2020 Democrat Apology Tour

The next president will be required to go on an apology tour to apologize for Trump and the treasonous Republican Party.

Let me get out in front of your complaint and offer this token.
We recently had a President who felt it was his obligation to apologize to the world for America's faults, failings, misdeeds, and - truth be known - existence.

How refreshing to have a President who refuses to do the same.
We recently had a President who felt it was his obligation to apologize to the world for America's faults, failings, misdeeds, and - truth be known - existence.

How refreshing to have a President who refuses to do the same.
refresh this
How about a draft-dodging coward that spent 5 years demanding everything of Obama except the size of his dick?
And then he was elected.
And now the weasel refuses the very things he demanded.
And blabbers bullshit about moving production back from China, while he and his daughter have all their shit made in China.
Don't you ever tire of this hypocrisy?

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