213 Thousand Jobs Added Last Month

I was bragging on President Obama's 10 million new jobs.

10 million new part time jobs at almost minimum wage!! There are actually fewer full time jobs now than when Barry took office!! Thats a liberals idea of success!

Usually works full time
January 2009: 115,818,000
September 2014 119,287,000
Change +3,469,000

Usually works part Time
January 2009:26,377,00
September 2014 27,359,000
Change: +982,000

Table A-9. Selected employment indicators
I was bragging on President Obama's 10 million new jobs.

10 million new part time jobs at almost minimum wage!! There are actually fewer full time jobs now than when Barry took office!! Thats a liberals idea of success!

Usually works full time
January 2009: 115,818,000
September 2014 119,287,000
Change +3,469,000

Usually works part Time
January 2009:26,377,00
September 2014 27,359,000
Change: +982,000

Table A-9. Selected employment indicators
Now take a look at those numbers during Bush's 8 years in office:

Full time: +1,445,000
Part time: +2,810,000

There were twice as many part time jobs added under Bush than full time workers.

Just one more reason to laugh at Bush supporters who whine about Obama.
Meanwhile, under Obama, it's down from 14.2% (and a post recession high of 17.1%) to 11.8%.

dear, Obama took office at the height of the recession so of course even he managed to improve the numbers somewhat but his recovery has been the worst since the Great Depression with U6 still 50% higher than before recession.

Do you understand now?
I was bragging on President Obama's 10 million new jobs.

10 million new part time jobs at almost minimum wage!! There are actually fewer full time jobs now than when Barry took office!! Thats a liberals idea of success!

Usually works full time
January 2009: 115,818,000
September 2014 119,287,000
Change +3,469,000

Usually works part Time
January 2009:26,377,00
September 2014 27,359,000
Change: +982,000

Table A-9. Selected employment indicators

how nice to see liberals trying to argue this is a good economy when most of Barry's supporters have deserted him because they know it isn't given 12% unemployment and income down 5% for those who do work!!
yes thank him for 12% (u6) unemployment!!! 50% higher than before recession!!!
I still like your use of "before the recession." Most people would not realize you chose the "50% higher" claim first and are using a month a year before the recession started to back up you claim.
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