23 Baltimore schools have zero students proficient in math, per state test results

My son was taking square roots and solving algebraic equations in third grade.

Because he had a reason to. Because he wanted to learn.

You know what his reason was? He liked model airplanes. We used to take him to the park and he didn't want to come home, he'd spend hours flying the damn things around in circles.

So now he'll be going to MIT, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if he designs the rocket ship to Mars.

He's a kid like any other, he gets in trouble like all the rest. As a matter of fact I'm very proud of him, he's been arrested three times already and he's not even 18. :p
You’re proud your teenaged son has been arrested three times?
Just another LEFTIST inflicted wound, you mean.

Don't blame me for that stuff, you retarded piece of shit.

THE RETARDED LEFT is the reason for the stupidity.

End of story.
Pick a different insult. There really are people in the world who live with mental retardation. The term is not a punchline for unimaginative assholes. There are plenty of ways to describe how misguided leftists are without being an asshole.
Black democrat mayor…..

black democrat police commissioner…..

black democrat school superintendant….,

but it is the other “tribes,” fault……..

Your crap is really silly
So it's not about democrat policies and ideas, it's about skin color? Is that what you're saying?
If those entitled, spoiled elementary school children want a decent education, they can just get a job and PAY for one, dammit!

That is exactly what my daughter is doing. She gets about 3500 a year from the state for being a teaching intern. She's working now so she doesn't have to do work study next year.

Why is this concept so strange to you, libtard? Thousands of kids have been doing this since day one. Those who can, pay, and those who can't, work. Same as it ever was

You leftoids are bizarre

And God bless you 'n stuff! MAGA!


What a strange little man you are.
You’re proud your teenaged son has been arrested three times?
Yeah. He has street cred. It's too complicated to explain.

Actually I'm proud of what he got arrested "for". He's such a nice kid they always let him out the next day. :p
If those entitled, spoiled elementary school children want a decent education, they can just get a job and PAY for one, dammit!

And God bless you 'n stuff! MAGA!

That is exactly what my daughter is doing. She gets about 3500 a year from the state for being a teaching intern. She's working now so she doesn't have to do work study next year.
Your daughter is in elementary school and a teaching intern?
In the past parents took some responsibility for how their kids turned out. They were involved in their education. A teacher spends 5 hours a week with a student if they are lucky.

Now if a student fails it is 100% on the teacher who is making less money than the person driving the kids to school on the bus in some areas.
Goes back to the fact they took discipline out of schools and gave everyone a trophy. We are dealing with the effects of liberal policies.
You're a liberal.
Anyone who speaks of Trump supporters as a "cult" is a flaming flamboyant leftard. No question about it. No one else uses that word, it's a dead giveaway. If you were anything BUT a leftwipe you wouldn't be using words like that.
Goes back to the fact they took discipline out of schools and gave everyone a trophy. We are dealing with the effects of liberal policies.

So once again in your world the parents have no responsibly at all in this area.

That speaks volumes about you.

Oh, and the everyone gets a trophy is not a liberal policy.
Anyone who speaks of Trump supporters as a "cult" is a flaming flamboyant leftard. No question about it. No one else uses that word, it's a dead giveaway. If you were anything BUT a leftwipe you wouldn't be using words like that.

The truth often triggers people like you

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