2020 Census Congressional Reapportionment Released

Texas is turning blue (slowly)....great news. Cali and Texas are about 100 electoral votes. Suh-weet!
Rep Governor....................2 Rep Senators..................Rep majority of House members..................Republican State Senate.................Republican State House..........sounds "Blue" to me.
For now. We all know demographics are changing.
Any other math nerds can download the population of the 50 states ( 2020 Census Apportionment Results )
and produce an Excel spreadsheet to check out their results.

The calculations can be found here: Computing Apportionment (census.gov)
Just make sure you calculate enough multiplers ("n"). It suggests going up to 70.

Why settle on being normal?
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Texas is turning blue (slowly)....great news. Cali and Texas are about 100 electoral votes. Suh-weet!
Rep Governor....................2 Rep Senators..................Rep majority of House members..................Republican State Senate.................Republican State House..........sounds "Blue" to me.
For now. We all know demographics are changing.
You clowns have been saying that for decades.
our lege will be sure to draw them lines right.

Yeah Buddy.

Here in Florida we will get 1 new seat. When that district is created it will be red. BUT, that doesn't tell the entire
story. When you add a district it affects all the existing districts. Florida won't pick up 1 red seat, we'll redistrict to pick'up at least 5 seats. The SCOTUS has already ruled that Federal Courts do not draw maps...so the highest court they can appeal to will be the State
Supreme Court where all 7 Justices were appointed by GOP Governors.

If they study it long enough we could pick up more than 5 seats.
Sorry about your luck Michigan. Stop letting Dems ruin your state and maybe your state will grow more.

You asses can never explain why voting republican makes any goddamn sense. It’s all “well at pear they aren’t democrats! Derp!”

Just admit the GOP sucks balls regardless of what you think of democrats.

At pear?
Texas is turning blue (slowly)....great news. Cali and Texas are about 100 electoral votes. Suh-weet!
Rep Governor....................2 Rep Senators..................Rep majority of House members..................Republican State Senate.................Republican State House..........sounds "Blue" to me.
"turning"...you seem to have not had your eyes open when you read what I wrote.

When it does turn....I'm sure you'll be leading the charge to keep the electoral college and the DNC lock on it in place...right?
Texas is turning blue (slowly)....great news. Cali and Texas are about 100 electoral votes. Suh-weet!
Rep Governor....................2 Rep Senators..................Rep majority of House members..................Republican State Senate.................Republican State House..........sounds "Blue" to me.
"turning"...you seem to have not had your eyes open when you read what I wrote.

When it does turn....I'm sure you'll be leading the charge to keep the electoral college and the DNC lock on it in place...right?
Get back to me when it does.
Normal people would be asking and taking action to reverse why taxpayers are fleeing your State. But California politicians are not normal.

Think how many they'd be losing if they stopped counting illegals in the Census!
Apparently, if New York had had 80-something more people, it would have gained a seat, and Minnesota would have lost one instead.

Also, by the time of the census, remember, hundreds of New Yorkers had just died from that early Covid sweep, but Minnesota had lost fewer than 20.

That damn pandemic is literally redrawing our lines.
California should lose about 12 seats, and Texas three seats, by getting rid of criminal illegal aliens. We could save ourselves a lot of money by deporting about 140 million, mostly criminal illegals and their anchor babies along with all the 'antifa' parasites and vermin.
Texas is turning blue (slowly)....great news. Cali and Texas are about 100 electoral votes. Suh-weet!
Rep Governor....................2 Rep Senators..................Rep majority of House members..................Republican State Senate.................Republican State House..........sounds "Blue" to me.
For now. We all know demographics are changing.
You clowns have been saying that for decades.

Yes; it's what they're told to parrot. Their problem is how to pander to their 'diverse' base; for instance it was their black and latino base in California, along with women with children, who got 'gay marriage' killed and forced the deviants and sickos to have one of their Party's appointed homo Federal judges throw out the perfectly legal ban. They're already unraveling under Biden.
Texas is turning blue (slowly)....great news. Cali and Texas are about 100 electoral votes. Suh-weet!
Rep Governor....................2 Rep Senators..................Rep majority of House members..................Republican State Senate.................Republican State House..........sounds "Blue" to me.
For now. We all know demographics are changing.
You clowns have been saying that for decades.

Yes; it's what they're told to parrot. Their problem is how to pander to their 'diverse' base; for instance it was their black and latino base in California, along with women with children, who got 'gay marriage' killed and forced the deviants and sickos to have one of their Party's appointed homo Federal judges throw out the perfectly legal ban. They're already unraveling under Biden.
Gay marriage was killed? When did that happen?
Texas is turning blue (slowly)....great news. Cali and Texas are about 100 electoral votes. Suh-weet!
Rep Governor....................2 Rep Senators..................Rep majority of House members..................Republican State Senate.................Republican State House..........sounds "Blue" to me.
For now. We all know demographics are changing.
You clowns have been saying that for decades.

Yes; it's what they're told to parrot. Their problem is how to pander to their 'diverse' base; for instance it was their black and latino base in California, along with women with children, who got 'gay marriage' killed and forced the deviants and sickos to have one of their Party's appointed homo Federal judges throw out the perfectly legal ban. They're already unraveling under Biden.
Gay marriage was killed? When did that happen?

Yes, you don't have much memory left, do you?

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