$22.62 minimum wage!

No thanks. No interest in starting my own business. I will continue to make capitalist scum such as yourself pay slaves a decent wage so we the taxpayers have to help them pay to live decently. Either way you pay for it. I could never own a business I would get sued by some negro or faggot for refusing their service.

How's that been working out for you so far, Comrade JOOOOOO hater?

Want a better life? Get off welfare, you fuckwad.

Ohhh lookie another selfish capitalist scumbag! SHOCKER! Good thing your kind will NEVER take power. Dickface like I said both the wife and I bring in money its not enough. Capitalism sucks end of story.
No thanks. No interest in starting my own business. I will continue to make capitalist scum such as yourself pay slaves a decent wage so we the taxpayers have to help them pay to live decently. Either way you pay for it. I could never own a business I would get sued by some negro or faggot for refusing their service.

How's that been working out for you so far, Comrade JOOOOOO hater?

Want a better life? Get off welfare, you fuckwad.

You think this is all I do? :lol: Funny very funny.

Nah, I'm pretty sure you smoke dope and smoke a little crank, at the first of the month when the EBT gets loaded up.

You're a Nazi, right? So you probably steam bicycles and sell them at swapmeets, do a little B&E if it isn't too risky. All the shit that Nazi's do.

matter of fact I don't drink/smoke/or do drugs. :) You go on loving your jewish invented libertardianism...its amusing to think you sick fucks think you will ever get real power.
Ohhh lookie another selfish capitalist scumbag! SHOCKER! Good thing your kind will NEVER take power. Dickface like I said both the wife and I bring in money its not enough. Capitalism sucks end of story.

Yeah, looks like the wife works, and you are on the dole.

See, even at minimum, you'd earn $1,376 a month. So the only way you'd get $750 is through some welfare dole, I'm guessing SSI.

Oh and "my kind" is already in power - moron.
Ohhh lookie another selfish capitalist scumbag! SHOCKER! Good thing your kind will NEVER take power. Dickface like I said both the wife and I bring in money its not enough. Capitalism sucks end of story.

Yeah, looks like the wife works, and you are on the dole.

See, even at minimum, you'd earn $1,376 a month. So the only way you'd get $750 is through some welfare dole, I'm guessing SSI.

Oh and "my kind" is already in power - moron.

Great, and you feel happy about that don't you? Yep, you're the guy I want to listen to when it comes to economics.
Oh, I get it. He's a Nazi and I backed him up so I'm a Nazi too?

People tend to back their political allies. So yep - you get grouped with the ideas you support.

It's a lot easier to call people Nazis than it is to actually back up your position, right?

Which position is that, sparky?

I get it Sport...You can't argue your point so you call people Nazis. You're a class act.
Many CEOs make nothing or a dollar a year. Would the janitor work for that? No.

That's about the most naïve statement ever made on these boards!! Minimum wage should be somewhere between 12 & 15 an hour in order for the working class to get off income assistance programs.

You are simply inflating everyone's wages by doing so, then costs follow and soon your minimum wage is substandard again. That is unless you believe that someone making $15 per hour now for harder jobs will be satisfied to earn a wage equal to a burger flipper.

Of course they won't, they will either demand the same increase or take the easier job for the equivalent pay. Inflation simply eats up the workers increase or they lose their jobs to those that have worked harder

If I was paid a commensurate increase ($8.25 to $22.65), I'd be making almost $70/hr. Imagine how much that McD's burger meal would cost you if their no-skill, entry-level burger-flippers were paid that measly $22.65/hr.
If instead the federal minimum wage had grown at the same rate as one-percenter earnings, it would sit at $22.62 per hour today — 212 percent higher than the current wage floor.

More like $23.50/hr.

Where The Minimum Wage Would Be If The Top One Percent Didn't Leave Workers Behind

I heard once (no link) that the stock market investors are mostly the wealthy, yet Democrats tout the stock market as an Obama success.. It would follow then that Obama/Democrats support the wealthy yet are in denial or being, you know, hypocritical..

The fact that the stock market exists is a bad thing.
Thats where profiteering begins.
25k a year minimum for every person. Why answer it? Some retarded capitalist fuck would just whine bitch and complain about making sure their slaves were getting paid a decent wage.

Great idea

Now go find someone making less than 25k per year, and from your pay give them enough to meet the minimum. If you are still over 25k at that point find another and another until all are equal

Enough people do that and the problem is solved

Glad I could be of help
Hm let's see. I make 725$ a month wife makes ohhh maybe 1400$ so 2,125$ a month between the 2 of us equals 25,500$ and she just started this job in August. So OK I can give 500$ to someone..between needing a new vehicle,finding a better place to rent and paying for kids Christmas sure it won't be a problem. How about you snobby fucks making more than 50k a year dish some out OR here is a good idea lets take the Waltons for example who were born into wealth and are worth more than 40% of the rest of the country and split up their wealth to the workers they shit on every single day and force onto welfare which WE PAY FOR!

Next thing you'll do is to quit your job and wait for someone to make up for that lost difference. Then you'll ask your wife to quit and still demand to get $25K. Try to guess how long it will last.
The robotic technology already exists to make/flip burgers and drop frozen fries into the fryer and remove/wrap/bag/serve.
The only reason it isn't in common use by now is a political one.
If for some ludicrous reason the min. wage should go up over twenty bucks you will be seeing two employees per shift at McDonalds instead of twenty illiterates. Both of them will have degrees in computer science specializing in robotics and will be making 80 bucks an hour.

Meet your new waiters / waitresses. They don't need insurance, don't bitch about pay, work overtime and cost much less... May I take your order, please?
Ohhh lookie another selfish capitalist scumbag! SHOCKER! Good thing your kind will NEVER take power. Dickface like I said both the wife and I bring in money its not enough. Capitalism sucks end of story.

Yeah, looks like the wife works, and you are on the dole.

See, even at minimum, you'd earn $1,376 a month. So the only way you'd get $750 is through some welfare dole, I'm guessing SSI.

Oh and "my kind" is already in power - moron.
Indeed. I get SSI and have since 2011. Its called being disabled while working a job. I wish I could find regular work and go back to work...around here not bound to happen...not unless I wanna work at fast food somewhere..only thing hiring. 7 more months moving to a better state with more jobs. LOL so Obama is your kind? I kind of doubt that. You think Ole Rand or Teddy boy are going to win in 2016? LMAO yeah...that's funny.
matter of fact I don't drink/smoke/or do drugs. :) You go on loving your jewish invented libertardianism...its amusing to think you sick fucks think you will ever get real power.

I've never in my life met a Nazi who didn't use meth. (Or a Hells Angel who didn't drink beer.)

I'm calling bullshit.
I highly doubt you have ever met an actual National Socialist. Maybe some doped up AB moron or some fucking NLR or some crap but not a true National Socialist. I haven't smoked since 2006,drank a beer in over 2 years or done drugs since 2006 as well and even then it was a joint with some friends. I really don't care what you call. You probably know some tattooed,prison junkie not true ideological NS.
Indeed. I get SSI and have since 2011. Its called being disabled while working a job.


You'd be on disability - making about 4 times that amount, if you were disabled on the job.

SSI is welfare, pure and simple.

I wish I could find regular work and go back to work...around here not bound to happen...not unless I wanna work at fast food somewhere..only thing hiring.

Which would double your income, still you refuse to work. Thus is the story of welfare recipients.

7 more months moving to a better state with more jobs. LOL so Obama is your kind? I kind of doubt that. You think Ole Rand or Teddy boy are going to win in 2016? LMAO yeah...that's funny.

I don't like Obama, but he is closer to me than he is to you. He is educated and has a job.

I highly doubt you have ever met an actual National Socialist. Maybe some doped up AB moron or some fucking NLR or some crap but not a true National Socialist.

So the Aryans are not "real" Nazis?

ROFL, Nazis suddenly have standards....

Aryan Nation, (superior) White Power, Elohim City, or just plain Nazi - all the same pile of shit, regardless of the minutia you hang onto to support your infighting. You're all vermin.

I haven't smoked since 2006,drank a beer in over 2 years or done drugs since 2006 as well and even then it was a joint with some friends. I really don't care what you call. You probably know some tattooed,prison junkie not true ideological NS.

Like I said, all the same shit.

You claim to be some "ideological" follower, but I'll bet you've never read Mussolini. You read the meth addled rantings of Hitler and think you have a clue...
Indeed. I get SSI and have since 2011. Its called being disabled while working a job.


You'd be on disability - making about 4 times that amount, if you were disabled on the job.

SSI is welfare, pure and simple.

I wish I could find regular work and go back to work...around here not bound to happen...not unless I wanna work at fast food somewhere..only thing hiring.

Which would double your income, still you refuse to work. Thus is the story of welfare recipients.

I don't like Obama, but he is closer to me than he is to you. He is educated and has a job.

I highly doubt you have ever met an actual National Socialist. Maybe some doped up AB moron or some fucking NLR or some crap but not a true National Socialist.

So the Aryans are not "real" Nazis?

ROFL, Nazis suddenly have standards....

Aryan Nation, (superior) White Power, Elohim City, or just plain Nazi - all the same pile of shit, regardless of the minutia you hang onto to support your infighting. You're all vermin.

I haven't smoked since 2006,drank a beer in over 2 years or done drugs since 2006 as well and even then it was a joint with some friends. I really don't care what you call. You probably know some tattooed,prison junkie not true ideological NS.

Like I said, all the same shit.

You claim to be some "ideological" follower, but I'll bet you've never read Mussolini. You read the meth addled rantings of Hitler and think you have a clue...

You're really fucking stupid.

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