24 Days Until We Hit Gore's "Point of No Return"!

Can I take the catalytic converter ( aka CO2 machine ) off my car now ?

Indeed. And then enjoy a juicy steak with salt and a beer.
Gore goes to a globalist warming summit to only drive away in his SUV to meet up with his private jet. The ignorant dumbfucks that are there leave behind mounds of trash. Its all about the money and globalization. Don't be a dumbfuck. Your tax money will NOT affect mother nature. She doesn't owe you pathetic limp wrists ANYTHING.
If their tax money won't affect it, what do you think Gore's car and people's trash is going to do?
If their tax money won't affect it, what do you think Gore's car and people's trash is going to do?
The 'Point of no return'.

Really, is this how naive you really are? I mean I thought you were some intelligent science buff that gets off on telling skeptics where to go. But this you don't get. WOW!!!!!
The 'Point of no return'.

Ah, I get it, you do understand what it's all about, tax dollars. ahhhhhhhhh, I see. You are fully entwined.
Disclaimer: This poster takes no responsibility for the authenticity of this posting :)

Yesterday, in a stunning reversal, Al Gore broke down in tears in front of a throng of reporters at Chicago’s World Green Day conference, admitting publicly for the first time that the theory of Global Warming, which the former Vice-President has touted for the better part of three decades, has been nothing more than “hot air”. “The fear that I’ve been perpetuating a hoax has been growing inside me for some time. I finally had no alternative but to admit that my confidence in the global warming theory was melting away faster than the ice caps supposedly were. The mountain of evidence and hard scientific data has overwhelmingly persuaded me to reverse my previous position on Global Warming.”

Gore went on to plead his case by presenting another powerpoint slideshow depicting what he described as “irrefutable evidence.”

Some highlights:

The Polar bears aren’t drowning. (the pictures of them clinging to icebergs for their lives, are actually the bears frolicking, as they have done for centuries)

CO2 is not responsible for climate change, i.e. it does not trap heat within the earth’s atmosphere. In fact, a proliferation of CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere, if true, would actually be beneficial to plant-life, as this is what they actually breathe”.

The Artic and Antarctic ice sheets are not melting.

The world’s oceans and seas, that are all interconnected, are not rising. (He admitted sheepishly that his six year old niece pointed out to him that it’s impossible for sea levels to rise in one place and not another) He added, “I’m quite sure the millions of people who live on the coast of America would have reported ever encroaching seas by now if this sad and disingenuous tale was true.”

There is no consensus amongst any scientists that the earth is heating up. The only consensus is that left-wing extremists agree that fear and hysteria is the best way to gain grant money from gullible governments.

The graph used in the documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” known as the “hockey stick” because of it’s dramatic up sweep in the last 20 years, was in fact doctored to suit his own scaremongering needs. The previous 200 million years, which show similar up-sweeps; peaks and valleys, did not suit his hysterical viewpoint, so, he made a conscious decision to jettison this sound-science.

Carbon offsets are one of the saddest jokes ever perpetrated on the sheeple of this planet. (Almost as bad as the global dimming theory)

Carbon offsets do not work. (Planting trees to reduce CO2 emissions is likened to people drinking sea water to keep the world’s oceans down — as CO2 is only held by a tree for a certain time before being released back into the atmosphere)

Even if the world heated up by 5 degrees Celsius, the coldest parts of both poles are minus 30 degrees Celsius. Higher temperatures would result in more condensation at the equator, which results in more snow over the polar caps at the coldest points and thicker ice sheets; this would, in effect trap more water as ice, not less, resulting in lower coast lines. (This has not happened, proof-positive that the world is not heating up) . . .
Al Gore Admits: “I was Wrong about Climate Change” | Thomas Peep's Daily News™
global temps have been static for 18 plus years.

In what universe is that?

This world.

You had to add 93% of some fictional concept to make your numbers work
If there was no other reason to suspect that global warming is not happening, or at least is not any kind of significant problem, all you have to do is look at how they strain at gnats to explain the way things are even as they ignore how their models and predictions continue to be flawed so that they must reverse or shift their positions to fit the latest 'new normal.' They really do depend on a dumbed down and extremely gullible population to stay in business.

Hottest summer on record in places? Global warming.
Coldest winter on record in places? Global warming.
Drought? Global warming.
Floods? Global warming.
More hurricanes or other storms? Global warming.
Fewer hurricanes or other storms Global warming.
Lots of snow? Global warming.
Less snow? Global warming.
Increase in some species? Global warming.
Decrease in some species? Global warming.
Etc. etc. etc.

And I will not be at all surprised as it becomes more and more difficult for them to stay on the gravy train with the global warming schtick, they are frantically looking for some new crisis to alarm us with in order to stay in power and justify their lucrative salaries, grants, and fees.

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