anything Hunarcy Our differences lie in my seeing both sides of the street
and btw I was a republican all my life ,,voted for gwb in 2000 my worst vote ever and have been a dem ever since
Still going for the personal attack because you have no facts? I had hoped you would have upped your game since P2K
Hunarcy What facts ?? All you have to do is listen to the leading clown of your party and his 2 wannabesThere is nothing there except hate for obama hate for hillary hate for dems ,,BTW I remember you too from P2k....you haven't changed either Still support bushs war based on bs??

Eddie, I was ALWAYS nice to you as you know. But, you lead off with a personal attack because you have nothing else so say. You did it with sassy, you're doing it with me. It's just so...disappointing.
Hunarcy ,,your first post to me was ""still going for the personal attacks"" I posted nothing to you and if I believe it's time that dems stop turning the other cheek then so be it

I made an observation about your post, not a personal attack against you. And, you'll forgive me for laughing at the idea that the Democrats were civil while the Republicans were becoming outrageous. Go back and look at the behavior Democrats as they introduced the Politics of Personal Destruction when Robert Bork was nominated for the Supreme Court. I'm saddened that you so completely ignore the truth.
I don't ignore anything Hunarcy Our differences lie in my seeing both sides of the street
and btw I was a republican all my life ,,voted for gwb in 2000 my worst vote ever and have been a dem ever since

That's your choice, eddie and there's nothing wrong with being a Democrat. The thing that's wrong is blaming Republicans for behaving like Democrats, who invented the politics of personal destruction, as if they are doing something beyond the pale.
Hunarcy What facts ?? All you have to do is listen to the leading clown of your party and his 2 wannabesThere is nothing there except hate for obama hate for hillary hate for dems ,,BTW I remember you too from P2k....you haven't changed either Still support bushs war based on bs??

Eddie, I was ALWAYS nice to you as you know. But, you lead off with a personal attack because you have nothing else so say. You did it with sassy, you're doing it with me. It's just so...disappointing.
Hunarcy ,,your first post to me was ""still going for the personal attacks"" I posted nothing to you and if I believe it's time that dems stop turning the other cheek then so be it

I made an observation about your post, not a personal attack against you. And, you'll forgive me for laughing at the idea that the Democrats were civil while the Republicans were becoming outrageous. Go back and look at the behavior Democrats as they introduced the Politics of Personal Destruction when Robert Bork was nominated for the Supreme Court. I'm saddened that you so completely ignore the truth.
I don't ignore anything Hunarcy Our differences lie in my seeing both sides of the street
and btw I was a republican all my life ,,voted for gwb in 2000 my worst vote ever and have been a dem ever since

That's your choice, eddie and there's nothing wrong with being a Democrat. The thing that's wrong is blaming Republicans for behaving like Democrats, who invented the politics of personal destruction, as if they are doing something beyond the pale.
my question to you is if one party makes a terrible error ,,,does that give the other party the right to do the same thing? and then point fingers you did it too?
Eddie, I was ALWAYS nice to you as you know. But, you lead off with a personal attack because you have nothing else so say. You did it with sassy, you're doing it with me. It's just so...disappointing.
Hunarcy ,,your first post to me was ""still going for the personal attacks"" I posted nothing to you and if I believe it's time that dems stop turning the other cheek then so be it

I made an observation about your post, not a personal attack against you. And, you'll forgive me for laughing at the idea that the Democrats were civil while the Republicans were becoming outrageous. Go back and look at the behavior Democrats as they introduced the Politics of Personal Destruction when Robert Bork was nominated for the Supreme Court. I'm saddened that you so completely ignore the truth.
I don't ignore anything Hunarcy Our differences lie in my seeing both sides of the street
and btw I was a republican all my life ,,voted for gwb in 2000 my worst vote ever and have been a dem ever since

That's your choice, eddie and there's nothing wrong with being a Democrat. The thing that's wrong is blaming Republicans for behaving like Democrats, who invented the politics of personal destruction, as if they are doing something beyond the pale.
my question to you is if one party makes a terrible error ,,,does that give the other party the right to do the same thing? and then point fingers you did it too?

And my question to you is when someone is cutting out your intestines, do you limit yourself to a slap to get them to stop? It's disingenuous to expect the Republicans to not respond in kind when they are CONSTANTLY being vilified by the Left. May I remind you of the ads showing Republicans pushing "grandma" off a cliff?

And I seem to remember that you always said when you flamed someone, you intended to "give as good as you got". If that's your philosophy, why cast aspirations on those who behave the same as you?
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Hunarcy ,,your first post to me was ""still going for the personal attacks"" I posted nothing to you and if I believe it's time that dems stop turning the other cheek then so be it

I made an observation about your post, not a personal attack against you. And, you'll forgive me for laughing at the idea that the Democrats were civil while the Republicans were becoming outrageous. Go back and look at the behavior Democrats as they introduced the Politics of Personal Destruction when Robert Bork was nominated for the Supreme Court. I'm saddened that you so completely ignore the truth.
I don't ignore anything Hunarcy Our differences lie in my seeing both sides of the street
and btw I was a republican all my life ,,voted for gwb in 2000 my worst vote ever and have been a dem ever since

That's your choice, eddie and there's nothing wrong with being a Democrat. The thing that's wrong is blaming Republicans for behaving like Democrats, who invented the politics of personal destruction, as if they are doing something beyond the pale.
my question to you is if one party makes a terrible error ,,,does that give the other party the right to do the same thing? and then point fingers you did it too?

And my question to you is when someone is cutting out your intestines, do you limit yourself to a slap to get them to stop? It's disingenuous to expect the Republicans to not respond in kind when they are CONSTANTLY being vilified by the Left. May I remind you of the ads showing Republicans pushing "grandma" off a cliff?

And I seem to remember that you always said when you flamed someone, you intended to "give as good as you got". If that's your philosophy, why cast aspirations on those who behave the same as you?
I always said I didn't want the dem party to turn the other cheek but given the time about responding constantly I could fill pages of where republicans villified {sp} Dems and your senate leader not even giving an up or down vote on SC justice??? and he quotes dems doing the same tit for tat?? If thats the repubs playbook we're coming to a bitter end
I made an observation about your post, not a personal attack against you. And, you'll forgive me for laughing at the idea that the Democrats were civil while the Republicans were becoming outrageous. Go back and look at the behavior Democrats as they introduced the Politics of Personal Destruction when Robert Bork was nominated for the Supreme Court. I'm saddened that you so completely ignore the truth.
I don't ignore anything Hunarcy Our differences lie in my seeing both sides of the street
and btw I was a republican all my life ,,voted for gwb in 2000 my worst vote ever and have been a dem ever since

That's your choice, eddie and there's nothing wrong with being a Democrat. The thing that's wrong is blaming Republicans for behaving like Democrats, who invented the politics of personal destruction, as if they are doing something beyond the pale.
my question to you is if one party makes a terrible error ,,,does that give the other party the right to do the same thing? and then point fingers you did it too?

And my question to you is when someone is cutting out your intestines, do you limit yourself to a slap to get them to stop? It's disingenuous to expect the Republicans to not respond in kind when they are CONSTANTLY being vilified by the Left. May I remind you of the ads showing Republicans pushing "grandma" off a cliff?

And I seem to remember that you always said when you flamed someone, you intended to "give as good as you got". If that's your philosophy, why cast aspirations on those who behave the same as you?
I always said I didn't want the dem party to turn the other cheek but given the time about responding constantly I could fill pages of where republicans villified {sp} Dems and your senate leader not even giving an up or down vote on SC justice??? and he quotes dems doing the same tit for tat?? If thats the repubs playbook we're coming to a bitter end

Ah, so you believe ONLY Republicans should turn the other cheek and you object to them invoking the Biden rule. And,during Bush's first term, 10 of his judicial appointees were denied and up or down vote. Most were confirmed during his second term, so it wasn't the judges who were the issue. Your selective outrage is disingenuous.

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