2020 Republican Platform Thread and Poll


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Clearly, this is the most pivotal election ever. We either keep what's left of the Republican and start to rebuild with President Trump, or we have a 1,000 years of Darkness with the American Taliban.

Trumps main theme should be Biden may or may not be fully functional, but to allow him into the Oval Office is to let in the Forces of Darkness. You will absolutely lose all of your Freedoms. The 2nd Amendment will be gone, the border will be thrown open. Texas and Florida will be flooded with Third World refugees and will never vote Republican again.

Know what, we don't need a poll.
Clearly, this is the most pivotal election ever. We either keep what's left of the Republican and start to rebuild with President Trump, or we have a 1,000 years of Darkness with the American Taliban.

Trumps main theme should be Biden may or may not be fully functional, but to allow him into the Oval Office is to let in the Forces of Darkness. You will absolutely lose all of your Freedoms. The 2nd Amendment will be gone, the border will be thrown open. Texas and Florida will be flooded with Third World refugees and will never vote Republican again.

Know what, we don't need a poll.
Even Democrats are aware of this but nothing matters except defeating Trump. They are willing to destroy this nation because of hate.
Clearly, this is the most pivotal election ever. We either keep what's left of the Republican and start to rebuild with President Trump, or we have a 1,000 years of Darkness with the American Taliban.

Trumps main theme should be Biden may or may not be fully functional, but to allow him into the Oval Office is to let in the Forces of Darkness. You will absolutely lose all of your Freedoms. The 2nd Amendment will be gone, the border will be thrown open. Texas and Florida will be flooded with Third World refugees and will never vote Republican again.

Know what, we don't need a poll.

Yes, all true. As I just mentioned in a different thread the average democrat voter believes he or she will be absolved of supporting the psycho-circus madness of the radical postmodernist left, and all will go back to normal after Trump is gone, because they believe Trump alone is the greatest threat to America. Of course, they've been duped on perhaps the grandest scale in American history.

Instead, what the average American voter is unleashing on us all by supporting radical leftism with their vote is no less than Hell on this Earth. Some democrat voters might be beginning to understand this truth, however, they're far too terrified to speak up or gasp—vote for Trump. Because then they'd have to lie to their friends and family. If they told the truth about voting for Trump they'd be ostracized at best, harmed at worst.

The radical American left have been doing their damnedest to open the gates of Hell for going on a century now. Whether or not one believes those gates are metaphorical or literal doesn't really matter much; at this point, in this Age of Man, it's all the same anyway.
It would be hilarious if it were not such a tragedy.

The Dems for four years have accused Donald J. Trump of being an incipient A. Hitler.

Yet on January 20, this nation will be forever transformed by a truly authoritarian party that calls itself the "Democratic" Party.

As the Dem mayors and governors have shown during the COVID-19 tragedy, they do not consider us ordinary people as their employers, but as their subservient subjects.

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