23 Baltimore schools have zero students proficient in math, per state test results

They were able to do it in the past. We are seeing the results of taking discipline out of school and giving everyone a trophy. Liberalism destroys anything it touches.

In the past parents took some responsibility for how their kids turned out. They were involved in their education. A teacher spends 5 hours a week with a student if they are lucky.

Now if a student fails it is 100% on the teacher who is making less money than the person driving the kids to school on the bus in some areas.
The claim is true.

And fuck you for challenging it.

Now shut up and go away. And take your bullshit libtard mudslinging with you.

I owe you one. For being an asswipe. I'll pay you back at the time and place of my choosing.

Fuck off with your empty threats.

No 15 year old has an internship to teach math classes. You are so full of shit it is coming out of your ears
I mentioned earlier in the thread that politics perverts everything it touches.

No better example than education.

And now the coward is threatening me for calling out his bullshit story.

Whatever will I do....

In the past parents took some responsibility for how their kids turned out. They were involved in their education. A teacher spends 5 hours a week with a student if they are lucky.

Now if a student fails it is 100% on the teacher who is making less money than the person driving the kids to school on the bus in some areas.

My son was taking square roots and solving algebraic equations in third grade.

Because he had a reason to. Because he wanted to learn.

You know what his reason was? He liked model airplanes. We used to take him to the park and he didn't want to come home, he'd spend hours flying the damn things around in circles.

So now he'll be going to MIT, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if he designs the rocket ship to Mars.

He's a kid like any other, he gets in trouble like all the rest. As a matter of fact I'm very proud of him, he's been arrested three times already and he's not even 18. :p
Fuck off with your empty threats.

No 15 year old has an internship to teach math classes. You are so full of shit it is coming out of your ears
I told you to shut up sng go away.

Do it, old one.

You're so fucking old you probably haven't seen the inside of a classroom in 80 years.

Yeah, they do that now, asswipe. There's a teacher shortage, so they get the smart kids to teach the dumb ones. The really smart ones, get college credits for it.

Where the fuck have you nonagenerians been, nursing home?
My son was taking square roots and solving algebraic equations in third grade.

Because he had a reason to. Because he wanted to learn.

You know what his reason was? He liked model airplanes. We used to take him to the park and he didn't want to come home, he'd spend hours flying the damn things around in circles.

So now he'll be going to MIT, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if he designs the rocket ship to Mars.

He's a kid like any other, he gets in trouble like all the rest. As a matter of fact I'm very proud of him, he's been arrested three times already and he's not even 18. :p

So, you are involved with your children and take some responsibility for how they turn out and they have done well in school.

Hmmmmm....I wonder if there is any sort of connection to the two things?

This is really appalling but not surprising. What a blue cesspool of wasted tax payer's money.

Baltimore City is facing a devastating reality as the latest round of state test scores are released.
Project Baltimore analyzed the results and found a shocking number of Baltimore City schools where not a single student is doing math at grade level.
“We're not living up to our potential,” said Jovani Patterson, a Baltimore resident who made headlines in January 2022, when he filed a lawsuit against Baltimore City Schools. The suit claims the district is failing to educate students and, in the process, misusing taxpayer funds.

“We, the taxpayer, are funding our own demise,” Patterson said at the time.
Baltimore City’s math scores were the lowest in the state. Just 7 percent of third through eighth graders tested proficient in math, which means 93 percent could not do math at grade level.
Project Baltimore found, in 23 Baltimore City schools, there were zero students who tested proficient in math. Not a single student.

“It just sounds like these schools, now, have turned into essentially babysitters with no accountability,” said Patterson. “This is the future of our city. We’ve got to change this.”

Among the list of 23 schools, there are 10 high schools, eight elementary schools, three Middle/High schools and two Elementary/Middle schools.

But how are the children doing as far as their transexual education? Are they using the right pronouns?

Are the youngsters sufficiently woke, and at age 16 , will they be ready to cast a vote and determine the winner of the next election?
I told you to shut up sng go away.

Do it, old one.

You're so fucking old you probably haven't seen the inside of a classroom in 80 years.

Yeah, they do that now, asswipe. There's a teacher shortage, so they get the smart kids to teach the dumb ones. The really smart ones, get college credits for it.

Where the fuck have you nonagenerians been, nursing home?

I do not take orders from cowards on the internet.

My youngest graduated high school in 2020, so yes I do have some recent involvement in public education. He is now working on his civil engineering degree.

My eldest will turn 28 next month. She was a terrible high school student and barely graduated. She is now making close to 200 grand a year and just got a promotion to a position her company created just for her.

They both had good teachers and really shitty teachers. Both had to go to tutoring to over come the shitty teachers. Both also had parents that were involved in their lives and their education and did not think it was only the job of the teacher they saw for a few hours a week.

Worse yet, it was the low-income students that were hurt the most.

  • Only 13% of low-income students in Madison were college-ready in reading.
  • Half of the low-income students in Racine, Kenosha, and Green Bay were testing below grade level.
  • And in Milwaukee, nine schools didn't have a single student proficient in math.
It overly a republican state.
The JOB of a teacher is to get the kids interested.

How the hell you gonna teach em anything if they're not interested?

I mean goddammit, you gonna MEMORIZE all the series expansions for your AP math? You're gonna know the difference between 1822 and 1823 that way? I doubt it.
How are you supposed to get them interested in learning the periodic table? Kids need to be told that they must know it to move to the next grade and ultimately get a high school diploma.

You‘re putting all this on TEACHERS? How are they supposed to overcome the fact that the kids’ mother not only doesn’t care about her kid’s schooling, but doesn’t even know where they are? You’ve seen video of the young savages roaming around at night, beating up elderly. You think a teacher can overcome that type of upbringing?
They were able to do it in the past. We are seeing the results of taking discipline out of school and giving everyone a trophy. Liberalism destroys anything it touches.
Yup. That’s correct. Forget making the periodic table “interesting.” It’s part of your middle school education - and you need to know it. Period. If you don’t, you fail and will be kept back. The smart, disciplined, motivated students will move forward.

This is really appalling but not surprising. What a blue cesspool of wasted tax payer's money.

Baltimore City is facing a devastating reality as the latest round of state test scores are released.
Project Baltimore analyzed the results and found a shocking number of Baltimore City schools where not a single student is doing math at grade level.
“We're not living up to our potential,” said Jovani Patterson, a Baltimore resident who made headlines in January 2022, when he filed a lawsuit against Baltimore City Schools. The suit claims the district is failing to educate students and, in the process, misusing taxpayer funds.

“We, the taxpayer, are funding our own demise,” Patterson said at the time.
Baltimore City’s math scores were the lowest in the state. Just 7 percent of third through eighth graders tested proficient in math, which means 93 percent could not do math at grade level.
Project Baltimore found, in 23 Baltimore City schools, there were zero students who tested proficient in math. Not a single student.

“It just sounds like these schools, now, have turned into essentially babysitters with no accountability,” said Patterson. “This is the future of our city. We’ve got to change this.”

Among the list of 23 schools, there are 10 high schools, eight elementary schools, three Middle/High schools and two Elementary/Middle schools.
If this is accurate, certainly a number of people should lose their jobs for not doing them.

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