22 Shot in Mass Shooting in NJ, Media Downplays

I agree and you can bet that none of those assholes purchased a gun at a gun show or a gun store.
And stronger gun control laws allow us to more severely penalize the straw buyers. That is why cops and prosecutors love those laws. The NRA sure hates them, though.

Oh bullshit. There are more than enough laws on the books pertaining to guns.

There is a huge black market out there for guns. If you have the money, you can buy the gun. Any gun.

The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.
Which part is bullshit? Could you be more specific?

Law enforcement loves the laws that help to penalize straw buyers. Fact. NRA hates these laws. Fact.

So,remind me again what you are complaining about? Forstyou complained about them not buying the guns. Then I point out that laws help battle that, and yet the gunobby opposes these laws. Then you complain about that, too.

Makes no sense.

There are more than enough laws on the books pertaining to guns.

No. I merely pointed out there is a huge black market out there for guns. If you have the money. You can buy the gun. Any gun.

AS long as there are people in this country who use a gun for criminal acts you will have deaths by guns.

The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.
I agree and you can bet that none of those assholes purchased a gun at a gun show or a gun store.
And stronger gun control laws allow us to more severely penalize the straw buyers. That is why cops and prosecutors love those laws. The NRA sure hates them, though.

Oh bullshit. There are more than enough laws on the books pertaining to guns.

There is a huge black market out there for guns. If you have the money, you can buy the gun. Any gun.

The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.
Which part is bullshit? Could you be more specific?

Law enforcement loves the laws that help to penalize straw buyers. Fact. NRA hates these laws. Fact.

So,remind me again what you are complaining about? Forstyou complained about them not buying the guns. Then I point out that laws help battle that, and yet the gunobby opposes these laws. Then you complain about that, too.

Makes no sense.

There are more than enough laws on the books pertaining to guns.

No. I merely pointed out there is a huge black market out there for guns. If you have the money. You can buy the gun. Any gun.

AS long as there are people in this country who use a gun for criminal acts you will have deaths by guns.

The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.
And some guns are harder to get. And every law punishing people puts them more at risk andakes them more expensive . These are good things, and someone whining about this should like these laws.

Which, you would, had you gun nuts not been completely brainwashed. It's very odd to watch, I gotta say.
Gang bangers don't join the NRA and many aren't white, so we won't be hearing from shill Hogg or any of the Democratic Party front people on this one.
Yep, Most violent crime is committed in urban areas progressives by progressive,I am most of these people who vote progressive if they can’t even vote at all. Because most of them are repeat offenders so they can’t. Progressivism/socialism promotes criminal activity
I agree and you can bet that none of those assholes purchased a gun at a gun show or a gun store.
And stronger gun control laws allow us to more severely penalize the straw buyers. That is why cops and prosecutors love those laws. The NRA sure hates them, though.

Oh bullshit. There are more than enough laws on the books pertaining to guns.

There is a huge black market out there for guns. If you have the money, you can buy the gun. Any gun.

The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.
Which part is bullshit? Could you be more specific?

Law enforcement loves the laws that help to penalize straw buyers. Fact. NRA hates these laws. Fact.

So,remind me again what you are complaining about? Forstyou complained about them not buying the guns. Then I point out that laws help battle that, and yet the gunobby opposes these laws. Then you complain about that, too.

Makes no sense.

There are more than enough laws on the books pertaining to guns.

No. I merely pointed out there is a huge black market out there for guns. If you have the money. You can buy the gun. Any gun.

AS long as there are people in this country who use a gun for criminal acts you will have deaths by guns.

The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.
And some guns are harder to get. And every law punishing people puts them more at risk andakes them more expensive . These are good things, and someone whining about this should like these laws.

Which, you would, had you gun nuts not been completely brainwashed. It's very odd to watch, I gotta say.

Excuse me while I stand over here and

I own guns and bought them legally.

I'm exercising my 2nd Amendment rights as a US citizen.

I have no problem with what it takes to buy or carry a gun. In fact its a good idea.

Only problem is criminals don't buy their guns at a gun show or at a gun store. No amount of gun control will keep them from getting a gun.
I agree and you can bet that none of those assholes purchased a gun at a gun show or a gun store.
And stronger gun control laws allow us to more severely penalize the straw buyers. That is why cops and prosecutors love those laws. The NRA sure hates them, though.
Na, Your ideas are old and tired… And are pathetic

I agree. He obviously thinks criminals get their guns legally and gun control will stop it.

He sure is tree stump dumb.
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I agree and you can bet that none of those assholes purchased a gun at a gun show or a gun store.
And stronger gun control laws allow us to more severely penalize the straw buyers. That is why cops and prosecutors love those laws. The NRA sure hates them, though.

Moron.....we have laws on the books that already allow us to lock up straw buyers...but the straw buyers are most often the baby mommas, mothers, and grand mothers of the criminals who tell prosecutors they were under threat of violence if they didn't buy the guns...so the prosecutors do not prosecute them......

To Repeat...... we already have laws that allow us to punish actual straw buyers.... democrats are not enforcing those laws because they don't care about actual criminals.

You are an idiot who doesn't know what they are talking about.......

Straw purchaser with 4 felony gun charges will not get jail time

A Chicago-area woman arrested last year for her role in illegally selling guns to prohibited buyers, some with gang affiliations, was sentenced to probation and community service last week.

Simone Mousheh, 23, of the Chicago suburb of Mount Prospect, will have to complete 15 days of community service in the Cook County Sheriff’s Work Alternative Program and 12 months probation after pleading guilty to illegal transfer of firearms last week, as reported by the Daily Herald.

Mousheh was arrested last September and charged with four felonies after an investigation by the Chicago Police Firearm Investigation Team concluded she had bought handguns through the benefit of her state-issued Firearms Owners Identification card and then illegally resold them.

One gun, a Glock 23 Mousheh later reported as stolen, was recovered by police from a juvenile offender on the West Side. Another Glock, a Model 22, was sold to Jayson Barber nine days after she bought it. Mousheh knew at the time that Barber was on probation for domestic battery, and did not have a FOID card which is needed to possess a handgun in Illinois. Police later determined Barber had gang ties. The Glock was the second gun she sold to Barber.

Over a six-month period, Mousheh purchased four Glocks and put a $1,000 deposit on an FN 5.7 pistol. Police were only able to recover the Glock from Barber as well as one other gun and a box of 5.7x28mm ammunition from her home.

ATF Lets Straw Purchasing Violent Criminal Walk In WV

Travis Bishop has been working the past 13 years as a firearms dealer in West Virginia at Tannerman’s Weapon Systems. The store is not only his passion, but also a beacon of hope in his community.
He has put on four food drives in the past 10 years, he’s active in his church through ministry work, he has helped countless heroin addicts though outreach programs, and recently helped 25-year old Britney Bretfield, a customer at Tannerman’s and an avid shotgun trap shooter suffering from cancer, by raising $5500 to help offset her medical bills.
This man goes above and beyond, so when people heard he alerted authorities to break up a straw purchase in his store, it was no surprise. The surprise came after the individuals were spotted in a local liquor store only 14 hours after being arrested.
On December 10th, Travis was working in his store as usual, when two individuals entered his store looking for a handgun. After approaching the two, asking if there was anything he could help them find, the woman indicated she was looking for a “gun with a beam”.

After talking with them only a few short minutes, he alerted his store employees to go into “straw purchase” mode. This slows things down behind the counter and allows them time to further assess the situation and call law enforcement if necessary.

Continuing to press for information, Travis asked if they had ever owned or handled handguns before and they both indicated, ‘oh yeah. yeah, we have guns.’ but neither one was able to say what kind or model they were. After perusing the store talking about several options and deciding on a handgun, they said, ‘yeah, we’ll take that one.’
Confused, Travis asked, “What do you mean ‘you’ll both take that one’? Which one of you is going to be purchasing the gun?” to which she replied, “Oh, he’s gonna get it, I’m gonna pay for it.” So he takes them to the counter to start the process and asked, “Which one of you specifically is buying the gun?” Again she answered, “Well the gun is for him, but I’m gonna pay for it.”
I agree and you can bet that none of those assholes purchased a gun at a gun show or a gun store.
And stronger gun control laws allow us to more severely penalize the straw buyers. That is why cops and prosecutors love those laws. The NRA sure hates them, though.

Oh bullshit. There are more than enough laws on the books pertaining to guns.

There is a huge black market out there for guns. If you have the money, you can buy the gun. Any gun.

The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.
Which part is bullshit? Could you be more specific?

Law enforcement loves the laws that help to penalize straw buyers. Fact. NRA hates these laws. Fact.

So,remind me again what you are complaining about? Forstyou complained about them not buying the guns. Then I point out that laws help battle that, and yet the gunobby opposes these laws. Then you complain about that, too.

Makes no sense.

You are talking out of your ass on straw buyers, you don't know what you are talking about......

Straw Purchasing Guns: US Needs to Take It Seriously | [site:name] | National Review

Wisconsin isn’t alone in its nonchalance. California normally treats straw purchases as misdemeanors or minor infractions. Even as the people of Baltimore suffer horrific levels of violence, Maryland classifies the crime as a misdemeanor, too. Straw buying is a felony in progressive Connecticut, albeit one in the second-least-serious order of felonies. It is classified as a serious crime in Illinois (Class 2 felony), but police rarely (meaning “almost never”) go after the nephews and girlfriends with clean records who provide Chicago’s diverse and sundry gangsters with their weapons. In Delaware, it’s a Class F felony, like forging a check. In Oregon, it’s a misdemeanor.


I visited Chicago a few years back to write about the city’s gang-driven murder problem, and a retired police official told me that the nature of the people making straw purchases — young relatives, girlfriends who may or may not have been facing the threat of physical violence, grandmothers, etc. — made prosecuting those cases unattractive. In most of those cases, the authorities emphatically should put the straw purchasers in prison for as long as possible. Throw a few gangsters’ grandmothers behind bars for 20 years and see if that gets anybody’s attention. In the case of the young women suborned into breaking the law, that should be just another charge to put on the main offender.
I agree and you can bet that none of those assholes purchased a gun at a gun show or a gun store.
And stronger gun control laws allow us to more severely penalize the straw buyers. That is why cops and prosecutors love those laws. The NRA sure hates them, though.

Oh bullshit. There are more than enough laws on the books pertaining to guns.

There is a huge black market out there for guns. If you have the money, you can buy the gun. Any gun.

The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.
Which part is bullshit? Could you be more specific?

Law enforcement loves the laws that help to penalize straw buyers. Fact. NRA hates these laws. Fact.

So,remind me again what you are complaining about? Forstyou complained about them not buying the guns. Then I point out that laws help battle that, and yet the gunobby opposes these laws. Then you complain about that, too.

Makes no sense.

The gun lobby doesn't oppose actual laws that target actual criminals...those are the laws opposed by democrats....

California Democrats hate the gun, not the gunman – Orange County Register

Now that Democrats have supermajorities in the California state Legislature, they’ve rolled into Sacramento with a zest for lowering the state’s prison population and have interpreted St. Augustine’s words of wisdom to mean, “Hate the gun, not the gunman.”

I say this because, once they finally took a break from preaching about the benefits of stricter gun control, the state Senate voted to loosen sentencing guidelines for criminals convicted of gun crimes.

Currently, California law requires anyone who uses a gun while committing a felony to have their sentence increased by 10 years or more in prison — on top of the normal criminal penalty. If enacted, Senate Bill 620 would eliminate that mandate.

The bill, which passed on a 22-14 party-line vote, with support only from Democrats, now heads to the state Assembly for consideration.

Republicans and the National Rifle Association have vowed to campaign against it.

Why have Democrats suddenly developed a soft spot for criminals convicted of gun crimes? The bill’s author, state Sen. Steve Bradford, D-Gardena, says that he was motivated to write the bill after a 17-year-old riding in a car involved in a drive-by shooting was sentenced to 25 years in prison, even though he claims that he wasn’t the one who pulled the trigger.

and for all those anti-gunners who want to know where criminals get guns....well...this law lowers the prison time for those who give guns to criminals.....

Why is that?

Prop. 57, for example, very deceptively and fundamentally changed the definition of what constitutes a “non-violent” offense.

supplying a firearm to a gang member,

felon obtaining a firearm,

discharging a firearm on school grounds

Chicago's grim murder trend blamed on light sentencing, misguided reforms

Lamar Harris had seven felony convictions and 43 arrests when he shot three Chicago police officers. The same week, Samuel Harviley, who had just been paroled after serving less than half of his sentence for armed carjacking, shot yet another of the Windy City’s finest.

Police officials, researchers and many elected leaders all agree that the pair were prime examples of the violent pool of criminals driving the city’s historically high crime rate. Ex-cons well-known to police and with a proven propensity for violence are being let out early from prison or let off lightly by judges, only to wreak havoc on the city, they say.


“We have five districts that are driving the crime in the city,” Johnson said in a recent radio interview. “And within those districts, there is a small subset of individuals who are responsible for those crimes. They have multiple arrests for gun offenses and until we start holding these people accountable [the problem will persist].”


Illinois is one of several states implementing recommendations from prison reform commissions to reduce or even eliminate mandatory minimum sentences. Those groups seek to reduce prison populations by as much as 25 percent.

The movement to slash sentences and free inmates is given momentum by controversial, police-involved shootings that galvanize communities, as well as protests by Black Lives Matter and civil rights groups. But shortening sentences of violent offenders puts both police and law-abiding residents of the inner city at risk, say law enforcement officials.
This felon, had an illegal gun.....and a regular magazine...which is illegal for law abiding citizens...but he had one.....showing that gun control laws that target law abiding gun owners are stupid......and pointless...

It's illegal for felons to have guns Guy

So whoever sold or gave it to him should be accountable



You dope.... the guy should be in jail for the homicide. Then he can't get a gun. :113:. Kabish?
Why this isn’t plastered all over the MSM for a week? NJ already has one of the strictest gun controls.

But that won’t stop the Governor from saying guns are to blame.

The fact the shooter is a career gang banger who was released from prison early by the Governor is a side issue not to be discussed.

22 people injured at a shooting in New Jersey over the weekend, but it doesn't fit the media narrative so ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Where'd the gun come from? Did cletus from down the coast buy it few questions asked and sell it into the black market?
I agree and you can bet that none of those assholes purchased a gun at a gun show or a gun store.
And stronger gun control laws allow us to more severely penalize the straw buyers. That is why cops and prosecutors love those laws. The NRA sure hates them, though.

Oh bullshit. There are more than enough laws on the books pertaining to guns.

There is a huge black market out there for guns. If you have the money, you can buy the gun. Any gun.

The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.
Which part is bullshit? Could you be more specific?

Law enforcement loves the laws that help to penalize straw buyers. Fact. NRA hates these laws. Fact.

So,remind me again what you are complaining about? Forstyou complained about them not buying the guns. Then I point out that laws help battle that, and yet the gunobby opposes these laws. Then you complain about that, too.

Makes no sense.

There are more than enough laws on the books pertaining to guns.

No. I merely pointed out there is a huge black market out there for guns. If you have the money. You can buy the gun. Any gun.

AS long as there are people in this country who use a gun for criminal acts you will have deaths by guns.

The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.
And some guns are harder to get. And every law punishing people puts them more at risk andakes them more expensive . These are good things, and someone whining about this should like these laws.

Which, you would, had you gun nuts not been completely brainwashed. It's very odd to watch, I gotta say.

Yeah it worked real well with drugs so it will work even better with guns
And stronger gun control laws allow us to more severely penalize the straw buyers. That is why cops and prosecutors love those laws. The NRA sure hates them, though.

Oh bullshit. There are more than enough laws on the books pertaining to guns.

There is a huge black market out there for guns. If you have the money, you can buy the gun. Any gun.

The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.
Which part is bullshit? Could you be more specific?

Law enforcement loves the laws that help to penalize straw buyers. Fact. NRA hates these laws. Fact.

So,remind me again what you are complaining about? Forstyou complained about them not buying the guns. Then I point out that laws help battle that, and yet the gunobby opposes these laws. Then you complain about that, too.

Makes no sense.

There are more than enough laws on the books pertaining to guns.

No. I merely pointed out there is a huge black market out there for guns. If you have the money. You can buy the gun. Any gun.

AS long as there are people in this country who use a gun for criminal acts you will have deaths by guns.

The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.
And some guns are harder to get. And every law punishing people puts them more at risk andakes them more expensive . These are good things, and someone whining about this should like these laws.

Which, you would, had you gun nuts not been completely brainwashed. It's very odd to watch, I gotta say.

Yeah it worked real well with drugs so it will work even better with guns

It could have worked perfectly with drugs; the only thing lacking was the will to make it work. Bet you don't know Nixon started the 'War On Drugs' at the request of Charlie Rangel and the entire Congressional Black Caucus, do you? Why? The heroin scourge in the ghettoes. Like fags and NAMBLA, they now claim they didn't have anything to do with it. lol
Oh bullshit. There are more than enough laws on the books pertaining to guns.

There is a huge black market out there for guns. If you have the money, you can buy the gun. Any gun.

The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.
Which part is bullshit? Could you be more specific?

Law enforcement loves the laws that help to penalize straw buyers. Fact. NRA hates these laws. Fact.

So,remind me again what you are complaining about? Forstyou complained about them not buying the guns. Then I point out that laws help battle that, and yet the gunobby opposes these laws. Then you complain about that, too.

Makes no sense.

There are more than enough laws on the books pertaining to guns.

No. I merely pointed out there is a huge black market out there for guns. If you have the money. You can buy the gun. Any gun.

AS long as there are people in this country who use a gun for criminal acts you will have deaths by guns.

The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.
And some guns are harder to get. And every law punishing people puts them more at risk andakes them more expensive . These are good things, and someone whining about this should like these laws.

Which, you would, had you gun nuts not been completely brainwashed. It's very odd to watch, I gotta say.

Yeah it worked real well with drugs so it will work even better with guns

It could have worked perfectly with drugs; the only thing lacking was the will to make it work. Bet you don't know Nixon started the 'War On Drugs' at the request of Charlie Rangel and the entire Congressional Black Caucus, do you? Why? The heroin scourge in the ghettoes. Like fags and NAMBLA, they now claim they didn't have anything to do with it. lol
It would have never worked.

People have been doing drugs since there have been people on this rock.

No law is going to stop people from doing drugs
Why this isn’t plastered all over the MSM for a week? NJ already has one of the strictest gun controls.

But that won’t stop the Governor from saying guns are to blame.

The fact the shooter is a career gang banger who was released from prison early by the Governor is a side issue not to be discussed.

22 people injured at a shooting in New Jersey over the weekend, but it doesn't fit the media narrative so ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Where'd the gun come from? Did cletus from down the coast buy it few questions asked and sell it into the black market?

More likely the baby momma, grandmother or single mom of the criminal bought it at a gun store as a straw buyer......
Which part is bullshit? Could you be more specific?

Law enforcement loves the laws that help to penalize straw buyers. Fact. NRA hates these laws. Fact.

So,remind me again what you are complaining about? Forstyou complained about them not buying the guns. Then I point out that laws help battle that, and yet the gunobby opposes these laws. Then you complain about that, too.

Makes no sense.

There are more than enough laws on the books pertaining to guns.

No. I merely pointed out there is a huge black market out there for guns. If you have the money. You can buy the gun. Any gun.

AS long as there are people in this country who use a gun for criminal acts you will have deaths by guns.

The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.
And some guns are harder to get. And every law punishing people puts them more at risk andakes them more expensive . These are good things, and someone whining about this should like these laws.

Which, you would, had you gun nuts not been completely brainwashed. It's very odd to watch, I gotta say.

Yeah it worked real well with drugs so it will work even better with guns

It could have worked perfectly with drugs; the only thing lacking was the will to make it work. Bet you don't know Nixon started the 'War On Drugs' at the request of Charlie Rangel and the entire Congressional Black Caucus, do you? Why? The heroin scourge in the ghettoes. Like fags and NAMBLA, they now claim they didn't have anything to do with it. lol
It would have never worked.

People have been doing drugs since there have been people on this rock.

No law is going to stop people from doing drugs

Nonsense. Some people have been doing recreational drugs, and they're easily found and so are the sources of drugs. What you mean is a lot of people are scofflaws and have zero morals and think mindless self-indulgence is some sort of 'natural right'. It isn't, and the fact is not much of a serious concerted effort was ever made.
Why this isn’t plastered all over the MSM for a week? NJ already has one of the strictest gun controls.

But that won’t stop the Governor from saying guns are to blame.

The fact the shooter is a career gang banger who was released from prison early by the Governor is a side issue not to be discussed.

22 people injured at a shooting in New Jersey over the weekend, but it doesn't fit the media narrative so ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Only the shooter died that's why
So as long as you only cripple people with guns the issue of guns is resolved.
who was crippled?

Injured does not necessarily mean crippled
Dude, rare to fully recover from a bullet ripping thru tissue, bone and organs.

Since when?

Steve Scalise looked pretty good in his baseball game the other night after having almost died.
Just because he played doesn’t mean he doesn’t have health issues. This is a bullet going thru simulated flesh. Now throw in bones and internal organs.


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