Besides being the next midterms after the next presidential elections, why is 2026 significant for the United States? Hint: Has absolutely ZERO to do with politics, folks.


Good thing I stocked up on shit paper, Hostess Twinkies, and Butterfinger candy bars.

Better not lay a finger on my Butterfinger.
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Besides being the next midterms after the next presidential elections, why is 2026 significant for the United States? Hint: Has absolutely ZERO to do with politics, folks.


Good thing I stocked up on shit paper, Hostess Twinkies, and Butterfinger candy bars.

Better not lay a finger on my Butterfinger.
Hahaha. No silly. It's the nation's Sestacentennial. 250 years.
We had a great run but USA has ended in compete failure thanks to the Bernie Sanders types

No. . . It is just so much more than that. It is. . . . the U.S. is based on a divinely inspired confluence of history, that the creator and creation had put into motion.

There are folks that have conservative politics who believe that centralized authority, and keeping secrets from the people are the way to rule as well. . . They are just as much to blame, for they too have betrayed all the people.

The prophet consciousness and many folks that built up to both the European enlightenment, and then here, in the New World, put a stop to endless tribal war and taught folks the meaning of cooperation without the surrender of individual and tribal identity, which had been bestowed upon humanity. This all occurred at roughly the same time. IMO, I do not believe this was at all coincidence. Folks that study prophecy and world religions see the hand of the creator and his work in human affairs all the time. What we do with that? It is up to us.

When these two currents of thought and consciousness came together, America was born. Central to this, was the respect for the people, all the people, and placing power, not in a central bureaucracy, but in the local communities, with the elders of individual communities, working together, to make the whole system operate smoothly for the entire system.

Now? Now we have powerful centralized interests that have taken over the system. It is no longer a confederacy, but a federal system, morphing into a global system, that has taken power away from families and communities. The true stake holders. . . the PEOPLE, no longer have a say, and this is where the creator intended the power to lay. YOUR SALVATION AND DESTINY SHOULD BE IN YOUR OWN HANDS, NOT IN THE HANDS OF TYRANTS!

We have gotten away from that sacred blessing and blueprint the creator bestowed to the people and the nation, enabling this culture to grow and thrive. .. . can conflict and troubles be far behind?

We have gotten away from that sacred blessing and blueprint the creator bestowed to the people and the nation, enabling this culture to grow and thrive. .. . can conflict and troubles be far behind?
Not far, at all :( We are seeing Marxists facilitate the rise of neo-tribalism and unless it is fought, it will be the end of us.
What “truth”?
When exactly did he say that?
I wouldn't worry about it too much.

When it comes to issues like this? It largely comes down to ones POV.

If you honestly believe that larger systems don't encourage graft and corruption, you are free to believe that, and hate the folks that inform you otherwise.
I wouldn't worry about it too much.

When it comes to issues like this? It largely comes down to ones POV.

If you honestly believe that larger systems don't encourage graft and corruption, you are free to believe that, and hate the folks that inform you otherwise.
What's all this talk of "hate"? You might want to think about you.

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