235K Jobs in Feb... Democrats Optimistic

lol, 8 years of the RWnuts denying Obama credit for every good jobs number and, oh my!

ONE good number on Trump's watch and whattya know,

the RWnuts give him full credit!!!

How predictable are these nuts?

If you owned a business, don't you think you'd be more optimistic about the future with Trump?

After all, DumBama was the most anti-businsss President in our lifetime, burdening business with new regulations, Obama Care, increased taxation, just plain badmouthing those people "who didn't really build that!"

But now as a business owner, you have a new President talking about lowering taxes, keeping more American jobs in the country, trying to get jobs that left the country back into the US, making US businesses a priority.

I've always said that government doesn't create jobs---private industry creates jobs. All government can do is make it more or less inviting for the private sector to do that.
Sheesh, the Washington Post.... :dunno:

President Trump has had a trying first six weeks as president. But at least Americans don't seem to have buyer's remorse.

As Hillary Clinton makes her reemergence with a speech at the Kennedy Center in Washington on Wednesday night, a new poll shows her with her worst image numbers ever. The Suffolk University poll shows that just 35 percent of registered voters have a favorable opinion of Clinton, compared with 55 percent who have an unfavorable one.

The same poll, meanwhile, shows Trump — for the first time ever — in significantly better shape than Clinton: 45 percent favorable and 47 percent unfavorable.

Analysis | Good news for Donald Trump: Your poll numbers are now better than Hillary Clinton’s
47% unfavorable, thats really something to be proud of. Does it matter what Hillary's poll numbers are now?
Trump should be completely embarrassed by his performance, and lies, to date

Considering the incessant barrage of attacks from the fake media, that's remarkably good.
lol, 8 years of the RWnuts denying Obama credit for every good jobs number and, oh my!

ONE good number on Trump's watch and whattya know,

the RWnuts give him full credit!!!

How predictable are these nuts?

If you owned a business, don't you think you'd be more optimistic about the future with Trump?

After all, DumBama was the most anti-businsss President in our lifetime, burdening business with new regulations, Obama Care, increased taxation, just plain badmouthing those people "who didn't really build that!"

But now as a business owner, you have a new President talking about lowering taxes, keeping more American jobs in the country, trying to get jobs that left the country back into the US, making US businesses a priority.

I've always said that government doesn't create jobs---private industry creates jobs. All government can do is make it more or less inviting for the private sector to do that.

That 'you didn't build that' line from Obama really was an insult to people risking everything to make a go of a business. It showed he really was out of touch with the real world.
lol, 8 years of the RWnuts denying Obama credit for every good jobs number and, oh my!

ONE good number on Trump's watch and whattya know,

the RWnuts give him full credit!!!

How predictable are these nuts?

If you owned a business, don't you think you'd be more optimistic about the future with Trump?

After all, DumBama was the most anti-businsss President in our lifetime, burdening business with new regulations, Obama Care, increased taxation, just plain badmouthing those people "who didn't really build that!"

But now as a business owner, you have a new President talking about lowering taxes, keeping more American jobs in the country, trying to get jobs that left the country back into the US, making US businesses a priority.

I've always said that government doesn't create jobs---private industry creates jobs. All government can do is make it more or less inviting for the private sector to do that.

That 'you didn't build that' line from Obama really was an insult to people risking everything to make a go of a business. It showed he really was out of touch with the real world.

It showed the contempt he had for business during his two terms. Businesses knew they didn't have a friend in Obama.

As soon as he got in, he closed car dealerships across the country, he closed down the Gulf causing related businesses to close up, he sent his minions in to attack the Gibson Guitar company several times, he closed down tobacco shops all across America, he stopped the American Indians from mail order tobacco sales, he closed own coal mines and electric companies, he took over the student loan deal taking business away from lending institutions, he caused problems by making regulations that stopped banks from collecting penalties and interest hikes on irresponsible borrowers,

That clown was just an enemy to American businesses.
Trump had nothing to do with the jobs in February. Its left over from Obama's economy.

If Trump still has good jobs numbers a year from ( which I doubt with the economic policies he's putting in place now) I'll give him credit then.
Trump had nothing to do with the jobs in February. Its left over from Obama's economy.

If Trump still has good jobs numbers a year from ( which I doubt with the economic policies he's putting in place now) I'll give him credit then.

It is correct that Trump may have not created policy to justify those numbers, but without a doubt, business feels so much more liberated now that DumBama is gone. It's consumer and business confidence that may have contributed to these results. Ding-Dong, the witch is dead, the witch is dead.

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