23 Baltimore schools have zero students proficient in math, per state test results

You fucktards think posting stupid memes gives you credibility?

Eat shit and die. I don't have to prove anything, to you or anyone else

The fact remains, my kids know how to add

They're clearly smarter than you...though THAT is not a high bar.

If those entitled, spoiled elementary school children want a decent education, they can just get a job and PAY for one, dammit!

And God bless you 'n stuff! MAGA!


Are you on drugs?


I've seen it dozens of times, with my own two eyes.

No, you have not, liar.

The truth often triggers people like you

You would not know the truth if it crawled up your nose and did the can-can.
Like pretty much everything else, education has become politicized. And politics mangles and perverts everything it touches.

We're choosing to fail our children, and as a result they may end up failing the country.

Just another self-inflicted wound.
No, it's just black culture winning at not being white
This is really appalling but not surprising. What a blue cesspool of wasted tax payer's money.

Baltimore City is facing a devastating reality as the latest round of state test scores are released.
Project Baltimore analyzed the results and found a shocking number of Baltimore City schools where not a single student is doing math at grade level.
“We're not living up to our potential,” said Jovani Patterson, a Baltimore resident who made headlines in January 2022, when he filed a lawsuit against Baltimore City Schools. The suit claims the district is failing to educate students and, in the process, misusing taxpayer funds.

“We, the taxpayer, are funding our own demise,” Patterson said at the time.
Baltimore City’s math scores were the lowest in the state. Just 7 percent of third through eighth graders tested proficient in math, which means 93 percent could not do math at grade level.
Project Baltimore found, in 23 Baltimore City schools, there were zero students who tested proficient in math. Not a single student.

“It just sounds like these schools, now, have turned into essentially babysitters with no accountability,” said Patterson. “This is the future of our city. We’ve got to change this.”

Among the list of 23 schools, there are 10 high schools, eight elementary schools, three Middle/High schools and two Elementary/Middle schools.
A shithole city is a shithole city is a shithole city. And what will they do about it? Continue voting in more Democrats.
I live in Maryland. If you think Prince George's County is SUBURBAN I doubt you've spent much time in Maryland? Prince George's County is solid black underclass, small crowded houses and apartments. I can't say much about it lately because of course I never go there now, it wouldn't be safe.
I live in PG County and I’ve been here for 54 years. I attended schools here and worked in the school system for 12 years. My wife worked in the school system here in PG for 34 years and my dad taught here for 24 years.
I’ve seen suburban PG County go from DC white trash to ghetto black between 1969 and 1990. All the while remaining solidly economically middle class. Since becoming mostly black, it’s become America’s wealthiest ghetto.
Lol, nope you got a choice of links or suspension. Yes there was a smoking area you could go there before school, during lunch, and after school. You had to have a permit signed by a parent to be able to go there. Those were different times.
I live in PG County and I’ve been here for 54 years. I attended schools here and worked in the school system for 12 years. My wife worked in the school system here in PG for 34 years and my dad taught here for 24 years.
I’ve seen suburban PG County go from DC white trash to ghetto black between 1969 and 1990. All the while remaining solidly economically middle class. Since becoming mostly black, it’s become America’s wealthiest ghetto.
That’s because there are dual-income black couples being overpaid for government jobs for which they barely do half of what is required in the private industry. Together, mediocre couples are bringing in $200,000 or more.
I live in PG County and I’ve been here for 54 years. I attended schools here and worked in the school system for 12 years. My wife worked in the school system here in PG for 34 years and my dad taught here for 24 years.
I’ve seen suburban PG County go from DC white trash to ghetto black between 1969 and 1990. All the while remaining solidly economically middle class. Since becoming mostly black, it’s become America’s wealthiest ghetto.
The part of Montgomery County where I was raised has gone from middle and upper-middle class white (with some blacks, maybe 5%) to primarily Hispanic and black, with the vast majority of kids on free and reduced lunch, dismal proficiency rates in academics, and 5% white.

Also, estimates are that around 25% of the kids in school are illegals.
This is really appalling but not surprising. What a blue cesspool of wasted tax payer's money.

Baltimore City is facing a devastating reality as the latest round of state test scores are released.
Project Baltimore analyzed the results and found a shocking number of Baltimore City schools where not a single student is doing math at grade level.
“We're not living up to our potential,” said Jovani Patterson, a Baltimore resident who made headlines in January 2022, when he filed a lawsuit against Baltimore City Schools. The suit claims the district is failing to educate students and, in the process, misusing taxpayer funds.

“We, the taxpayer, are funding our own demise,” Patterson said at the time.
Baltimore City’s math scores were the lowest in the state. Just 7 percent of third through eighth graders tested proficient in math, which means 93 percent could not do math at grade level.
Project Baltimore found, in 23 Baltimore City schools, there were zero students who tested proficient in math. Not a single student.

“It just sounds like these schools, now, have turned into essentially babysitters with no accountability,” said Patterson. “This is the future of our city. We’ve got to change this.”

Among the list of 23 schools, there are 10 high schools, eight elementary schools, three Middle/High schools and two Elementary/Middle schools.

Probably intentional.

That's a lot of kids who will grow up to be Democrapic voters.
There was no "paddling" in high schools in the 1980s. That's "back in my day" BS.
They paddled us for anything tardy 3 times in a semester choose 5 licks or 2 days suspension. I got 5 licks for not having my smoking permit on my person.
That’s because there are dual-income black couples being overpaid for government jobs for which they barely do half of what is required in the private industry. Together, mediocre couples are bringing in $200,000 or more.
Being black, most of the households are run by mothers only. Mom has a good paying gov or utility job.
The part of Montgomery County where I was raised has gone from middle and upper-middle class white (with some blacks, maybe 5%) to primarily Hispanic and black, with the vast majority of kids on free and reduced lunch, dismal proficiency rates in academics, and 5% white.

Also, estimates are that around 25% of the kids in school are illegals.
Try driving the beltway at New Hampshire Ave or Georgia Av at rush hour. The gridlock of all of those highspanics returning home from work spills from the exit ramps out onto the beltway.
Wheaton’s legit population (not counting unaccounted illegals) has increased by 50% since the early 1990’s with only one apartment complex of development. Multiple families per dwelling.
Here in PG, many front yards are paved over to accommodate the six or more cars per dwelling.
Try driving the beltway at New Hampshire Ave or Georgia Av at rush hour. The gridlock of all of those highspanics returning home from work spills from the exit ramps out onto the beltway.
Wheaton’s legit population (not counting unaccounted illegals) has increased by 50% since the early 1990’s with only one apartment complex of development. Multiple families per dwelling.
Here in PG, many front yards are paved over to accommodate the six or more cars per dwelling.
Importing people who need $300 max room rent is a mistake and Terrible for neighborhoods
Try driving the beltway at New Hampshire Ave or Georgia Av at rush hour. The gridlock of all of those highspanics returning home from work spills from the exit ramps out onto the beltway.
Wheaton’s legit population (not counting unaccounted illegals) has increased by 50% since the early 1990’s with only one apartment complex of development. Multiple families per dwelling.
Here in PG, many front yards are paved over to accommodate the six or more cars per dwelling.
Yeah, I know that part of the Beltway. Very curvy, and big bottleneck.

Some parts of Wheaton look like the poorest part of El Salvadore. No Ingles Habla there either.

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