2020 and the National Debt

How important do you think the National Debt is going to be in the election of 2020?

  • Very important

    Votes: 5 9.8%
  • Moderately important

    Votes: 11 21.6%
  • Unimportant

    Votes: 32 62.7%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 3 5.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


I'd mentioned elsewhere that the BIS just openly stated they wanna end physical mediums of exchange. That means coin, paper currency, bonds, equities securities, etc.

The way they're wording it is global reforms to national payment systems. Heh heh. Cute, huh? If we recall, the BIS narrative of questioning the role of money in the digital age began in the wake of Brexit and, ironically, Donald Trump’s presidency. And we've seen him call for negative interest rates a few times himself. Looks like the BIS is looking for full digital control over our finances. Clearly they're aware of what's getting ready to go down. No doubt we aren't the only ones who recognize the Fed's growing inability to control the cost of currency.

But...we're seeing some states start to make gold and silver legal tender again. So, that's interesting. Sure would be nice to fill your tank up with a couple of silver dimes again, wouldn't it?
I've heard a little talk around here from time to time about the National Debt with each side blaming the other side for the size of it. I just checked the amount of the debt, and it's going up a million dollars in the time that I was there, and considering that was a few minutes ago. The National Debt as of 12/29/2019 is $23,160,651,000,000.00 as of CST 8:44 pm.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

How important do you think the National Debt is going to be in the election of 2020? Is that too much money right now? Please add your thoughts below. Voting on this poll ends in 45 days. Thank you.
You would have to look at the last time the budget was balanced to find how a compromise works. There will never be another compromise while Trump is potus, and McConnell said in 2017 he wasn't doing entitlement reform while Trump was potus.

Would Biden support a compromise? Probably. Could the gop do that even if Trump and McConnell were defeated? I dunno. At one time McConnell would have compromised. I'm not sure anymore.
I agree. I think from the information I am hearing there are going to be some unfortunate consequences for people in the government who engaged in criminal activities. But from what I've seen, when jail terms expire or people are pardoned, they dumb down the requirements. For example, when I grew up, everybody knew that people who went to jail for big crimes would never vote again. That has been reversed in the last 20 years to restore former criminals to voting privileges after they get out of jail, and possibly, they can vote while in prison. That just feels wrong because it's not clear to me that people whose only living was made from stealing money and goods from other people may at any time experience recidivism and/or have no better judgment than when they went in unless rehabilitation is better than it was 50 years ago.
There are more immoral and unethical people in our country that have never been convicted of a crime as there are immoral and unethical people who have been convicted.
As a Christian I am sure you feel the 10 commandments are more important than any single law. Look how many of the 10 commandments Donald Trump has broken. He is a major sinner.
As a Christian, I could never vote for a person as immoral and unethical as Donald Trump. I cannot see how anyone who believes in God could vote for Trump.
I've heard a little talk around here from time to time about the National Debt with each side blaming the other side for the size of it. I just checked the amount of the debt, and it's going up a million dollars in the time that I was there, and considering that was a few minutes ago. The National Debt as of 12/29/2019 is $23,160,651,000,000.00 as of CST 8:44 pm.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

How important do you think the National Debt is going to be in the election of 2020? Is that too much money right now? Please add your thoughts below. Voting on this poll ends in 45 days. Thank you.
You would have to look at the last time the budget was balanced to find how a compromise works. There will never be another compromise while Trump is potus, and McConnell said in 2017 he wasn't doing entitlement reform while Trump was potus.

Would Biden support a compromise? Probably. Could the gop do that even if Trump and McConnell were defeated? I dunno. At one time McConnell would have compromised. I'm not sure anymore.
I agree. I think from the information I am hearing there are going to be some unfortunate consequences for people in the government who engaged in criminal activities. But from what I've seen, when jail terms expire or people are pardoned, they dumb down the requirements. For example, when I grew up, everybody knew that people who went to jail for big crimes would never vote again. That has been reversed in the last 20 years to restore former criminals to voting privileges after they get out of jail, and possibly, they can vote while in prison. That just feels wrong because it's not clear to me that people whose only living was made from stealing money and goods from other people may at any time experience recidivism and/or have no better judgment than when they went in unless rehabilitation is better than it was 50 years ago.
There are more immoral and unethical people in our country that have never been convicted of a crime as there are immoral and unethical people who have been convicted.
As a Christian I am sure you feel the 10 commandments are more important than any single law. Look how many of the 10 commandments Donald Trump has broken. He is a major sinner.
As a Christian, I could never vote for a person as immoral and unethical as Donald Trump. I cannot see how anyone who believes in God could vote for Trump.

Yet you'll vote for a party aspiring to tyranny and that will shut your religion down at the earliest opportunity?

Who precisely do you think you're kidding?
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To whom is the bulk of the national debt to be repaid?
A large portion of the debt is owed to China. That is not a bad thing. They cannot afford to see the US destroyed because we owe them so much money.

If the US Debt bubble sinks the US dollar, and the Yuan becomes the global currency, how much would that be worth to China?
China is also in a debt bubble.

$6T in Debt for the world's 2nd largest economy isn't a debt bubble, its totally manageable.
A wild debt boom which fueled rapid growth for China and emerging markets 'may already have burst'

China's stated long range goal is world domination. Unless we manage our Debt, we're toast.
The US is scrambling to invest more in Asia to counter China's 'Belt and Road' mega-project. Here's what China's plan to connect the world through infrastructure is like.
To whom is the bulk of the national debt to be repaid?
A large portion of the debt is owed to China. That is not a bad thing. They cannot afford to see the US destroyed because we owe them so much money.

If the US Debt bubble sinks the US dollar, and the Yuan becomes the global currency, how much would that be worth to China?
If that did happen, China would lose a lot of money on the US debt. Plus, many of the Chinese billionaires are heavily invested in the US. One benefit of global markets is countries have vested interests in other countries doing well.
When China becomes the largest consuming market place in the world it will provide great opportunity for US companies. Isolationism is short sighted.

Naivete is short-sighted, not isolationism. Maybe you should listen to the Joint Chief's warnings. You apparently are a globalist only worried about the billionaires wealth. That was the last few decades' US policy, move jobs and factories to China. When the wolf is at the door, don't come crying to the middle-class to protect your wealth.
China Poses Largest Long-Term Threat to U.S., DOD Policy Chief Says > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Story
Fox you are clueless as to zeroing out. Your post is proof. The Fed's actions cannot "debase currency." There are no added dollars.

There are other possible dangers however.

When money is created out of thin air its value is distorted. Ultimately, the people who have saved get robbed. Meaning that if the dollar is devalued by 10%, they're being robbed at 10%.

The dollar was debased a long time ago. 1971, to be exact. Used to be the dollar was backed by a store of value. Gold and silver. Not any more. Now it's backed by an IOU. All they're really doing is trading IOUs back and forth. Though we haven't really touched on fractional reserve lending here.

The entire economic system is sub-prime. They keep talking about artificially lowering interest rates but the only way to do that is to create more money out of thin air. Inflation, inflation, inflation.

Why Did the U.S. Abandon the Gold Standard?
What is the gold standard?
It’s a monetary system that directly links a currency’s value to that of gold. A country on the gold standard cannot increase the amount of money in circulation without also increasing its gold reserves. Because the global gold supply grows only slowly, being on the gold standard would theoretically hold government overspending and inflation in check. No country currently backs its currency with gold, but many have in the past, including the U.S.

Could the gold standard come back?
It’s very unlikely. In a University of Chicago poll this year, not one of 40 top economists surveyed supported a return to gold. The last gold standard commission, established by President Ronald Reagan, voted by a wide margin against bringing it back. The size and complexity of the U.S. economy would also make the conversion extremely difficult. Just to back the dollars now in circulation and on deposit—about $2.7 trillion—with the approximately 261 million ounces of gold held by the U.S. government, gold prices would have to rise as high as $10,000 an ounce, up from about $1,780, causing huge inflation.
I've heard a little talk around here from time to time about the National Debt with each side blaming the other side for the size of it. I just checked the amount of the debt, and it's going up a million dollars in the time that I was there, and considering that was a few minutes ago. The National Debt as of 12/29/2019 is $23,160,651,000,000.00 as of CST 8:44 pm.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

How important do you think the National Debt is going to be in the election of 2020? Is that too much money right now? Please add your thoughts below. Voting on this poll ends in 45 days. Thank you.
You would have to look at the last time the budget was balanced to find how a compromise works. There will never be another compromise while Trump is potus, and McConnell said in 2017 he wasn't doing entitlement reform while Trump was potus.

Would Biden support a compromise? Probably. Could the gop do that even if Trump and McConnell were defeated? I dunno. At one time McConnell would have compromised. I'm not sure anymore.
I agree. I think from the information I am hearing there are going to be some unfortunate consequences for people in the government who engaged in criminal activities. But from what I've seen, when jail terms expire or people are pardoned, they dumb down the requirements. For example, when I grew up, everybody knew that people who went to jail for big crimes would never vote again. That has been reversed in the last 20 years to restore former criminals to voting privileges after they get out of jail, and possibly, they can vote while in prison. That just feels wrong because it's not clear to me that people whose only living was made from stealing money and goods from other people may at any time experience recidivism and/or have no better judgment than when they went in unless rehabilitation is better than it was 50 years ago.
There are more immoral and unethical people in our country that have never been convicted of a crime as there are immoral and unethical people who have been convicted.
As a Christian I am sure you feel the 10 commandments are more important than any single law. Look how many of the 10 commandments Donald Trump has broken. He is a major sinner.
As a Christian, I could never vote for a person as immoral and unethical as Donald Trump. I cannot see how anyone who believes in God could vote for Trump.

Yet you'll vote for a party aspiring to tyranny and that will shut your religion down at the earliest opportunity?

Who precisely do you think you're kidding?
The Constitution protects my freedom of religion. I have not had the government interfere with my religion. Nor do I want our government interfering with anyone else's religion.
I see Trump breaking down the separation of powers as set out in the Constitution. That is dangerous. The separation of powers prevents any President or branch of government from having enough power to interfere with religion. Trump is attacking every institution, branch of government and individual who dilutes his power. Our Constitution did not want our President to have as much power as Trump is trying to get.
To whom is the bulk of the national debt to be repaid?
A large portion of the debt is owed to China. That is not a bad thing. They cannot afford to see the US destroyed because we owe them so much money.

If the US Debt bubble sinks the US dollar, and the Yuan becomes the global currency, how much would that be worth to China?
If that did happen, China would lose a lot of money on the US debt. Plus, many of the Chinese billionaires are heavily invested in the US. One benefit of global markets is countries have vested interests in other countries doing well.
When China becomes the largest consuming market place in the world it will provide great opportunity for US companies. Isolationism is short sighted.

Naivete is short-sighted, not isolationism. Maybe you should listen to the Joint Chief's warnings. You apparently are a globalist only worried about the billionaires wealth. That was the last few decades' US policy, move jobs and factories to China. When the wolf is at the door, don't come crying to the middle-class to protect your wealth.
China Poses Largest Long-Term Threat to U.S., DOD Policy Chief Says > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Story
whacked out paranoia. Fear drives people to isolate themselves. Fear drives countries to isolate themselves. only thing you have to fear is fear its self.
The answer is to work to solve what you fear not to let fear force you to withdraw. It takes strength to not let fear overwhelm you.
If re-elected, Trump will shatter Obama's debt record wide open.

Book it.
I prefer a real leader like President Trump. He upped the number of people working, and he saw to it the new jobs would be good-paying jobs. And he has been nothing but enchantment to the stock market, sir or madam.
I've heard a little talk around here from time to time about the National Debt with each side blaming the other side for the size of it. I just checked the amount of the debt, and it's going up a million dollars in the time that I was there, and considering that was a few minutes ago. The National Debt as of 12/29/2019 is $23,160,651,000,000.00 as of CST 8:44 pm.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

How important do you think the National Debt is going to be in the election of 2020? Is that too much money right now? Please add your thoughts below. Voting on this poll ends in 45 days. Thank you.
You would have to look at the last time the budget was balanced to find how a compromise works. There will never be another compromise while Trump is potus, and McConnell said in 2017 he wasn't doing entitlement reform while Trump was potus.

Would Biden support a compromise? Probably. Could the gop do that even if Trump and McConnell were defeated? I dunno. At one time McConnell would have compromised. I'm not sure anymore.
I agree. I think from the information I am hearing there are going to be some unfortunate consequences for people in the government who engaged in criminal activities. But from what I've seen, when jail terms expire or people are pardoned, they dumb down the requirements. For example, when I grew up, everybody knew that people who went to jail for big crimes would never vote again. That has been reversed in the last 20 years to restore former criminals to voting privileges after they get out of jail, and possibly, they can vote while in prison. That just feels wrong because it's not clear to me that people whose only living was made from stealing money and goods from other people may at any time experience recidivism and/or have no better judgment than when they went in unless rehabilitation is better than it was 50 years ago.
There are more immoral and unethical people in our country that have never been convicted of a crime as there are immoral and unethical people who have been convicted.
As a Christian I am sure you feel the 10 commandments are more important than any single law. Look how many of the 10 commandments Donald Trump has broken. He is a major sinner.
As a Christian, I could never vote for a person as immoral and unethical as Donald Trump. I cannot see how anyone who believes in God could vote for Trump.
King David was a keen believer, but he made mistakes. He had a man killed so he could have his wife for himself. He was sorry, and God forgave him.

Moses killed a cop in Egypt, and crossed a desert with no supplies to escape punishment. Even so, he was faithful in hearing God on the mountain, who told him to take off his shoes because he was on Holy ground, called him to lead his estranged family and all their nation to up and leave Egypt. God forgives those who are sorry for their wrongdoings, so they can put the past behind them and go where God calls them.

Trump attended a prayer meeting with Christians in Congress, and they charged him with several tasks that needed to be done, and the grace of God spoke to Donald Trump's heart that day so that he could repent, change his ways, and lead America back into God's graces, and gave him the freedom to do it. And he's doing it right now. Since then, he has been taken advantage of, been falsely accused and harassed almost endlessly for 3 years. He did battle with evil forces, and he won the match. And you ain't seen nothing yet.
If enough people ever figured all this out, they might wonder why the hell we even need money. Considering where/how money is created, (punching a few digits on a computer) it's really not even needed. The concept of an RBE (Resource Based Economy), because of what we're taught growing up, seems like Marxism. People don't understand how a burger flipper could own the same car as a brain surgeon. Don't get me wrong, even for someone who understands how unimportant money actually is, I can see the jealousy it would create. The propaganda would lead people to think that there would be no brain surgeons, if brain surgeons couldn't get more than the burger flipper. But that's what money does. It's how it was designed.

How silly is it, for the human race, top of the food chain, about the only species that has the ability to reason and communicate on such an advance level, can't see why an RBE has 1,000 more benefits, than our monetary system.

If you have a minute, this is a little something I've thought about over the years, that has to do with an RBE:

In south America, there's a man who collects sap from rubber trees. He uses a steal bore to drill into the tree. A plastic bucket to collect it. Puts it on a truck that has steal, plastics, copper, rubber and all sorts of other things to make it go. It's brought to a collection facility, then onto a rubber plant (probably in China or the USA) where rubber is manufactured. It's then shipped to a place where they they make tires. (or what ever else is needed) Then the tires are shipped to a warehouse, then onto the retail store where they're installed on your car.

Now, think about all the things (buckets, bores, ships, planes, buildings, workers, staff, paper, computers etc etc) that goes into all that. Especially the people. Take the bucket for example. Made from some sort of poly. Which takes oil drillers to extract. And all the things that were built by even more people just to drill for the oil.

Hundreds of millions of people went in to just getting the sap from the tree. Hundreds of millions more to get the sap from the rubber tree to your car.

The point is, I suppose, is that in some form or fashion, we all need each other. Either directly or indirectly. The question is, why to we still charge each other. It's my opinion, that money is just the middle man.

It took me a couple of years of asking myself, "What is the down side to an RBE," and then solving the problems that an RBE would create.

One of the biggest ones was "Why would anyone work, if there was no money?" Once it clicks in your head, the answers start coming easy. And at the end of the day, as I said before, the pro's outweigh the con's, 1000 fold.

Note to add: The answer to the question about can be found by understanding one thing: Money doesn't buy anything. Our labor does. We exchange our labor for money. Because there has to be a monetary profit involved, then we and those who employ us have to have some agreement as to how much our labor is worth. And so, with an EVC (Employment Verification Card (that proves we're employed), no one can decide for us, what our labor is worth.

Ha. That's a good point. True wealth is your time. Which we trade away hour by hour, day by day, week by week, year by year, for numbers that somebody printed on pieces of paper and punched into bank computers. We are what gives the 'currency' its value. As it is, the Federal Reserve's collection wing, the IRS, thinks it owns us, owns 100% of the fruits of our labor and believes that it alone sets the terms for which we may keep a certain percentage.

As long as we allow it, they do own us.
Would you consider Steve Forbes a Conservative? Because when he put a bid in on the presidency, I was liking what he was saying.

I don't know enough about him to say.
He pushed for a flat tax. People thought that would make their taxes go up, and that the poor would be worse off than ever. So that ended that. I'm not saying it's true or false, It's just what I observed in people's behavior. I liked Steve Forbes.
Oh, btw. We're gonna need to properly define inflation. It used to mean, and still does, really, the creatio of new currency. Inflating the currency. Technically speaking, the surplus of currency and credit/debt.

For some reason today people define inflation as the rise in prices of products. Well, that's just a consequence of inflation. A consequence of the creation of new currency. Duh.

They've taken the focus of the discussion away from the cause and now only focus on effect.

It's kind of funny whe nthey tell that tale about the Fed existing in order to fight inflation whe nthey are, in fact ,the cause of it.
I have always focused the subject of inflation around the velocity of money. I went into some detail in my topic about the Fed's doomsday bond bubble machine.

If the Treasury printed ten trillion dollars and then buried it in the ground, that new currency would have no effect on inflation.

But if that ten trillion dollars was pumped into circulation, and started moving around the economy, it would have a tremendous impact on inflation.

The velocity of money is the key to inflation.

"Helicopter Ben" wanted to throw money into the economy to get it moving around. That was his whole premise behind quantitative easing.
I volunteer to get some of it moving around if they send it to me. :D
Fox you are clueless as to zeroing out. Your post is proof. The Fed's actions cannot "debase currency." There are no added dollars.

There are other possible dangers however.

When money is created out of thin air its value is distorted. Ultimately, the people who have saved get robbed. Meaning that if the dollar is devalued by 10%, they're being robbed at 10%.

The dollar was debased a long time ago. 1971, to be exact. Used to be the dollar was backed by a store of value. Gold and silver. Not any more. Now it's backed by an IOU. All they're really doing is trading IOUs back and forth. Though we haven't really touched on fractional reserve lending here.

The entire economic system is sub-prime. They keep talking about artificially lowering interest rates but the only way to do that is to create more money out of thin air. Inflation, inflation, inflation.

Why Did the U.S. Abandon the Gold Standard?
What is the gold standard?
It’s a monetary system that directly links a currency’s value to that of gold. A country on the gold standard cannot increase the amount of money in circulation without also increasing its gold reserves. Because the global gold supply grows only slowly, being on the gold standard would theoretically hold government overspending and inflation in check. No country currently backs its currency with gold, but many have in the past, including the U.S.

Could the gold standard come back?
It’s very unlikely. In a University of Chicago poll this year, not one of 40 top economists surveyed supported a return to gold. The last gold standard commission, established by President Ronald Reagan, voted by a wide margin against bringing it back. The size and complexity of the U.S. economy would also make the conversion extremely difficult. Just to back the dollars now in circulation and on deposit—about $2.7 trillion—with the approximately 261 million ounces of gold held by the U.S. government, gold prices would have to rise as high as $10,000 an ounce, up from about $1,780, causing huge inflation.

Bringing back the gold standard is absolutely impossible. And even if it were possible, it would put the US at a massive disadvantage to the rest of the world.

Think about it.... With every dollar China gets, it could covert to gold. Meanwhile every Yuan we get from China, is non-covertable.

They could drain the gold out of our government so fast, and we would end up with paper.

And while I picked China, anyone could do that. Any country could cover our dollars to Gold, while we couldn't convert any of their money to Gold. It would be a one-way out flow of Gold from the US, until the country was bankrupted.

It's not going to happen, and people need to stop bringing this topic of gold standard, because it's a waste of our time. This is a bad idea, that will never happen, and if it does, the US will end as a country.
Would you consider Steve Forbes a Conservative? Because when he put a bid in on the presidency, I was liking what he was saying.

I don't know enough about him to say.
He pushed for a flat tax. People thought that would make their taxes go up, and that the poor would be worse off than ever. So that ended that. I'm not saying it's true or false, It's just what I observed in people's behavior. I liked Steve Forbes.

It think he's right-leaning. He declined to take clear cut stances on things, and that threw me a bit.

I would have taken him over Trump I think.
Well. If history is an indicator, those who are concerned with the national debt ought to vote for Democrats. It's a no brainier.
I cannot join a party whose propaganda includes abortion and taking dangerous hormone pills that cause cancer to prevent pregnancy. And that's my point of view, whether or not they've improved "the pill." And no, I do not judge those who do because that's God's job, not mine. And that's what I think.

Weird reply. Are you a weirdo?
No. I believe in the bible and what it says. I'm conventional to the point of boredom to most people. But I am true to my upbringing. Nothing more, nothing less.
Jesus did not rely on a book for his involvement in the world. Jesus went out and helped those in need. He did not condemn them.
Jesus drove out corrupt merchants selling animals in God's House with a cat o' nine tails. The powerful men of his church tried him in a "kangaroo Court " style and condemned him to death at which time his captors came also.
Well. If history is an indicator, those who are concerned with the national debt ought to vote for Democrats. It's a no brainier.
I cannot join a party whose propaganda includes abortion and taking dangerous hormone pills that cause cancer to prevent pregnancy. And that's my point of view, whether or not they've improved "the pill." And no, I do not judge those who do because that's God's job, not mine. And that's what I think.
If you are against abortion, you want to create a situation where the fewest number of abortions happen. Outlawing abortion could end up with an increase in the number of abortions.
Abortions have been decreasing at the same level and higher in states that do not have restrictive abortion laws.
I hope you put as much emphasis on helping children in need as you do in outlawing abortions. If you truly love children you do not abandon them once they are born.
My biggest disappointment with trump is that he has not addressed the debt problem but made it worse. For gods sake introduce the penny plan.
If the employment rate continues to rise, the debt will take care of itself, unless the Congress gets reckless with poison pill environmental shams. It's fine if they clean up the trash out in the areas of the ocean that look ugly with floating plastics and worse, they break down, get swallowed by fish and kills them because fish have a different digestive system than mammals. That impacts shoreline fisherman who depends on fish for supper.
Environmental shams? If you love babies, I hope you want them to live in an environment that will not make them sick or worse.
The unemployment is low and the debt is exploding. It is not because of monies being spent on improving the environment. Trump's version of voodoo economics. He decreased the taxes and increased overall spending.
I made 80 quilt tops for infants this year, and finished one yesterday, one this morning, and worked the rest of the day that I wasn't here on making more squares. Our charity women quilt them by machine before taking them to the care center for redistribution to hare-hit children and families. So yes, I do my share of caring for those who have children, but the daddy desserts, leaving the woman to care for the child as best she can.
Interesting if not enlightening 'debt' replies here.

It dawns on me that we live our entire existence within a system w/out realizing how it works.... how it affects us....how self destructive it can be....

maybe this is why the ancients were down on usury ?

To whom is the bulk of the national debt to be repaid?
A large portion of the debt is owed to China. That is not a bad thing. They cannot afford to see the US destroyed because we owe them so much money.

If the US Debt bubble sinks the US dollar, and the Yuan becomes the global currency, how much would that be worth to China?
If that did happen, China would lose a lot of money on the US debt. Plus, many of the Chinese billionaires are heavily invested in the US. One benefit of global markets is countries have vested interests in other countries doing well.
When China becomes the largest consuming market place in the world it will provide great opportunity for US companies. Isolationism is short sighted.

Naivete is short-sighted, not isolationism. Maybe you should listen to the Joint Chief's warnings. You apparently are a globalist only worried about the billionaires wealth. That was the last few decades' US policy, move jobs and factories to China. When the wolf is at the door, don't come crying to the middle-class to protect your wealth.
China Poses Largest Long-Term Threat to U.S., DOD Policy Chief Says > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Story
whacked out paranoia. Fear drives people to isolate themselves. Fear drives countries to isolate themselves. only thing you have to fear is fear its self.
The answer is to work to solve what you fear not to let fear force you to withdraw. It takes strength to not let fear overwhelm you.

You can't have read this article to post that nonsense. Here it is again and read all of it this time. Its not very long. The US and the rest of the world are "rules-based" China is not, if we keep letting them get away with IP theft they will dominate. The article seems to support Trump's "enforced rules-based" competition.
China Poses Largest Long-Term Threat to U.S., DOD Policy Chief Says > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Story

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