21 Questions That Donald Trump May Not Want To Answer

The purpose of vetting is to explore your candidate thoroughly until you are satisfied that they would make a good representative. I didn't vote for Obama, I voted for Gary Johnson.

And yet interestingly you did not answer the question.

Why is that? He is the most powerful person in the world. Surely you have an opinion.

do you believe Obama's story that he sat in the pew for twenty years without noticing that his friend was a raving anti-American racist?

I do have an opinion, but I see no point in talking about a man who will be out of office in 16 months. He has already been vetted and elected, we cannot change that.
Congress never vetted Obama. They DID on McCain because of where he was born but NOT on Obama. Now you are lying.

Stop. You are being foolish now. Doesn't it bother you that that issue died sometime ago? The rest of America is happy with the truth, you hanging on to it is ignorant and racist.

Having to accuse those you disagree with of Racism does not strengthen your case.

It makes it look like you cannot address what they say based on the merits of their case.


When it is flat out racist to bring up a discounted fact inspired by a man's color, then it is racist in my opinion. I am not addressing those facts as I outlined earlier, they have no relation to the OP and you cannot undo them by vetting.
1. How many states are in the USA

2. How do you pronounce corpsman?

3. Are you under investigation by the FBI and DOJ like Hillary?
So, speaking of vetting, do you believe Obama's story that he sat in the pew for twenty years without noticing that his friend was a raving anti-American racist?

The purpose of vetting is to explore your candidate thoroughly until you are satisfied that they would make a good representative. I didn't vote for Obama, I voted for Gary Johnson.

And yet interestingly you did not answer the question.

Why is that? He is the most powerful person in the world. Surely you have an opinion.

do you believe Obama's story that he sat in the pew for twenty years without noticing that his friend was a raving anti-American racist?

I do have an opinion, but I see no point in talking about a man who will be out of office in 16 months. He has already been vetted and elected, we cannot change that.
Congress never vetted Obama. They DID on McCain because of where he was born but NOT on Obama. Now you are lying.

Stop. You are being foolish now. Doesn't it bother you that that issue died sometime ago? The rest of America is happy with the truth, you hanging on to it is ignorant and racist.
The issue is NOT dead if a member sees it as a flaw in vetting. And it IS a flaw.
Donald Trump leaves many unanswered questions about his past and a strong reluctance to discuss anything about it. I am sure there are many people who will dismiss this article without considering it, but they should embrace it. Vetting a candidate allows us to see both the good and the bad and allows us to balance that view with the judgment that the candidate will do the correct thing in the right situation. In a Democratic society we pick our candidates and an honest and robust examination should be honored. Imagine if we had given President Obama such an examination? Would he have been elected?

21 Questions For Donald Trump
"I have covered Donald Trump off and on for 27 years — including breaking the story that in 1990, when he claimed to be worth $3 billion but could not pay interest on loans coming due, his bankers put his net worth at minus $295 million. And so I have closely watched what Trump does and what government documents reveal about his conduct.

Reporters, competing Republican candidates, and voters would learn a lot about Trump if they asked for complete answers to these 21 questions.

So, Mr. Trump…

1. You call yourself an “ardent philanthropist,” but have not donated a dollar to The Donald J. Trump Foundation since 2006. You’re not even the biggest donor to the foundation, having given about $3.7 million in the previous two decades while businesses associated with Vince McMahon’s World Wrestling Entertainment gave the Trump Foundation $5 million. All the money since 2006 has come from those doing business with you.

How does giving away other people’s money, in what could be seen as a kickback scheme, make you a philanthropist?

2. New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman successfully sued you, alleging your Trump University was an “illegal educational institution” that charged up to $35,000 for “Trump Elite” mentorships promising personal advice from you, but you never showed up and your “special” list of lenders was photocopied from Scotsman Guide, a magazine found at any bookstore.

Why did you not show up?

3. You claimed The Learning Annex paid you a $1 million speaking fee, but on Larry King Live, you acknowledged the fee was $400,000 and the rest was the promotional value.

Since you have testified under oath that your public statements inflate the value of your assets, can voters use this as a guide, so whenever you say $1, in reality it is only 40 cents?

4. The one-page financial statement handed out at Trump Tower when you announced your candidacy says you’ve given away $102 million worth of land.

Will you supply a list of each of these gifts, with the values you assigned to them?

5. The biggest gift you have talked about appears to be an easement at the Palos Verdes, California, golf course bearing your name on land you wanted to build houses on, but that land is subject to landslides and is now the golf course driving range.

Did you or one of your businesses take a tax deduction for this land that you could not build on and do you think anyone should get a $25 million tax deduction for a similar self-could writeserving gift?

6. Trump Tower is not a steel girder high rise, but 58 stories of concrete.

Why did you use concrete instead of traditional steel girders?"
Read the rest of this stunning article here 21 Questions For Donald Trump

I could compose a much longer list of questions for Komrade Hillary to answer.

None of your questions are worth an answer.
So, speaking of vetting, do you believe Obama's story that he sat in the pew for twenty years without noticing that his friend was a raving anti-American racist?

How about his friendship with Bill Ayers? There are a dozen questions on that subject alone.
And yet interestingly you did not answer the question.

Why is that? He is the most powerful person in the world. Surely you have an opinion.

do you believe Obama's story that he sat in the pew for twenty years without noticing that his friend was a raving anti-American racist?

I do have an opinion, but I see no point in talking about a man who will be out of office in 16 months. He has already been vetted and elected, we cannot change that.
Congress never vetted Obama. They DID on McCain because of where he was born but NOT on Obama. Now you are lying.

Stop. You are being foolish now. Doesn't it bother you that that issue died sometime ago? The rest of America is happy with the truth, you hanging on to it is ignorant and racist.

Having to accuse those you disagree with of Racism does not strengthen your case.

It makes it look like you cannot address what they say based on the merits of their case.


When it is flat out racist to bring up a discounted fact inspired by a man's color, then it is racist in my opinion. I am not addressing those facts as I outlined earlier, they have no relation to the OP and you cannot undo them by vetting.
If Obama had been vetted proper he would NOT be president today.
So, speaking of vetting, do you believe Obama's story that he sat in the pew for twenty years without noticing that his friend was a raving anti-American racist?

The purpose of vetting is to explore your candidate thoroughly until you are satisfied that they would make a good representative. I didn't vote for Obama, I voted for Gary Johnson.

And yet interestingly you did not answer the question.

Why is that? He is the most powerful person in the world. Surely you have an opinion.

do you believe Obama's story that he sat in the pew for twenty years without noticing that his friend was a raving anti-American racist?

My personal vetting process is to read and observe as much as possible and after I have done that I will make my selection. Right now, I am inclined to discount both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. I think America can do better.

So where is your list of questions for Hillary. After all, you believe she will be the Democrat Nominee, and you don't believe Trump will be the Republican Nominee.
So, speaking of vetting, do you believe Obama's story that he sat in the pew for twenty years without noticing that his friend was a raving anti-American racist?

The purpose of vetting is to explore your candidate thoroughly until you are satisfied that they would make a good representative. I didn't vote for Obama, I voted for Gary Johnson.

And yet interestingly you did not answer the question.

Why is that? He is the most powerful person in the world. Surely you have an opinion.

do you believe Obama's story that he sat in the pew for twenty years without noticing that his friend was a raving anti-American racist?

I do have an opinion, but I see no point in talking about a man who will be out of office in 16 months. He has already been vetted and elected, we cannot change that.

He was never vetted.
Donald Trump leaves many unanswered questions about his past and a strong reluctance to discuss anything about it. I am sure there are many people who will dismiss this article without considering it, but they should embrace it. Vetting a candidate allows us to see both the good and the bad and allows us to balance that view with the judgment that the candidate will do the correct thing in the right situation. In a Democratic society we pick our candidates and an honest and robust examination should be honored. Imagine if we had given President Obama such an examination? Would he have been elected?

21 Questions For Donald Trump
"I have covered Donald Trump off and on for 27 years — including breaking the story that in 1990, when he claimed to be worth $3 billion but could not pay interest on loans coming due, his bankers put his net worth at minus $295 million. And so I have closely watched what Trump does and what government documents reveal about his conduct.

Reporters, competing Republican candidates, and voters would learn a lot about Trump if they asked for complete answers to these 21 questions.

So, Mr. Trump…

1. You call yourself an “ardent philanthropist,” but have not donated a dollar to The Donald J. Trump Foundation since 2006. You’re not even the biggest donor to the foundation, having given about $3.7 million in the previous two decades while businesses associated with Vince McMahon’s World Wrestling Entertainment gave the Trump Foundation $5 million. All the money since 2006 has come from those doing business with you.

How does giving away other people’s money, in what could be seen as a kickback scheme, make you a philanthropist?

2. New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman successfully sued you, alleging your Trump University was an “illegal educational institution” that charged up to $35,000 for “Trump Elite” mentorships promising personal advice from you, but you never showed up and your “special” list of lenders was photocopied from Scotsman Guide, a magazine found at any bookstore.

Why did you not show up?

3. You claimed The Learning Annex paid you a $1 million speaking fee, but on Larry King Live, you acknowledged the fee was $400,000 and the rest was the promotional value.

Since you have testified under oath that your public statements inflate the value of your assets, can voters use this as a guide, so whenever you say $1, in reality it is only 40 cents?

4. The one-page financial statement handed out at Trump Tower when you announced your candidacy says you’ve given away $102 million worth of land.

Will you supply a list of each of these gifts, with the values you assigned to them?

5. The biggest gift you have talked about appears to be an easement at the Palos Verdes, California, golf course bearing your name on land you wanted to build houses on, but that land is subject to landslides and is now the golf course driving range.

Did you or one of your businesses take a tax deduction for this land that you could not build on and do you think anyone should get a $25 million tax deduction for a similar self-serving gift?

6. Trump Tower is not a steel girder high rise, but 58 stories of concrete.

Why did you use concrete instead of traditional steel girders?"
Read the rest of this stunning article here http://www.nationalmemo.com/21-questions-for-donald-trump/

Please, Trump is an attention whore. He loves any question about himself.

Democrats sure seem to be the ones obsessed with his every butt cheek inflection. What's so fascinating about that to you?
So, speaking of vetting, do you believe Obama's story that he sat in the pew for twenty years without noticing that his friend was a raving anti-American racist?

The purpose of vetting is to explore your candidate thoroughly until you are satisfied that they would make a good representative. I didn't vote for Obama, I voted for Gary Johnson.

And yet interestingly you did not answer the question.

Why is that? He is the most powerful person in the world. Surely you have an opinion.

do you believe Obama's story that he sat in the pew for twenty years without noticing that his friend was a raving anti-American racist?

My personal vetting process is to read and observe as much as possible and after I have done that I will make my selection. Right now, I am inclined to discount both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. I think America can do better.

So where is your list of questions for Hillary. After all, you believe she will be the Democrat Nominee, and you don't believe Trump will be the Republican Nominee.

Hillary? Oh, they have some hard hitters waiting for her.

1) What is your favorite color?

2) Would you rather be a giraffe or a rhinoceros and why?

3) Do you like Arkansas or New York better? Just kidding, obviously you love the people of both

4) What is your favorite attribute of yours about yourself? I wonder if it's my favorite attribute about you

5) How did you persevere through everything that happened to you while remaining the wonderful person that you are?

6) Why do you suppose Republicans are so determined to smear you with endless lies?

Yeah, they're just waiting to unload on her...
The purpose of vetting is to explore your candidate thoroughly until you are satisfied that they would make a good representative. I didn't vote for Obama, I voted for Gary Johnson.

And yet interestingly you did not answer the question.

Why is that? He is the most powerful person in the world. Surely you have an opinion.

do you believe Obama's story that he sat in the pew for twenty years without noticing that his friend was a raving anti-American racist?

I do have an opinion, but I see no point in talking about a man who will be out of office in 16 months. He has already been vetted and elected, we cannot change that.
Congress never vetted Obama. They DID on McCain because of where he was born but NOT on Obama. Now you are lying.

Stop. You are being foolish now. Doesn't it bother you that that issue died sometime ago? The rest of America is happy with the truth, you hanging on to it is ignorant and racist.
The issue is NOT dead if a member sees it as a flaw in vetting. And it IS a flaw.

The issue is dead. The purpose of vetting is to see if a candidate meets your standards for a vote. Since you cannot undo that it is a moot argument.
The purpose of vetting is to explore your candidate thoroughly until you are satisfied that they would make a good representative. I didn't vote for Obama, I voted for Gary Johnson.

And yet interestingly you did not answer the question.

Why is that? He is the most powerful person in the world. Surely you have an opinion.

do you believe Obama's story that he sat in the pew for twenty years without noticing that his friend was a raving anti-American racist?

I do have an opinion, but I see no point in talking about a man who will be out of office in 16 months. He has already been vetted and elected, we cannot change that.

You are talking about "vetting" a potential President.

Comparing this to the process the CURRENT President went though AND/OR the "vetting" of the other most likely potential President seems like reasonable context for the discussion.

IMO, it is absurd that Obama claims to have not noticed that his friend and pastor of twenty years was a raving anti-american racist.

Thus we have to assume, based on his behavior, that Obama has no problem with "raving anti-American racism".

Which if any of the questions you want asked of Trump would possibly have such a powerful message?

BTW, do you believe Obama's story that he sat in the pew for twenty years without noticing that his friend was a raving anti-American racist?

You're rambling about something that is dead and buried. There is nothing anyone can do to change those facts. Perhaps in the future, historians will address it but beyond that it is not going to get any traction.

Refusing to address context or the strong appearance of hypocrisy does not support your case.

Neither does the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

It makes it appear as though your questions are nothing but a partisan hack job that deserves no consideration.

So, speaking of vetting, do you believe Obama's story that he sat in the pew for twenty years without noticing that his friend was a raving anti-American racist?

The purpose of vetting is to explore your candidate thoroughly until you are satisfied that they would make a good representative. I didn't vote for Obama, I voted for Gary Johnson.

And yet interestingly you did not answer the question.

Why is that? He is the most powerful person in the world. Surely you have an opinion.

do you believe Obama's story that he sat in the pew for twenty years without noticing that his friend was a raving anti-American racist?

My personal vetting process is to read and observe as much as possible and after I have done that I will make my selection. Right now, I am inclined to discount both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. I think America can do better.

So where is your list of questions for Hillary. After all, you believe she will be the Democrat Nominee, and you don't believe Trump will be the Republican Nominee.

Hillary? Oh, they have some hard hitters waiting for her.

1) What is your favorite color?

2) Would you rather be a giraffe or a rhinoceros and why?

3) Do you like Arkansas or New York better? Just kidding, obviously you love the people of both

4) What is your favorite attribute of yours about yourself? I wonder if it's my favorite attribute about you

5) How did you persevere through everything that happened to you while remaining the wonderful person that you are?

6) Why do you suppose Republicans are so determined to smear you with endless lies?

Yeah, they're just waiting to unload on her...

None of those things have stopped Republicans and more specifically the Tea Party, from smears. It will not stop and I suspect it will be even worse since the levels of anger were nothing like this when Obama was running. The irony is that it didn't stop him from being elected and it won't stop Hillary should she be the candidate.
So, speaking of vetting, do you believe Obama's story that he sat in the pew for twenty years without noticing that his friend was a raving anti-American racist?

The purpose of vetting is to explore your candidate thoroughly until you are satisfied that they would make a good representative. I didn't vote for Obama, I voted for Gary Johnson.

And yet interestingly you did not answer the question.

Why is that? He is the most powerful person in the world. Surely you have an opinion.

do you believe Obama's story that he sat in the pew for twenty years without noticing that his friend was a raving anti-American racist?

My personal vetting process is to read and observe as much as possible and after I have done that I will make my selection. Right now, I am inclined to discount both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. I think America can do better.

So where is your list of questions for Hillary. After all, you believe she will be the Democrat Nominee, and you don't believe Trump will be the Republican Nominee.

Hillary? Oh, they have some hard hitters waiting for her.

1) What is your favorite color?

2) Would you rather be a giraffe or a rhinoceros and why?

3) Do you like Arkansas or New York better? Just kidding, obviously you love the people of both

4) What is your favorite attribute of yours about yourself? I wonder if it's my favorite attribute about you

5) How did you persevere through everything that happened to you while remaining the wonderful person that you are?

6) Why do you suppose Republicans are so determined to smear you with endless lies?

Yeah, they're just waiting to unload on her...

You're forgetting questions like:
  1. How hard is it to be the most admired woman in the world?
  2. Do you think Americas and appreciate your true genius?
And yet interestingly you did not answer the question.

Why is that? He is the most powerful person in the world. Surely you have an opinion.

do you believe Obama's story that he sat in the pew for twenty years without noticing that his friend was a raving anti-American racist?

I do have an opinion, but I see no point in talking about a man who will be out of office in 16 months. He has already been vetted and elected, we cannot change that.
Congress never vetted Obama. They DID on McCain because of where he was born but NOT on Obama. Now you are lying.

Stop. You are being foolish now. Doesn't it bother you that that issue died sometime ago? The rest of America is happy with the truth, you hanging on to it is ignorant and racist.

Having to accuse those you disagree with of Racism does not strengthen your case.

It makes it look like you cannot address what they say based on the merits of their case.


When it is flat out racist to bring up a discounted fact inspired by a man's color, then it is racist in my opinion. I am not addressing those facts as I outlined earlier, they have no relation to the OP and you cannot undo them by vetting.

Blah, blah, blah.

YOu aren't going to be taken seriously if you try to use the Race Card.
Trump Tower was built by S&A Concrete, whose owners were “Fat” Tony Salerno, head of the Genovese crime family, and Paul “Big Paul” Castellano, head of the Gambinos, another well-known crime family.

If you did not know of their ownership, what does that tell voters about your management skills?
The purpose of vetting is to explore your candidate thoroughly until you are satisfied that they would make a good representative. I didn't vote for Obama, I voted for Gary Johnson.

And yet interestingly you did not answer the question.

Why is that? He is the most powerful person in the world. Surely you have an opinion.

do you believe Obama's story that he sat in the pew for twenty years without noticing that his friend was a raving anti-American racist?

My personal vetting process is to read and observe as much as possible and after I have done that I will make my selection. Right now, I am inclined to discount both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. I think America can do better.

So where is your list of questions for Hillary. After all, you believe she will be the Democrat Nominee, and you don't believe Trump will be the Republican Nominee.

Hillary? Oh, they have some hard hitters waiting for her.

1) What is your favorite color?

2) Would you rather be a giraffe or a rhinoceros and why?

3) Do you like Arkansas or New York better? Just kidding, obviously you love the people of both

4) What is your favorite attribute of yours about yourself? I wonder if it's my favorite attribute about you

5) How did you persevere through everything that happened to you while remaining the wonderful person that you are?

6) Why do you suppose Republicans are so determined to smear you with endless lies?

Yeah, they're just waiting to unload on her...

None of those things have stopped Republicans and more specifically the Tea Party, from smears. It will not stop and I suspect it will be even worse since the levels of anger were nothing like this when Obama was running. The irony is that it didn't stop him from being elected and it won't stop Hillary should she be the candidate.

The TEA Party is not the mainstream media. Equating the two only shows how dishonest you are. You aren't interested in vetting candidates. You only want to smear Republicans.
You later used S&A Concrete on other Manhattan buildings bearing your name.

The purpose of vetting is to explore your candidate thoroughly until you are satisfied that they would make a good representative. I didn't vote for Obama, I voted for Gary Johnson.

And yet interestingly you did not answer the question.

Why is that? He is the most powerful person in the world. Surely you have an opinion.

do you believe Obama's story that he sat in the pew for twenty years without noticing that his friend was a raving anti-American racist?

My personal vetting process is to read and observe as much as possible and after I have done that I will make my selection. Right now, I am inclined to discount both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. I think America can do better.

So where is your list of questions for Hillary. After all, you believe she will be the Democrat Nominee, and you don't believe Trump will be the Republican Nominee.

Hillary? Oh, they have some hard hitters waiting for her.

1) What is your favorite color?

2) Would you rather be a giraffe or a rhinoceros and why?

3) Do you like Arkansas or New York better? Just kidding, obviously you love the people of both

4) What is your favorite attribute of yours about yourself? I wonder if it's my favorite attribute about you

5) How did you persevere through everything that happened to you while remaining the wonderful person that you are?

6) Why do you suppose Republicans are so determined to smear you with endless lies?

Yeah, they're just waiting to unload on her...

None of those things have stopped Republicans and more specifically the Tea Party, from smears. It will not stop and I suspect it will be even worse since the levels of anger were nothing like this when Obama was running. The irony is that it didn't stop him from being elected and it won't stop Hillary should she be the candidate.

LOL! "The levels or anger were nothing like this when Obama was running"?

That is nothing but bs designed to marginalize anyone who has anything negative to say about HIllary.

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