24% of Americans Say They Know Someone Who Died from COVID Vaccine, More May Become Plaintiffs in Lawsuits

Great so Left and Right agree that the mRNA injections are "vile" and an agent of depopulation genocide. You just want to argue over who to blame.

Did I say that?

No. Nice strawman though.

Did Trump mandate them? No only Biden did, and threatened people who would not submit. So let's say Trump created the gun but only Biden made you put it to your head and pull the triigger in a game of Russian Roulette.

No. Trump just threw millions of socialist money at big pharma, ignored Fauci's advice on the EUA and bullied his own agents to fast track the vaccine because he had an election to win.

Add to that he lied to America about how dangerous the virus was while he was praising Xi, getting fast tracked patents for his daughter and lying about a bank account in China.

Something isn't right with Trump and his relationship with Xi. Jim needs to look into it and also any potential kickbacks Trump got from big pharma.
Who is more culpable, now that we are in rare agreement on something?

Certainly Trump is since he was the main agent in it's creation. Who cares that Biden mandated them. It's not the first time vaccines have been mandated and probably not the last. Trumpers like to pretend it's unheard of or something.

Biden's biggest fault in this ordeal was he trusted Trump.

Biden threatens clot-shot refusers "patience wearing thin"
Such a fucking liar. My crowd is 60-90 in age and numbers in the hundreds and one with diabetes and a leg amputation died With Covid .
There is not one person in the USA who has had more than 10 family members And close friends who died From Covid.

You vax nuts need to Stop declaring direct and extreme personal affiliation with issues discussed here. You feel it makes you convincing but it makes you look very much the bullshitter .
You poor sap. I know 17 alone in my family and friends and associates in the area where I live. I know many, many people here and have for several decades.

You poor sap.
You poor sap. I know 17 alone in my family and friends and associates in the area where I live. I know many, many people here and have for several decades.

You poor sap.

These are all just coincidences?








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You poor sap. I know 17 alone in my family and friends and associates in the area where I live. I know many, many people here and have for several decades.

You poor sap.
I am aware of 330 million who did not die despite you being the only person in USA who has almost 20 family members and very close friends that died From Covid
"Our World in Data is generally considered a reliable source. It’s a project based out of Oxford University and is transparent about its sources for their figures1. They rely on the latest United Nations World Population Prospects (UNWPP) revision as their primary source for recent historical data and future projections2. They use this data for its reliability, its consistent methods, and because it includes population estimates for almost all territories in the world2.

However, like any source, it’s important to consider the context and methodology of the data presented. Some users have raised concerns about the ability to source some of their data1. Therefore, while Our World in Data is a valuable resource for global trends and statistics, it’s always a good idea to cross-reference information with other reliable sources when possible.

Harvard University also mentions that Our World in Data offers contextual background and provides discussion about the quality of data and sources3. This transparency about their data collection and presentation methods further supports their credibility.

In conclusion, while no source is infallible, Our World in Data is widely recognized for its rigorous methodology and transparent sourcing, making it a generally reliable source for information." AI Bing Chat

I don't think the coincidence is a link to casualty of deaths by the vax. More work is needed in explaining those charts.
"Our World in Data is generally considered a reliable source. It’s a project based out of Oxford University and is transparent about its sources for their figures1. They rely on the latest United Nations World Population Prospects (UNWPP) revision as their primary source for recent historical data and future projections2. They use this data for its reliability, its consistent methods, and because it includes population estimates for almost all territories in the world2.

However, like any source, it’s important to consider the context and methodology of the data presented. Some users have raised concerns about the ability to source some of their data1. Therefore, while Our World in Data is a valuable resource for global trends and statistics, it’s always a good idea to cross-reference information with other reliable sources when possible.

Harvard University also mentions that Our World in Data offers contextual background and provides discussion about the quality of data and sources3. This transparency about their data collection and presentation methods further supports their credibility.

In conclusion, while no source is infallible, Our World in Data is widely recognized for its rigorous methodology and transparent sourcing, making it a generally reliable source for information." AI Bing Chat

I don't think the coincidence is a link to casualty of deaths by the vax. More work is needed in explaining those charts.

Even if these charts did not show such shocking, repeat causality, which they do to any sane person, any unexplained deaths after a new vaccine would be required to be attributed to the new drug, in science protocol. It's called better safe than sorry, and you don't keep plowing ahead with a new drug if people are dropping dead. That is why the Swine Flu vax was halted after just 25 unexplained deaths after 40 million Americans took that shot.

The idea is if some people are dying now and you don't know why then you don't know what it will do later.

But with these charts, if they are correct, this is nothing less than an open ongoing mass genocide. What makes it possible is the media that people trust saying don't worry, everything is fine.






Once fraud is shown all legal immunity granted by the CARES Act is null and void. And we have plenty of that. Fraud means deliberate covering up of data, not just fog of war, haste-makes-waste.

New Details Emerge on How Pfizer Covered Up COVID Vaccine Trial Failures

Childrens Health Defense

New Details Emerge on How Pfizer Covered Up COVID Vaccine Trial Failures

"Details continue to emerge about cover-ups and fraud during Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine trials as Die Welt, a mainstream media outlet in Germany, revealed that numerous subjects who suffered adverse events, including deaths, were removed from the trial data..."

All people need to do is keep believing their own eyes and ears. You know your loved ones better than anyone.


NBC News Atlanta: US Government Vaccine Injury Program Overwhelmed by COVID Vaccine Injury Claims

Early Roll-Out Covid-19 Vaccine Injuries

Prestigious British Medical Journal (BMJ) Says COVID Vaccines Are 20 Times More Dangerous Than COVID
COVID-19 vaccine boosters for young adults: a risk benefit assessment and ethical analysis of mandate policies at universities | Journal of Medical Ethics

Links to doctors’ calls for halts to mass “vaccinations,” partial list: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

More young Americans are dying – and it's not COVID. Why aren't we searching for answers?




WHO Global excess deaths associated with COVID-19, January 2020 - December 2021

SOURCE FOR GRAPHS: Excess mortality: Deaths from all causes compared to average over previous years





COVID Vaccine Victim Information

Search Twitter by #VaccineInjuries and #VaccineGenocide

Real Not Rare.

Real Not Rare Facebook page.



“Anecdotals” (documentary)

“Safe and Effective” (documentary)

The Vaccine Reaction

Children’s Health Defense

World Council for Health: Covid-19 Vaccine Pharmacovigilance Report

1,000+ Peer Reviewed Articles On COVID Vaccine Injuries

Reuters: COVID Vaccine Injury Claims Skyrocket 16-Fold to 5400

What are the chances they're all Trump supporters?
I don't know of anyone who died from the vaccines....

However, Covid-19?
I know of many antivaxxers and antimaskers and others who did before the vaccines became available. I know of many others who still have debilitating injuries caused by the disease as well.

So....your premise is phoney.
I think you are the USA record holder with almost 20 family members and close friend having died From Covid 😳
Weather 53 is so unhappy his conspiracy theories just fall apart.

You have the choice to take it or not.

However, I doubt anyone takes seriously your whining about matters you don't understand.
Once fraud is shown all legal immunity granted by the CARES Act is null and void. And we have plenty of that. Fraud means deliberate covering up of data, not just fog of war, haste-makes-waste.

New Details Emerge on How Pfizer Covered Up COVID Vaccine Trial Failures

Childrens Health Defense

New Details Emerge on How Pfizer Covered Up COVID Vaccine Trial Failures

"Details continue to emerge about cover-ups and fraud during Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine trials as Die Welt, a mainstream media outlet in Germany, revealed that numerous subjects who suffered adverse events, including deaths, were removed from the trial data..."

All people need to do is keep believing their own eyes and ears. You know your loved ones better than anyone.


NBC News Atlanta: US Government Vaccine Injury Program Overwhelmed by COVID Vaccine Injury Claims

Early Roll-Out Covid-19 Vaccine Injuries

Prestigious British Medical Journal (BMJ) Says COVID Vaccines Are 20 Times More Dangerous Than COVID
COVID-19 vaccine boosters for young adults: a risk benefit assessment and ethical analysis of mandate policies at universities | Journal of Medical Ethics

Links to doctors’ calls for halts to mass “vaccinations,” partial list: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

More young Americans are dying – and it's not COVID. Why aren't we searching for answers?




WHO Global excess deaths associated with COVID-19, January 2020 - December 2021

SOURCE FOR GRAPHS: Excess mortality: Deaths from all causes compared to average over previous years





COVID Vaccine Victim Information

Search Twitter by #VaccineInjuries and #VaccineGenocide

Real Not Rare.

Real Not Rare Facebook page.



“Anecdotals” (documentary)

“Safe and Effective” (documentary)

The Vaccine Reaction

Children’s Health Defense

World Council for Health: Covid-19 Vaccine Pharmacovigilance Report

1,000+ Peer Reviewed Articles On COVID Vaccine Injuries

Reuters: COVID Vaccine Injury Claims Skyrocket 16-Fold to 5400

100% of them are anti vax liars.

You said the number of unvaxed who die is low. Well the number who die of the vax is even lower.

Funny you anti vac dopes are taking ozympic to lose weight and you don’t know the long term affects.
Once fraud is shown all legal immunity granted by the CARES Act is null and void. And we have plenty of that. Fraud means deliberate covering up of data, not just fog of war, haste-makes-waste.

New Details Emerge on How Pfizer Covered Up COVID Vaccine Trial Failures

Childrens Health Defense

New Details Emerge on How Pfizer Covered Up COVID Vaccine Trial Failures

"Details continue to emerge about cover-ups and fraud during Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine trials as Die Welt, a mainstream media outlet in Germany, revealed that numerous subjects who suffered adverse events, including deaths, were removed from the trial data..."

All people need to do is keep believing their own eyes and ears. You know your loved ones better than anyone.


NBC News Atlanta: US Government Vaccine Injury Program Overwhelmed by COVID Vaccine Injury Claims

Early Roll-Out Covid-19 Vaccine Injuries

Prestigious British Medical Journal (BMJ) Says COVID Vaccines Are 20 Times More Dangerous Than COVID
COVID-19 vaccine boosters for young adults: a risk benefit assessment and ethical analysis of mandate policies at universities | Journal of Medical Ethics

Links to doctors’ calls for halts to mass “vaccinations,” partial list: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

More young Americans are dying – and it's not COVID. Why aren't we searching for answers?




WHO Global excess deaths associated with COVID-19, January 2020 - December 2021

SOURCE FOR GRAPHS: Excess mortality: Deaths from all causes compared to average over previous years





COVID Vaccine Victim Information

Search Twitter by #VaccineInjuries and #VaccineGenocide

Real Not Rare.

Real Not Rare Facebook page.



“Anecdotals” (documentary)

“Safe and Effective” (documentary)

The Vaccine Reaction

Children’s Health Defense

World Council for Health: Covid-19 Vaccine Pharmacovigilance Report

1,000+ Peer Reviewed Articles On COVID Vaccine Injuries

Reuters: COVID Vaccine Injury Claims Skyrocket 16-Fold to 5400

Talk about More info than needed to graduate with a Ph.D.
100% of them are anti vax liars.

You said the number of unvaxed who die is low. Well the number who die of the vax is even lower.

Funny you anti vac dopes are taking ozympic to lose weight and you don’t know the long term affects.
So then Hospitals and many Doctors who sign Death Certificates
{ both get bonus } for writing a Cause or Possible cause of death
being CoviD .When it's been proven than many were from things like
mild Heart problems or High Blood pressure.Even Auto accidents.
Can I say for sure I know someone? No, not for sure.

But in the past 2 years a co workers son that was in his 40s died of a stroke, my stepmother died from a pulmonary embolism, a 69 year old neighbor and friend died from a stroke, and a contractor I'd been brining in to work for years died. And they all took the shot and boosters. None of them with health issues that werent appropriate for their age, or had weight problems.

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