23 Baltimore schools have zero students proficient in math, per state test results

Mostly New Jersey and San Francisco and a little bit north of San Diego. Why do you ask?

When we moved to Oklahoma the kids had to make new friends, and I didn't know anyone either. As a new parent in town, how do you find out who's the good crowd and who she shouldn't be hanging with?

Well... I have my methods, I find ways of talkng to the other kids. Mostly I trade em one bit of information for another. Win/win if both of us leave feeling we got a good deal. :)
So once again in your world the parents have no responsibly at all in this area.

That speaks volumes about you.

Oh, and the everyone gets a trophy is not a liberal policy.
I'm saying the kids had to take no responsibility for their actions and got rewarded for nothing and we are dealing with those kids as adults now. Liberal policies on full display and we are dealing with it today.
Yeah. He has street cred. It's too complicated to explain.

Actually I'm proud of what he got arrested "for". He's such a nice kid they always let him out the next day. :p
I wouldn’t be proud of my son for being a tough guy who gets arrested. What street credibility are you talking about?
But they are producing ideal Democrat Voters.
Yeah, they just need to lower the school standards. If they are going to use standards where the Baltimore schools are judged by the same standards as schools with white students from the suburbs and rural areas, I don't see how they can expect to measure up.
Can't disagree with that...passing students who are not doing satisfactory work does them no favors.

Then why are the democrats doing that? Why do the democrats not only support it, but defend it every step of the way? Why do they refuse to let parents send their children to better schools through school vouchers....and entrap those poor children in schools that will not teach ....?

You have to answer that.....that is on you and the democrats
So it's not about democrat policies and ideas, it's about skin color? Is that what you're saying?

1) It ain't racism because black democrats have controlled that city for decades.

2) The democrat party, regardless of skin color, controls the education system, from top to bottom...absolute control.......
Yeah, they just need to lower the school standards. If they are going to use standards where the Baltimore schools are judged by the same standards as schools with white students from the suburbs and rural areas, I don't see how they can expect to measure up.
They have a very similar issue in nearby, suburban, mostly black Prince George’s County, MD.
It's amazing to me that we love to pretend that children come to us like lumps of playdough--no history, completely malleable.

They do not.

Some children come to school whole, unbroken, even reading.

Others come to school from broken backgrounds. Forget not knowing letters and numbers--they don't know how to eat at a table, zip a coat, sit still to listen.

Nothing a teacher can do--NOTHING--can get a second scenario into a first scenario in a matter of weeks, or even a single school year. God help the child in that situation who DOES come into kindergarten reading, yet dealing with legions of peers who are essentially unsocialized. What is the teacher supposed to do?

Maybe it's society, everyone. Maybe it's us.

Time for contraceptives in the water supply, cash payments for sterilization, and probably incentives for abortion.

My 15 year old daughter can teach math to ANYONE.

If she can do it, you can do it too.

If you can't, don't. Don't even try.
That is bullshit.
They have a very similar issue in nearby, suburban, mostly black Prince George’s County, MD.
I live in Maryland. If you think Prince George's County is SUBURBAN I doubt you've spent much time in Maryland? Prince George's County is solid black underclass, small crowded houses and apartments. I can't say much about it lately because of course I never go there now, it wouldn't be safe.
The truth is that Trump supporters care deeply about their country, and they'd throw Trump under the bus in a heartbeat if they thought he was a threat to it.
Hero worshippers never let go of their idols.

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