2020 POTUS election


Gold Member
Jul 25, 2020
Who wins this and why, not like a Democrate YES or NO explain your self of your answer and if ya want to use foul language go ahead I will rip four fricking head off
Not real sure at this point.

I will vote for Trump.

There are just to many unknowns.
Thank you for an honest answer, Americ is not stpid we know all the evil things Drunk Nancy Pelosi are doing, the AG Barr hearing was great example of that and they think POTUS Trump is tough ,look out when the Durum Report and Sen Grahams reports and hearing are held, Joe Biden will not make 11/3/2020
Not real sure at this point.

I will vote for Trump.

There are just to many unknowns.
Thank you for an honest answer, Americ is not stpid we know all the evil things Drunk Nancy Pelosi are doing, the AG Barr hearing was great example of that and they think POTUS Trump is tough ,look out when the Durum Report and Sen Grahams reports and hearing are held, Joe Biden will not make 11/3/2020

I'm betting on a lot of pent up frustration with the bullshit of the democrats these past four years.

And I just read this:

We shall see.
Not real sure at this point.

I will vote for Trump.

There are just to many unknowns.
Thank you for an honest answer, Americ is not stpid we know all the evil things Drunk Nancy Pelosi are doing, the AG Barr hearing was great example of that and they think POTUS Trump is tough ,look out when the Durum Report and Sen Grahams reports and hearing are held, Joe Biden will not make 11/3/2020

I'm betting on a lot of pent up frustration with the bullshit of the democrats these past four years.

And I just read this:

We shall see.
I live in Wisconsin, we have a Democrat Governor and Mayor in Milwaukee, THE real situation here in a Blue Battelgroung State of Wisconsin is we have had it with the arrogant liars called Democrat's 100 Police Unions refuses to come to Milwaukee to cover the DNC convention. The lies have caught up with Joe Biden and Drunk Nancy Pelosi and the way the Democrat's handle AG Barr in thier useless hearing makes America ma POTUS Trump wins the 2020 POTUS race Jim Jordon is the New Speaker and Leader McConell uns the Senate and we make America great again hope all is well with you on the China Virus we are back to work and school in Wisconsin
I won't be voting for him but if I were to bet I'd place my money on Trump.
(1) The country is still far to the left from where it was when Obama became president and Americans will select Trump to moderate the pace of change.
(2) Biden's pick for running mate will be based on demographics, falling into the same trap that tripped McCain.
(3) The age factor will be more of a hinderance to Biden.
1. I plan to vote for President Trump.

2. I think that the Speaker of the House represented many Dems when she (a) kneeled in contrition, even though today's Americans have nothing to be contrite about, (b) excused vandalism with "People will do things," and (c) called federal agents protecting buildings from the mob "stormtroopers."

3. I would think that any American would vote for President Trump after the disgraceful orgy of violence (and murder) during recent months (and during the COVID-19 tragedy at that. The mob has no decency!).

4. I think that the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., will win because:

a. The media have succeeded brilliantly in demonizing President Trump.
b. The President's abrasive personality has hurt him.
c. Many people mistakenly think that they are safe from the violence in the big cities.
d. There will be a massive turnout of voters who want to elect the Dem Vice President because of her gender and ethnicity.
e. There will be voter fraud.
I won't be voting for him but if I were to bet I'd place my money on Trump.
(1) The country is still far to the left from where it was when Obama became president and Americans will select Trump to moderate the pace of change.
(2) Biden's pick for running mate will be based on demographics, falling into the same trap that tripped McCain.
(3) The age factor will be more of a hinderance to Biden.
I will add to this Joe Biden is a sexual Pervert ask the 58 women that are going to be at the first Debate, speaking of the Worast POTUS ever Obama, America was forced by him, Joe Biden and Drunk Nancy Pelosi to have a usless Helathcare plane on them in the first year it cost 458,000 deaths, 59 million jobs 19,450 small busioness to close and 1 Trillion dollars and now we do not have any healhcare sytsem what is uop with the, stay well with the China Virus. Joe Biden has the IQ of Pelosi 12 combinedl
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