21% of graduating Harvard class claim to be virgins


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Love to know how exactly they define 'virgin.' :)

All books and no sex Harvard study finds 1 in 4 grads had no intercourse Education The Guardian

"While nearly a quarter of students said they had not had sex while attending the school, 26% said they had 10 or more partners during their time in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Fewer members of the class of 2015 reported having sex while attending school than last year – 21% of 758 respondents from the 2014 graduating class said they were virgins. According to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention survey from 2006 to 2008, nearly 27% of Americans between age 20 and 24 had not had sex.

One thing respondents did unite around was drinking – 60% of students said they imbibed at least once week. At least 40%, meanwhile, said they had tried smoking marijuana at least once. According to a 2013 Gallup survey, only 36% of Americans between 18 to 29 have done so.

Meanwhile, 7% of respondents said they had tried cocaine or ecstasy and 8% said they had tried psychedelic drugs. "
21% didn't have sex, but 26% had 10 or more partners in just 4 years. :) Think maybe I'm more for people staying virgins than I realized. Someone's just picking up the slack. :)

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