2019 top ten most expensive states to live in.....and the winner is.............

No surprise, except for Alaska which has an excuse due to pretty much all goods needing to be shipped in, all deep blue states. California most expensive in the lower 48. Such a shock.

America's 10 most expensive states to live in 2019

10. (tie) New Jersey

10. (tie) Rhode Island

8. Connecticut

7. Alaska

6. Oregon

5. Maryland

4. Massachusetts

3. New York

2. California

1. Hawaii
Why didn’t Mississippi and West Virginia make the list?

Maybe because the don’t have high paying jobs, excellent educational systems, public services, parks and recreation, modern infrastructure
You're a big boy now. You can make your own choices in life including choosing where to live.
Thanks for your permission, a-hole.

I think it's pretty funny that I'm arguing that higher market value suggests that it's more desired and higher in quality.
More desired by whom? I lived in the Bay Area for decades. How about you? The idea that everyone would give up all their money to live in a place with so many glaring shortcomings is hilarious!
And who says San Francisco housing is magically higher in quality than other places? You are hilarious.

You choose to live close to San Francisco with high house prices...and you're arguing against me. LoL
I'm not arguing with you. You're too stupid for that. And my proximity to San Francisco had nothing to do with San Francisco itself. I was equally close to Sacramento, Davis, Berkeley and Oakland.
Yet I lived in none of those places when I left Napa. Eff off.

A lot of people work in San Francisco - your children included. Living closer to work is kind of a nice incentive. That's why housing prices are higher the closer you get there. You live pretty close to there and you see effects of that in your city. Do I really need to explain this to you?

I noticed that you didn't respond to the direct quotes stating that you're a moron and an ignorant sucker who is throwing money away, lol.
A lot of people work in San Francisco - your children included. Living closer to work is kind of a nice incentive. That's why housing prices are higher the closer you get there. You live pretty close to there and you see effects of that in your city. Do I really need to explain this to you?
No. You don't and I don't see how it's pertinent. So if people work in SF they want to live in SF, if they can possibly manage it. So what?
The people I grew up with and worked around moved to San Francisco
if it was really important to them. There were damned few of those people that I knew of.

I noticed that you didn't respond to the direct quotes stating that you're a moron and an ignorant sucker who is throwing money away, lol.
I wasn't personally addressed and everyone has their own opinions so why should I waste my time telling someone no, you're wrong or yes, you are correct?
If someone wants to live in a shack in Arkansas that's their business.
people who live there may not have a choice when prices go up,that does not mean they want to pay more,many of those things are over priced too....and may not be that much better than some of the lower priced things....

Market value shows that people are willing to pay more to be there.
not what i was saying was it?....

Then your response was not related to what I was saying.

Adults can decide for themselves where they live.
sure it was...you made it sound like the people of California dont mind paying for things that are overpriced,when thats a bunch of bullshit....even those who move in dont want to pay more for what is there already....
A lot of people work in San Francisco - your children included. Living closer to work is kind of a nice incentive. That's why housing prices are higher the closer you get there. You live pretty close to there and you see effects of that in your city. Do I really need to explain this to you?
No. You don't and I don't see how it's pertinent. So if people work in SF they want to live in SF, if they can possibly manage it. So what?
The people I grew up with and worked around moved to San Francisco
if it was really important to them. There were damned few of those people that I knew of.

Of course you don't see how it's pertinent. Because you're a fucking moron.

Another poster said the following: "I pay a fraction of what morons in the bay area pay."

You live in the bay area. You pay a lot. People who live close to San Francisco, like you, pay a lot. I've been trying to rationalize why people, like you, would choose to spend a lot of money to live in an expensive city. Rather than arguing with the person who is calling you a moron, you instead choose to argue with me while I'm trying to rationalize why people, like you, choose to live in an expensive city.

How about we all just agree that you're a moron?
]I wasn't personally addressed and everyone has their own opinions so why should I waste my time telling someone no, you're wrong or yes, you are correct?

That's a cute way of trying to pussy-foot around the question. I personally addressed you and you've been wasting plenty of time talking to me about my opinions.

Suppose I called you an ignorant moron who throws money away. You going to address it now or are you still going to dance around it?
Annnd the 10 least expensive states are:

10. Wyoming

9. Indiana

8. Kansas

6. (tie) Tennessee

6. (tie) Alabama

5. Michigan

4. Missouri

3. Arkansas

2. Oklahoma

1. Mississippi
Almost ALL Red states. Interesting.............

So if the democrats really champion the poor, as the myth goes, why do all the rich states vote blue while the red states vote red?
sure it was...you made it sound like the people of California dont mind paying for things that are overpriced,when thats a bunch of bullshit....even those who move in dont want to pay more for what is there already....

Obviously people don't want to pay more for something than they need to.

"Overpriced" meaning what exactly? I'm talking about market value. The market value of a home in California is higher than the market value of a home in Mississippi. People are willing to pay more for something they perceive to be more valuable.

We all gauge this decision. When deciding which car to buy, there's a wide range of selections. Someone can pay $x on a car or $y on a better car. The second car isn't "overpriced". But it's better than the first car so it costs more.
sure it was...you made it sound like the people of California dont mind paying for things that are overpriced,when thats a bunch of bullshit....even those who move in dont want to pay more for what is there already....

Obviously people don't want to pay more for something than they need to.

"Overpriced" meaning what exactly? I'm talking about market value. The market value of a home in California is higher than the market value of a home in Mississippi. People are willing to pay more for something they perceive to be more valuable.

We all gauge this decision. When deciding which car to buy, there's a wide range of selections. Someone can pay $x on a car or $y on a better car. The second car isn't "overpriced". But it's better than the first car so it costs more.
and that market value is way out of line....old shitty houses in Garden Grove are going for 4-5 hundred thousand,and they are old houses built in the 60's in not so great neighborhoods....
No surprise, except for Alaska which has an excuse due to pretty much all goods needing to be shipped in, all deep blue states. California most expensive in the lower 48. Such a shock.

America's 10 most expensive states to live in 2019

10. (tie) New Jersey

10. (tie) Rhode Island

8. Connecticut

7. Alaska

6. Oregon

5. Maryland

4. Massachusetts

3. New York

2. California

1. Hawaii

It costs more for a room in the Hilton that Motel 6.
sure it was...you made it sound like the people of California dont mind paying for things that are overpriced,when thats a bunch of bullshit....even those who move in dont want to pay more for what is there already....

Obviously people don't want to pay more for something than they need to.

"Overpriced" meaning what exactly? I'm talking about market value. The market value of a home in California is higher than the market value of a home in Mississippi. People are willing to pay more for something they perceive to be more valuable.

We all gauge this decision. When deciding which car to buy, there's a wide range of selections. Someone can pay $x on a car or $y on a better car. The second car isn't "overpriced". But it's better than the first car so it costs more.
and that market value is way out of line....old shitty houses in Garden Grove are going for 4-5 hundred thousand,and they are old houses built in the 60's in not so great neighborhoods....

Oh. You think your opinion is useful regarding what the market value should be.

That's adorable.
sure it was...you made it sound like the people of California dont mind paying for things that are overpriced,when thats a bunch of bullshit....even those who move in dont want to pay more for what is there already....

Obviously people don't want to pay more for something than they need to.

"Overpriced" meaning what exactly? I'm talking about market value. The market value of a home in California is higher than the market value of a home in Mississippi. People are willing to pay more for something they perceive to be more valuable.

We all gauge this decision. When deciding which car to buy, there's a wide range of selections. Someone can pay $x on a car or $y on a better car. The second car isn't "overpriced". But it's better than the first car so it costs more.
and that market value is way out of line....old shitty houses in Garden Grove are going for 4-5 hundred thousand,and they are old houses built in the 60's in not so great neighborhoods....

Oh. You think your opinion on what the market value should be is of importance.

That's adorable.
yea that is adorable...and i bet there are a hell of a lot Californians that agree with me...would you buy a house in garden grove for that kind of money?..
sure it was...you made it sound like the people of California dont mind paying for things that are overpriced,when thats a bunch of bullshit....even those who move in dont want to pay more for what is there already....

Obviously people don't want to pay more for something than they need to.

"Overpriced" meaning what exactly? I'm talking about market value. The market value of a home in California is higher than the market value of a home in Mississippi. People are willing to pay more for something they perceive to be more valuable.

We all gauge this decision. When deciding which car to buy, there's a wide range of selections. Someone can pay $x on a car or $y on a better car. The second car isn't "overpriced". But it's better than the first car so it costs more.
and that market value is way out of line....old shitty houses in Garden Grove are going for 4-5 hundred thousand,and they are old houses built in the 60's in not so great neighborhoods....

Oh. You think your opinion on what the market value should be is of importance.

That's adorable.
yea that is adorable...and i bet there are a hell of a lot Californians that agree with me...would you buy a house in garden grove for that kind of money?..

Things cost what people are willing to pay for them.

It's really not that difficult of a concept. But yes, your opinion on what the market value ought to be is soooooo helpful. Thank you so much for that.
As in most things in life, you get what you pay for

Some states are willing to invest in education, healthcare, taking care of the poor, modern infrastructure, parks and recreation,

Other states operate on the cheap
As in most things in life, you get what you pay for

Some states are willing to invest in education, healthcare, taking care of the poor, modern infrastructure, parks and recreation,

Other states operate on the cheap
And some states invest in supporting and enabling a large class of criminals within their state, at the expense of tax paying citizens, while those citizens are necessarily cheated out of the benefits their money was intended to provide.

It's a myth that all blue states excel in education while all red states trail behind. Geographic disparity: States with the best (and worst) schools

That deep blue states I used to live in and the one I currently live in, California and Oregon, are ranked 34th and 35th respectively in this listing.
Not very impressive especially considering all the money they pour into education and their very high tax rates.
Perhaps if they spent less propping up huge illegal immigrant populations and more in the classrooms?

Iowa, North Dakota and Wyoming, to name a few, all are ranked much higher than many blue states even though they presumably "operate on the cheap". The two lowest states on this list? New Mexico and Nevada, both blue states.
When you believe your own propaganda you wind up looking quite dumb.
As in most things in life, you get what you pay for

Some states are willing to invest in education, healthcare, taking care of the poor, modern infrastructure, parks and recreation,

Other states operate on the cheap
And some states invest in supporting and enabling a large class of criminals within their state, at the expense of tax paying citizens, while those citizens are necessarily cheated out of the benefits their money was intended to provide.

It's a myth that all blue states excel in education while all red states trail behind. Geographic disparity: States with the best (and worst) schools

That deep blue states I used to live in and the one I currently live in, California and Oregon, are ranked 34th and 35th respectively in this listing.
Not very impressive especially considering all the money they pour into education and their very high tax rates.
Perhaps if they spent less propping up huge illegal immigrant populations and more in the classrooms?

Iowa, North Dakota and Wyoming, to name a few, all are ranked much higher than many blue states even though they presumably "operate on the cheap". The two lowest states on this list? New Mexico and Nevada, both blue states.
When you believe your own propaganda you wind up looking quite dumb.

Your list

Your list

LOL! If you want to debate or object to anything I posted on the matter go ahead. Regurgitating what I already posted is pointless.
Your list

LOL! If you want to debate or object to anything I posted on the matter go ahead. Regurgitating what I already posted is pointless.

When 9 of the top 10 states in quality of education are Blue States, it shows your conclusions are wrong

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