23 Baltimore schools have zero students proficient in math, per state test results

I live out in Baltimore County and saw the story on the local news. On the one hand, people who talk about not enough money is being spent on education. Those people need to stop it. Like 1.6 billion dollars isn't enough to educate students today? I think the city gets more per student than the county kids do, but the results are very different. BTW, how do we know that the money that going to these schools are being spend appropriately? No clue, and if you want to hear North Ave. complain, threaten them with a full-on audit of their spending.

Accountability is a HUGE problem with the city schools. Since the teacher's union is one of the most powerful Democrat special interest groups, the politicians don't have the lower testicular fortitude to go after them. So, whatever they want to do will face little to no resistance from them. Less emphasis on reading 'riting and 'rithmetic for social justice teachings is going on now. City council members, who are SUPPOSED to provide oversight for the schools, are too scared to say or do anything. They're afraid that if they go after North Ave., the teacher's union will endorse (and finance) the Democrat who runs against them next election. I mean, who remembers what happened at Augusta Fells Savage school here in Baltimore? A senior with a .1 GPA in school. Nobody has been fired or suspended for allowing that student to get to the 12th grade in the first place.

All that being said, the worse part, in my opinion, is the total lackadaisical attitude the residents of Baltimore have towards education. Bet they won't be protests in front the Baltimore City Schools building about the lack of a proper education their children are receiving. Those who talk about the home life of kids playing a vital factor in what kind of student a teacher is going to get are absolutely right. There are too many homes in Baltimore, and other urban cities, where the emphasis is more on just getting by with a roof over their head, clothes on their backs, and food to eat than to make sure their children are getting an actual education. Even though it's education that will give them the best shot of breaking the cycle and getting out of that environment. Teachers can do a lot, but they can't make chicken salad after chicken shit, and thanks to No Child Left Behind, it's now where they don't want to lose funding, so students are now "socially promoted" to the next grade.

Last note, Baltimore is also the national headquarters of the NAACP. I highly doubt that we're going to get a statement from their Prez about how this can be going on in their city. How are we going to have advancement of colored people if we're not getting the education that will prepare us for the future economy?
That’s because there are dual-income black couples being overpaid for government jobs for which they barely do half of what is required in the private industry. Together, mediocre couples are bringing in $200,000 or more.
There would be no black middle class without those government jobs
This is really appalling but not surprising. What a blue cesspool of wasted tax payer's money.

Baltimore City is facing a devastating reality as the latest round of state test scores are released.
Project Baltimore analyzed the results and found a shocking number of Baltimore City schools where not a single student is doing math at grade level.
“We're not living up to our potential,” said Jovani Patterson, a Baltimore resident who made headlines in January 2022, when he filed a lawsuit against Baltimore City Schools. The suit claims the district is failing to educate students and, in the process, misusing taxpayer funds.

“We, the taxpayer, are funding our own demise,” Patterson said at the time.
Baltimore City’s math scores were the lowest in the state. Just 7 percent of third through eighth graders tested proficient in math, which means 93 percent could not do math at grade level.
Project Baltimore found, in 23 Baltimore City schools, there were zero students who tested proficient in math. Not a single student.

“It just sounds like these schools, now, have turned into essentially babysitters with no accountability,” said Patterson. “This is the future of our city. We’ve got to change this.”

Among the list of 23 schools, there are 10 high schools, eight elementary schools, three Middle/High schools and two Elementary/Middle schools.
The average teacher’s salary in Baltimore is $48,950 to $71,368. Surely for that amount of money, you should be able to hire teachers who can teach math and reading.

Lol, nope you got a choice of links or suspension. Yes there was a smoking area you could go there before school, during lunch, and after school. You had to have a permit signed by a parent to be able to go there. Those were different times.

In 1989?

You are full of shit. They did not even have those things in 82 when I graduated.
Nope.......you guys call the system racist....the entire system in Balitmore is run by democrats who also happen to be black...yet you still blame republicans.....not a republican in sight, and yet you blame them......
Nope...you played the race card...as always.
The truth is that Trump supporters care deeply about their country, and they'd throw Trump under the bus in a heartbeat if they thought he was a threat to it.

And the fist thing suggested by most Trump supporters is diving the nation or straight out civil war because they are losing on every front.
Then why are the democrats doing that? Why do the democrats not only support it, but defend it every step of the way? Why do they refuse to let parents send their children to better schools through school vouchers....and entrap those poor children in schools that will not teach ....?

You have to answer that.....that is on you and the democrats
Links to every teacher in the Baltimore school system being a registered democrat please.
Fire dues paying members of the democrat party teachers unions? . . . The democrat politicians make sur the teachers get high pay for low quality work, then kick back the most campaign donations to the party……. That is why they don’t fire even the worst of the worst ………
I read years ago that in all the NYC public schools, only like 4 or 5 were terminated in one year out of approx.. 75,000 teachers. . . Hundreds or more "problems" were just regularly transferred to teach in another school district. . . . The good teachers openly referred to this as “the dance of the lemons.”
Like pretty much everything else, education has become politicized. And politics mangles and perverts everything it touches.

We're choosing to fail our children, and as a result they may end up failing the country.

Just another self-inflicted wound.
Nancy Pelosi's family has played a role in this. Woe to you fools. And all of us from older cities who followed the easy way to improvements based on felonious individuals' dictums.
How are you supposed to get them interested in learning the periodic table? Kids need to be told that they must know it to move to the next grade and ultimately get a high school diploma.

You‘re putting all this on TEACHERS? How are they supposed to overcome the fact that the kids’ mother not only doesn’t care about her kid’s schooling, but doesn’t even know where they are? You’ve seen video of the young savages roaming around at night, beating up elderly. You think a teacher can overcome that type of upbringing?
His kid has been arrested 3 times...and he's "proud" of the kid.
I know an LAUSD guy, he got assigned the remedial auto shop, the worst of the worst.

When he got to class the kids were all yelling and smoking and fighting - and he just stood there at his desk and watched em for a minute...

Till they kinda noticed he was there ...

Then he smiled and said "so who wants to learn how to hotwire a car".

60 days later those kids knew all about ignition systems, and a lot of other stuff too - because he got them interested, and he got them to pay attention.

This is fictional, "Dead Poet Society/School of Rock" BS. Kids today would throw things at this guy, or put him on Tik Tok for being a chump.

I'm serious.
You're not a fellow anything.

I doubt you're even a conservative.

Conservatives believe in PERSONAL responsibility.

They don't go blaming children.

If a 5 year old comes to school NOT TOILET TRAINED bc the parents "didn't get around to it"....yes, this is a regular thing now...so that the teacher now has to POTTY TRAIN A 5 YEAR OLD...this is the teacher's fault?

All the time the teacher should have been spending teaching math and reading, she is now trying to get a kid out of pull ups.

This is the teacher's fault.

Get up on on that hobby horse and ride em cowboy!!! yeee haaa

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