23 people were executed in the United States in 2017, the lowest number in 25 years

The death penalty is not about vengeance or deterrence IMO. It is about removal of a threat to citizens. Here is my solution. If a person has a history of violence, and kills with premeditation and found guilty, then he is given one appeal. If he is found guilty again, then he is executed immediately. No dog and pony show with botched lethal injections. Screw that. Execution is conducted by a robot firing an automatic weapon.
Executions are conducted by barbaric societies

The Muslim world, China, India and the U.S.
They say you can judge a society by how it treats its criminals. I see it in the reverse. You can judge a society by the type of criminals it has. We allow this. We can end it if we want to.
Neither is effective and neither keep us safer

Punishment of criminals isn't about keeping us safer - it's about making them pay for their crimes.

The most effective means of dealing with criminals is to ensure they don't commit crimes to begin with.
Look at those numbers! All those able bodied men, just waiting to die. BRING BACK THE COLLESEUM!

Your wish will be granted.

It is inevitable and the natural succession. Eventually, the simple realization that leniency on crime begets more crime, the cost to house the criminals, dwindling resources to care for the criminals and a public thirst for "entertainment".......

Before you dismiss the notion....study history.
Executions are conducted by barbaric societies
The Muslim world, China, India and the U.S.

How are abortions NOT executions ?
The true number in terms of human lives is more like 15,000,000 executions.in 2017.

Yet your side absolutely DEMANDS them by the container ship loads.
The death penalty is not about vengeance or deterrence IMO. It is about removal of a threat to citizens. Here is my solution. If a person has a history of violence, and kills with premeditation and found guilty, then he is given one appeal. If he is found guilty again, then he is executed immediately. No dog and pony show with botched lethal injections. Screw that. Execution is conducted by a robot firing an automatic weapon.

The US is slowly moving away from capital punishment. It is long overdue. Most of the civilized world is appalled by it

The majority of our states have either banned it or no longer use it. With the exception of the Bible Belt who insist on "eye for an eye" justice, Capital Punishment is extinct

Until people get sick of the assholes getting 3 hots and a cot, or begging for parole when in their 80's.

For States with people that still expect it as part of justice, they may decide to take justice in their own hands.

Here is my trade for no capital punishment. replace the Death penalty with having to break up a rock, 8 hours a day. then when broken you have to put it back together with crazy glue. when done, you get a new rock.

No work on rock, no food.

50-80 years of that would satisfy me enough to get rid of the death penalty. 50-80 years of 3 hots and a cot for someone who probably doesn't mind it doesn't work for some crimes.
How many innocent people are you willing to kill to sate your bloodlust?

It's called justice. sorry, but if someone kills 10-20 people in a spree 3 hots and a cot isn't enough.
It is called revenge. A primitive and mindless response. Justice is not served by adding to the sum total of violence in society

Justice and revenge are two peas in a pod. The idea of giving over punishment of crimes to the State was to prevent revenge by the aggrieved parties and the inevitable counter-revenge from the criminals friends. By making the State a 3rd party it removes the chance of tit for tat reprisals we see in places like Sicily.

Remove satisfaction of the desires for revenge from the victims survivors and you remove the original intent of giving the government the sole right to determine the fate of criminals.
Look at those numbers! All those able bodied men, just waiting to die. BRING BACK THE COLLESEUM!

Your wish will be granted.

It is inevitable and the natural succession. Eventually, the simple realization that leniency on crime begets more crime, the cost to house the criminals, dwindling resources to care for the criminals and a public thirst for "entertainment".......

Before you dismiss the notion....study history.

I would never fully dismiss that notion, but we'd have to undergo a pretty massive shift in cultural morality before enough people would be okay with gladiatorial combat for criminals to make it happen, and neither side of the current culture war strikes me as being for anything quite that openly barbaric. In our current culture, people in power still try to do their violent dirt out of the light of day.
The death penalty is not about vengeance or deterrence IMO. It is about removal of a threat to citizens. Here is my solution. If a person has a history of violence, and kills with premeditation and found guilty, then he is given one appeal. If he is found guilty again, then he is executed immediately. No dog and pony show with botched lethal injections. Screw that. Execution is conducted by a robot firing an automatic weapon.


Omg, can it be -that- robot? Cutest. Executioner. Ever.

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