2019 top ten most expensive states to live in.....and the winner is.............

Libs like you to believe they are forthe little guy, the poor, etc. Yet most of the places they completely control, are for the elites, the super wealthy.
I wouldn't expect a conservative to have a fond view of the bay area. That's obvious.

But the market value suggests that other people see something there that you don't. I'm happy for you preferring something less expensive though. That works out pretty well for you - kind of like someone who happily prefers bologna over prime rib.
How many times are you going to use this same dimwitted line? Nobody prefers bologna over prime rib.
And how do you like your prime rib, sir? With or without heroin needles and homeless fecal matter?

I don't think it's so complicated but you guys really can't seem to get a grasp on this for some reason.

How about you explain to me why some things cost more than other things. Shouldn't be too hard for you. Go.

Third world diseases, people peeing and crapping on the streets, tent cities, violence, drugs, needles, overdoses, homelessness. That doesn't sound like prime rib to me, sounds like wannabes trying to make a shit sandwich sound good.
I wouldn't expect a conservative to have a fond view of the bay area. That's obvious.

But the market value suggests that other people see something there that you don't. I'm happy for you preferring something less expensive though. That works out pretty well for you - kind of like someone who happily prefers bologna over prime rib.
How many times are you going to use this same dimwitted line? Nobody prefers bologna over prime rib.
And how do you like your prime rib, sir? With or without heroin needles and homeless fecal matter?

I don't think it's so complicated but you guys really can't seem to get a grasp on this for some reason.

How about you explain to me why some things cost more than other things. Shouldn't be too hard for you. Go.

Third world diseases, people peeing and crapping on the streets, tent cities, violence, drugs, needles, overdoses, homelessness. That doesn't sound like prime rib to me, sounds like wannabes trying to make a shit sandwich sound good.

Another parrot. Yes, I'm familiar with the same talking point you guys all love to regurgitate. Super original comment there.

Yet people pay more to be there. People pay more for things they perceive as better.
Third world diseases, people peeing and crapping on the streets, tent cities, violence, drugs, needles, overdoses, homelessness. That doesn't sound like prime rib to me, sounds like wannabes trying to make a shit sandwich sound good.

Youngstown didn't have people shitting in the streets when the unemployment rate was 30% during the Steel Collapse.
I wouldn't expect a conservative to have a fond view of the bay area. That's obvious.

But the market value suggests that other people see something there that you don't. I'm happy for you preferring something less expensive though. That works out pretty well for you - kind of like someone who happily prefers bologna over prime rib.
How many times are you going to use this same dimwitted line? Nobody prefers bologna over prime rib.
And how do you like your prime rib, sir? With or without heroin needles and homeless fecal matter?

I don't think it's so complicated but you guys really can't seem to get a grasp on this for some reason.

How about you explain to me why some things cost more than other things. Shouldn't be too hard for you. Go.

Third world diseases, people peeing and crapping on the streets, tent cities, violence, drugs, needles, overdoses, homelessness. That doesn't sound like prime rib to me, sounds like wannabes trying to make a shit sandwich sound good.

Another parrot. Yes, I'm familiar with the same talking point you guys all love to regurgitate. Super original comment there.

Yet people pay more to be there. People pay more for things they perceive as better.

Good for them, I am happy they live their and I am happy I live where I want to live. I lived in Portland was happy to leave, I visited there a couple months ago and we changed our hotel from downtown to out by the airport because of the riots and homeless tents in the street. People are free to perceive what they feel is better. I am good with that but it is not prime rib, it is a shit sandwich, which you are more than welcome to partake. BTW, you have said absolutely nothing to change the argument, but hey, it is your time.
It depends.

Ladies and gentlemen, Mr David Vitter. Who still has not been able to address the question of what an antiquated bizarre pre-Abolition proxy voting system engaged every four years works has to do with the cost of living. Any day now.
Right. Things cost what people are willing to pay. People are willing to pay higher amounts of money for things that they perceive as better.

Great, thanks.
You're welcome. Implicit in your tiresome talking point is if you pay much more for one thing over the other then, ipso facto, that thing must be a superior object.

That's just a childish fallacy that doesn't take so many other factors into account. It's simplistic nonsense. Grow up.
Hey Eric Arthur Blair,

Why did you decide to live in Napa Valley? It would have been a lot cheaper to live in Mobile, Alabama. Why are you willing to pay more to live in Napa Valley?
I started living there as a child. That decision was made for me.
And before the wine boom Napa was a moderately priced location close to San Francisco (for special events) yet far enough away to avoid the chaos and congestion of San Francisco.
I've always lived in the West and wouldn't dream of moving away.

This person thinks you're a sucker, apparently, because you're spending more money than you would have in Mississippi or Alabama.

Are you "giving your money away" like this person says?
If living as cheaply as possible is the only goal then maybe I am giving by money away.
I wouldn't expect a conservative to have a fond view of the bay area. That's obvious.

But the market value suggests that other people see something there that you don't. I'm happy for you preferring something less expensive though. That works out pretty well for you - kind of like someone who happily prefers bologna over prime rib.
How many times are you going to use this same dimwitted line? Nobody prefers bologna over prime rib.
And how do you like your prime rib, sir? With or without heroin needles and homeless fecal matter?

I don't think it's so complicated but you guys really can't seem to get a grasp on this for some reason.

How about you explain to me why some things cost more than other things. Shouldn't be too hard for you. Go.

Third world diseases, people peeing and crapping on the streets, tent cities, violence, drugs, needles, overdoses, homelessness. That doesn't sound like prime rib to me, sounds like wannabes trying to make a shit sandwich sound good.

Another parrot. Yes, I'm familiar with the same talking point you guys all love to regurgitate. Super original comment there.

Yet people pay more to be there. People pay more for things they perceive as better.
people who live there may not have a choice when prices go up,that does not mean they want to pay more,many of those things are over priced too....and may not be that much better than some of the lower priced things....
I don't know how these state wide stats are collected, or how they equate to quality of life living in them

I will say better the rednecks in the woods, than the homies in the hoods...


Good for them, I am happy they live their and I am happy I live where I want to live. I lived in Portland was happy to leave, I visited there a couple months ago and we changed our hotel from downtown to out by the airport because of the riots and homeless tents in the street. People are free to perceive what they feel is better. I am good with that but it is not prime rib, it is a shit sandwich, which you are more than welcome to partake. BTW, you have said absolutely nothing to change the argument, but hey, it is your time.

You don't dictate the market value. People do.
Libs like you to believe they are forthe little guy, the poor, etc. Yet most of the places they completely control, are for the elites, the super wealthy.

Are you in favor of welfare for the poor?

It depends.

Depends on what?

Go ahead and tell me some of the legislation policies you're in favor of that help support the poor. Then we can compare notes and see which of us is in favor of helping the little guy.
Right. Things cost what people are willing to pay. People are willing to pay higher amounts of money for things that they perceive as better.

Great, thanks.
You're welcome. Implicit in your tiresome talking point is if you pay much more for one thing over the other then, ipso facto, that thing must be a superior object.

That's just a childish fallacy that doesn't take so many other factors into account. It's simplistic nonsense. Grow up.

People are willing to pay higher amounts of money for things that they perceive as better. Let me know which part of that you need help with.

Frankly, it's kind of embarrassing that I need to explain this to you considering that you CHOOSE to live 50 miles away from San Francisco, including all the extra costs.
people who live there may not have a choice when prices go up,that does not mean they want to pay more,many of those things are over priced too....and may not be that much better than some of the lower priced things....

Market value shows that people are willing to pay more to be there.
I started living there as a child. That decision was made for me.
And before the wine boom Napa was a moderately priced location close to San Francisco (for special events) yet far enough away to avoid the chaos and congestion of San Francisco.
I've always lived in the West and wouldn't dream of moving away.
If living as cheaply as possible is the only goal then maybe I am giving by money away.

You're a big boy now. You can make your own choices in life including choosing where to live.

I think it's pretty funny that I'm arguing that higher market value suggests that it's more desired and higher in quality. You choose to live close to San Francisco with high house prices...and you're arguing against me. LoL

Ok, fine. Maybe DigitalDrifter was right.

"there's a sucker born every minute. If you guys think it's worth, then you're free to give your money away"

"I pay a fraction of what morons living in the bay area pay."

"I'm betting a good deal of Californians just don't realize that there is so much better out there."

So I guess that makes you a moron and an ignorant sucker who is throwing money away. Congratulations.
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You're a big boy now. You can make your own choices in life including choosing where to live.
Thanks for your permission, a-hole.

I think it's pretty funny that I'm arguing that higher market value suggests that it's more desired and higher in quality.
More desired by whom? I lived in the Bay Area for decades. How about you? The idea that everyone would give up all their money to live in a place with so many glaring shortcomings is hilarious!
And who says San Francisco housing is magically higher in quality than other places? You are hilarious.

You choose to live close to San Francisco with high house prices...and you're arguing against me. LoL
I'm not arguing with you. You're too stupid for that. And my proximity to San Francisco had nothing to do with San Francisco itself. I was equally close to Sacramento, Davis, Berkeley and Oakland.
Yet I lived in none of those places when I left Napa. Eff off.
people who live there may not have a choice when prices go up,that does not mean they want to pay more,many of those things are over priced too....and may not be that much better than some of the lower priced things....

Market value shows that people are willing to pay more to be there.
not what i was saying was it?....

Then your response was not related to what I was saying.

Adults can decide for themselves where they live.

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