24 Points from Barr

The broken record continues... I quote the report, you post spun up propaganda and comments made by Barr. I show how Barr’s comments don’t align with the report, you say I’m lying and the record skips back to the beginning.

I’m sick of this song.
The report is nothing but spin, you fucking moron. I quoted Barr and Durham, who will have the final say in the matter.

I love the way you douchebags say one government official is beyond reproach while the others who disagree with him are stooges.
so the Horowitz report is all spin because it doesn’t back up your propaganda but let’s wait for Durham now... and after that report comes out Durham will be a deep stater and his report will be propaganda. I’ve seen this game too many times now. You are too predictable.
well barr didn't attack trump so he's a "stooge".

talk about this "predictability".
Anyone who doesn't believe Trump should be hanged is a member of his cult.
I don’t believe Trump should be hanged. Don’t even think he should be impeached.
shouldn't have ever been spied on. PERIOD. Carter Page worked for the CIA as we learned from the IG report and we know he was a good source. Not swung 180 degrees the opposite. So my first inclination is to just say hey all you leftists, fk you. Ah heck, I'll go with it as my rant. Fk you all. you got fking nothing, now on record!!!!!!
tje two aren’t mutually exclusive. You can have a legit investigation and also have some members mishandle evidence and conduct misconduct in the process of conducting the investigation.

Evidence and Legit cases get tossed all the time because cops don’t follow the appropriate process during the course of an investigation. It happens. It’s good that misdeeds were found and can be rectified.
again you give a lot of one way allowances. it gets frustrating.

while I don't disagree with your statement, 51 issues were found makes it more than a bad cop using a phone book across the face of someone in custody.
it appears that several corners were cut by several people. Some of it can be fixed with making a better more accountable system within the FBI, some people may get demoted for misconduct and it looks like one lawyer may be indicted for a crime.
see - now we're ok cutting corners but barr is a stooge. you don't see how this is a one-way street you're on? every leeway that can be taken, you take. if anyone gives leeway, you call foul.

now these "shortcuts" as you mildly put it setup the foundation for the very investigation itself. so we vastly disagree on the range of impact from the FBI actions that horowitz himself found to be WRONG/ILLEGAL.

you excuse it, however, as a rougue element and never once entertain the idea this is all bad.
you are misrepresenting me now. I never said it was OK to cut corners. Why did you say I said that?
cause that's the impression i'm getting.

well they had a guy cut a corner...
well it could be a rogue element and some low level guy needs to pay, sure.
and suddenly you're a victim.

like i said - you're forgiving of the left and everything they did but barr is a "stooge". your implications are loud and clear.
I’m just going to stop reading each time you lie about me and then correct that lie. I didn’t say “a guy cut a corner” I said “several corners were cut by several people” I also said that one has been reported as a criminal violation.

why cant you have an honest debate? I haven’t known you to be this dishonest. I get that you don’t like me anymore because of the Hillary debate, but that doesn’t mean you need to disregard honesty and accuracy in your discourse... have some character and conduct yourself in a respectable way
And I posted the reasons those quotes are bullshit.

Haha. Nice try though.
The broken record continues... I quote the report, you post spun up propaganda and comments made by Barr. I show how Barr’s comments don’t align with the report, you say I’m lying and the record skips back to the beginning.

I’m sick of this song.
The report is nothing but spin, you fucking moron. I quoted Barr and Durham, who will have the final say in the matter.

I love the way you douchebags say one government official is beyond reproach while the others who disagree with him are stooges.
so the Horowitz report is all spin because it doesn’t back up your propaganda but let’s wait for Durham now... and after that report comes out Durham will be a deep stater and his report will be propaganda. I’ve seen this game too many times now. You are too predictable.
Durham won't just be issuing a report. He will be indicting people.
right, Comey, McCabe, Strozek, Page, and Ohr... right?

And when none of those people get indicted will Durham then be a democrat stooge?
well actually, if no one is indicted, it will finally prove the deep state has roots.
again you give a lot of one way allowances. it gets frustrating.

while I don't disagree with your statement, 51 issues were found makes it more than a bad cop using a phone book across the face of someone in custody.
it appears that several corners were cut by several people. Some of it can be fixed with making a better more accountable system within the FBI, some people may get demoted for misconduct and it looks like one lawyer may be indicted for a crime.
see - now we're ok cutting corners but barr is a stooge. you don't see how this is a one-way street you're on? every leeway that can be taken, you take. if anyone gives leeway, you call foul.

now these "shortcuts" as you mildly put it setup the foundation for the very investigation itself. so we vastly disagree on the range of impact from the FBI actions that horowitz himself found to be WRONG/ILLEGAL.

you excuse it, however, as a rougue element and never once entertain the idea this is all bad.
you are misrepresenting me now. I never said it was OK to cut corners. Why did you say I said that?
cause that's the impression i'm getting.

well they had a guy cut a corner...
well it could be a rogue element and some low level guy needs to pay, sure.
and suddenly you're a victim.

like i said - you're forgiving of the left and everything they did but barr is a "stooge". your implications are loud and clear.
I’m just going to stop reading each time you lie about me and then correct that lie. I didn’t say “a guy cut a corner” I said “several corners were cut by several people” I also said that one has been reported as a criminal violation.

why cant you have an honest debate? I haven’t known you to be this dishonest. I get that you don’t like me anymore because of the Hillary debate, but that doesn’t mean you need to disregard honesty and accuracy in your discourse... have some character and conduct yourself in a respectable way
dude, you're trying to justify something you can't win. you said cut corners. No, they affected citizens lives, those aren't just cut corners, those are grounds for many aggressive things. To which civil law suits will be issued.
not according to Horowitz. But Horowitz is a deep stater now so he can’t be trusted, right? Your tactics are laughable
And Barr is a Trump stooge now.

Same tactics for both sides.
Twice now Barr has presented a “Trump narrative” of two major reports that contradict elements of the actual report. It’s disappointing to see that from an AG. And yes, very stooge-like
That's his job, hosebag. He has the ultimate say. He is Horowitz's boss.
when he can’t accurately represent a report that we can all read and fact check then he shows that he is playing politics and not sticking to facts
I read it and fact checked it. Barr is correct. You're a douchebag who dispenses nothing but spin.
great argument.... I’m learning so much from you. Let me make my counter argument using the logic I just learned from you...

I read and fact checked everything and Barr is not correct. You are lying and spreading propaganda.

how’s that, did I win?
dunno. this is barrs list.

is it normal to falsify evidence to go after people in order to prove you should be going after them?

What you need to remember about leftists like Golfing Gator is, they don't have a problem with police-state tactics, as long as they benefit the fascist left.
gator beats the shit out of both sides as he sees fit. trying to paint him as leftist is as funny as when someone says i love obama cause i don't agree with one of their right-based stances.

Oh he's definitely a leftist.
One thing I hammered him on is his claim that he believes in enforcing the border. He voted for Gary Johnson who supports amnesty.

Impossible to find a candidate that agrees with 100% of anyone’s views. I for the only fiscal conservative on the ballot
Perhaps, but you said the ideal solution to the immigration issue is to only vote for candidates willing to enforce our immigration laws. Then you voted for one who said he wouldn't.
And Barr is a Trump stooge now.

Same tactics for both sides.
Twice now Barr has presented a “Trump narrative” of two major reports that contradict elements of the actual report. It’s disappointing to see that from an AG. And yes, very stooge-like
That's his job, hosebag. He has the ultimate say. He is Horowitz's boss.
when he can’t accurately represent a report that we can all read and fact check then he shows that he is playing politics and not sticking to facts
I read it and fact checked it. Barr is correct. You're a douchebag who dispenses nothing but spin.
great argument.... I’m learning so much from you. Let me make my counter argument using the logic I just learned from you...

I read and fact checked everything and Barr is not correct. You are lying and spreading propaganda.

how’s that, did I win?
I used your argument, moron. You just repeated what you posted previously.
not according to Horowitz. But Horowitz is a deep stater now so he can’t be trusted, right? Your tactics are laughable
And Barr is a Trump stooge now.

Same tactics for both sides.
Twice now Barr has presented a “Trump narrative” of two major reports that contradict elements of the actual report. It’s disappointing to see that from an AG. And yes, very stooge-like
That's his job, hosebag. He has the ultimate say. He is Horowitz's boss.
when he can’t accurately represent a report that we can all read and fact check then he shows that he is playing politics and not sticking to facts

There's the spin. Have you considered that Barr has access to more information than Horowitz? I have to imagine that some FBI goons are sweating the future.
that not spin and you point doesn’t have anything to do with mine. Barr mischaracterized things in a report that we could easily go read. That’s black and white. There may be more that comes out but that’s another discussion
And Barr is a Trump stooge now.

Same tactics for both sides.
Twice now Barr has presented a “Trump narrative” of two major reports that contradict elements of the actual report. It’s disappointing to see that from an AG. And yes, very stooge-like
That's his job, hosebag. He has the ultimate say. He is Horowitz's boss.
when he can’t accurately represent a report that we can all read and fact check then he shows that he is playing politics and not sticking to facts

There's the spin. Have you considered that Barr has access to more information than Horowitz? I have to imagine that some FBI goons are sweating the future.
that not spin and you point doesn’t have anything to do with mine. Barr mischaracterized things in a report that we could easily go read. That’s black and white. There may be more that comes out but that’s another discussion
Barr didn't mischaracterize diddly squat. You've got nothing but spin.
again you give a lot of one way allowances. it gets frustrating.

while I don't disagree with your statement, 51 issues were found makes it more than a bad cop using a phone book across the face of someone in custody.
it appears that several corners were cut by several people. Some of it can be fixed with making a better more accountable system within the FBI, some people may get demoted for misconduct and it looks like one lawyer may be indicted for a crime.
see - now we're ok cutting corners but barr is a stooge. you don't see how this is a one-way street you're on? every leeway that can be taken, you take. if anyone gives leeway, you call foul.

now these "shortcuts" as you mildly put it setup the foundation for the very investigation itself. so we vastly disagree on the range of impact from the FBI actions that horowitz himself found to be WRONG/ILLEGAL.

you excuse it, however, as a rougue element and never once entertain the idea this is all bad.
you are misrepresenting me now. I never said it was OK to cut corners. Why did you say I said that?
cause that's the impression i'm getting.

well they had a guy cut a corner...
well it could be a rogue element and some low level guy needs to pay, sure.
and suddenly you're a victim.

like i said - you're forgiving of the left and everything they did but barr is a "stooge". your implications are loud and clear.
I’m just going to stop reading each time you lie about me and then correct that lie. I didn’t say “a guy cut a corner” I said “several corners were cut by several people” I also said that one has been reported as a criminal violation.

why cant you have an honest debate? I haven’t known you to be this dishonest. I get that you don’t like me anymore because of the Hillary debate, but that doesn’t mean you need to disregard honesty and accuracy in your discourse... have some character and conduct yourself in a respectable way
i can have an honest debate. you just don't like what i have to say so now you come at me.

"a guy cut a corner" is a paraphrase of "corners were cut". did a guy cut a corner or not? was it done to begin surveillance on people? yes. this is the foundation of which RUSSIA came up and you're out to dismiss it as "cutting corners" - however you wish to phrase it at this point.

your entire stance is to minimize what the FBI did so you can stay on ORANGE MAN BAD trajectories.

that in itself is painfully obvious when you say Horowitz good | Barr stooglike (or however you said it originally).

so now you're back to questioning me and my honesty. so like you.
The broken record continues... I quote the report, you post spun up propaganda and comments made by Barr. I show how Barr’s comments don’t align with the report, you say I’m lying and the record skips back to the beginning.

I’m sick of this song.
The report is nothing but spin, you fucking moron. I quoted Barr and Durham, who will have the final say in the matter.

I love the way you douchebags say one government official is beyond reproach while the others who disagree with him are stooges.
so the Horowitz report is all spin because it doesn’t back up your propaganda but let’s wait for Durham now... and after that report comes out Durham will be a deep stater and his report will be propaganda. I’ve seen this game too many times now. You are too predictable.
Durham won't just be issuing a report. He will be indicting people.
right, Comey, McCabe, Strozek, Page, and Ohr... right?

And when none of those people get indicted will Durham then be a democrat stooge?

Can we answer that AFTER his investigation is complete?
im just calling. The right loved Comey, then hated him, they loved Sessions, then hated him, they loved Mueller, then hated him, loved Horowitz, now he’s lying for the Dems,,, and now it’s wait for Durham

I’m just waiting for the hate after he fails to do all the Right says he’s gonna do. Brace yourself, he’s not going to arrest those people
Twice now Barr has presented a “Trump narrative” of two major reports that contradict elements of the actual report. It’s disappointing to see that from an AG. And yes, very stooge-like
That's his job, hosebag. He has the ultimate say. He is Horowitz's boss.
when he can’t accurately represent a report that we can all read and fact check then he shows that he is playing politics and not sticking to facts
I read it and fact checked it. Barr is correct. You're a douchebag who dispenses nothing but spin.
great argument.... I’m learning so much from you. Let me make my counter argument using the logic I just learned from you...

I read and fact checked everything and Barr is not correct. You are lying and spreading propaganda.

how’s that, did I win?
I used your argument, moron. You just repeated what you posted previously.
And I used your argument, moron. This broken record ride is super fun and productive, isn’t it?!
That's his job, hosebag. He has the ultimate say. He is Horowitz's boss.
when he can’t accurately represent a report that we can all read and fact check then he shows that he is playing politics and not sticking to facts
I read it and fact checked it. Barr is correct. You're a douchebag who dispenses nothing but spin.
great argument.... I’m learning so much from you. Let me make my counter argument using the logic I just learned from you...

I read and fact checked everything and Barr is not correct. You are lying and spreading propaganda.

how’s that, did I win?
I used your argument, moron. You just repeated what you posted previously.
And I used your argument, moron. This broken record ride is super fun and productive, isn’t it?!
That's what happens when you have to deal with people who lack the capacity to commit logic.
And Barr is a Trump stooge now.

Same tactics for both sides.
Twice now Barr has presented a “Trump narrative” of two major reports that contradict elements of the actual report. It’s disappointing to see that from an AG. And yes, very stooge-like
That's his job, hosebag. He has the ultimate say. He is Horowitz's boss.
when he can’t accurately represent a report that we can all read and fact check then he shows that he is playing politics and not sticking to facts
I read it and fact checked it. Barr is correct. You're a douchebag who dispenses nothing but spin.
great argument.... I’m learning so much from you. Let me make my counter argument using the logic I just learned from you...

I read and fact checked everything and Barr is not correct. You are lying and spreading propaganda.

how’s that, did I win?
great. let me now take a lesson from you.

why do you lie about me? how come you have no character or morality? you must be pure evil and ergo i should stop talking to you cause you're mean to me.

bet it's not as funny to you now, huh?
The report is nothing but spin, you fucking moron. I quoted Barr and Durham, who will have the final say in the matter.

I love the way you douchebags say one government official is beyond reproach while the others who disagree with him are stooges.
so the Horowitz report is all spin because it doesn’t back up your propaganda but let’s wait for Durham now... and after that report comes out Durham will be a deep stater and his report will be propaganda. I’ve seen this game too many times now. You are too predictable.
Durham won't just be issuing a report. He will be indicting people.
right, Comey, McCabe, Strozek, Page, and Ohr... right?

And when none of those people get indicted will Durham then be a democrat stooge?

Can we answer that AFTER his investigation is complete?
im just calling. The right loved Comey, then hated him, they loved Sessions, then hated him, they loved Mueller, then hated him, loved Horowitz, now he’s lying for the Dems,,, and now it’s wait for Durham

I’m just waiting for the hate after he fails to do all the Right says he’s gonna do. Brace yourself, he’s not going to arrest those people

I certainly don't expect government officials that benefit the left to EVER be arrested for anything, let alone be prosecuted.
Twice now Barr has presented a “Trump narrative” of two major reports that contradict elements of the actual report. It’s disappointing to see that from an AG. And yes, very stooge-like
That's his job, hosebag. He has the ultimate say. He is Horowitz's boss.
when he can’t accurately represent a report that we can all read and fact check then he shows that he is playing politics and not sticking to facts

There's the spin. Have you considered that Barr has access to more information than Horowitz? I have to imagine that some FBI goons are sweating the future.
that not spin and you point doesn’t have anything to do with mine. Barr mischaracterized things in a report that we could easily go read. That’s black and white. There may be more that comes out but that’s another discussion
Barr didn't mischaracterize diddly squat. You've got nothing but spin.
Not really, I actually posted a link showing the statements by Barr and the quotes form the report that contradict him.

See your stuck now because you called the report spin and accused Horowitz of covering for the Dems. So if that’s really true then
Barr should be mischaracterizing the report. You can’t have it both ways.

How’s that foot taste?
it appears that several corners were cut by several people. Some of it can be fixed with making a better more accountable system within the FBI, some people may get demoted for misconduct and it looks like one lawyer may be indicted for a crime.
see - now we're ok cutting corners but barr is a stooge. you don't see how this is a one-way street you're on? every leeway that can be taken, you take. if anyone gives leeway, you call foul.

now these "shortcuts" as you mildly put it setup the foundation for the very investigation itself. so we vastly disagree on the range of impact from the FBI actions that horowitz himself found to be WRONG/ILLEGAL.

you excuse it, however, as a rougue element and never once entertain the idea this is all bad.
you are misrepresenting me now. I never said it was OK to cut corners. Why did you say I said that?
cause that's the impression i'm getting.

well they had a guy cut a corner...
well it could be a rogue element and some low level guy needs to pay, sure.
and suddenly you're a victim.

like i said - you're forgiving of the left and everything they did but barr is a "stooge". your implications are loud and clear.
I’m just going to stop reading each time you lie about me and then correct that lie. I didn’t say “a guy cut a corner” I said “several corners were cut by several people” I also said that one has been reported as a criminal violation.

why cant you have an honest debate? I haven’t known you to be this dishonest. I get that you don’t like me anymore because of the Hillary debate, but that doesn’t mean you need to disregard honesty and accuracy in your discourse... have some character and conduct yourself in a respectable way
i can have an honest debate. you just don't like what i have to say so now you come at me.

"a guy cut a corner" is a paraphrase of "corners were cut". did a guy cut a corner or not? was it done to begin surveillance on people? yes. this is the foundation of which RUSSIA came up and you're out to dismiss it as "cutting corners" - however you wish to phrase it at this point.

your entire stance is to minimize what the FBI did so you can stay on ORANGE MAN BAD trajectories.

that in itself is painfully obvious when you say Horowitz good | Barr stooglike (or however you said it originally).

so now you're back to questioning me and my honesty. so like you.

Slade3200 doesn't have a problem with police-state tactics, as long as they benefit the left.
it appears that several corners were cut by several people. Some of it can be fixed with making a better more accountable system within the FBI, some people may get demoted for misconduct and it looks like one lawyer may be indicted for a crime.
see - now we're ok cutting corners but barr is a stooge. you don't see how this is a one-way street you're on? every leeway that can be taken, you take. if anyone gives leeway, you call foul.

now these "shortcuts" as you mildly put it setup the foundation for the very investigation itself. so we vastly disagree on the range of impact from the FBI actions that horowitz himself found to be WRONG/ILLEGAL.

you excuse it, however, as a rougue element and never once entertain the idea this is all bad.
you are misrepresenting me now. I never said it was OK to cut corners. Why did you say I said that?
cause that's the impression i'm getting.

well they had a guy cut a corner...
well it could be a rogue element and some low level guy needs to pay, sure.
and suddenly you're a victim.

like i said - you're forgiving of the left and everything they did but barr is a "stooge". your implications are loud and clear.
I’m just going to stop reading each time you lie about me and then correct that lie. I didn’t say “a guy cut a corner” I said “several corners were cut by several people” I also said that one has been reported as a criminal violation.

why cant you have an honest debate? I haven’t known you to be this dishonest. I get that you don’t like me anymore because of the Hillary debate, but that doesn’t mean you need to disregard honesty and accuracy in your discourse... have some character and conduct yourself in a respectable way
i can have an honest debate. you just don't like what i have to say so now you come at me.

"a guy cut a corner" is a paraphrase of "corners were cut". did a guy cut a corner or not? was it done to begin surveillance on people? yes. this is the foundation of which RUSSIA came up and you're out to dismiss it as "cutting corners" - however you wish to phrase it at this point.

your entire stance is to minimize what the FBI did so you can stay on ORANGE MAN BAD trajectories.

that in itself is painfully obvious when you say Horowitz good | Barr stooglike (or however you said it originally).

so now you're back to questioning me and my honesty. so like you.
Ice I’m not coming after you, I’m calling out Blatant lies and inaccuracies that your stating about my words. I said several corners by several people and you translate that into “a guy cutting a corner” you’re trying to make a case that I’m excusing the misconduct when I’ve never done so. Since you can’t quote me doing so you need to misquote me to back up your attempted insult but it is not rooted in truth.

Now if we can get back to the facts... you have another error in your last statement. The IG said the investigation was initiated without political bias and for valid reasons. Several warrants were approved for Carter Page. The issue at hand was regarding a doctored email in a FISA application for a RENEWAL of a warrant for Page... had nothing to do with the foundation or intimation of anything
William Barr Has Suddenly Become Chatty— and He’s Provided Quite an Information Dump.

1. Don’t expect Durham’s findings to be announced before late Spring or Summer 2020.

2. The FBI did spy on the Trump campaign. That’s what electronic surveillance is.

3. Regarding FBI’s actions in surveilling Trump campaign associates, it was a “travesty” and there were “many abuses.”

4. From “day one,” the FBI investigation generated exculpatory information (tending to point to the targets’ innocence) and nothing that corroborated Russia collusion.

5. It’s a “big deal” to use U.S. law enforcement and intelligence resources to investigate the opposing political party and I cannot think of another recent instance where this happened.

you can read the rest on their site.
I got as far as #2.

To date, there has been no evidence released that anyone in the Trump campaign was spied on. There was manafort and page who were spied on but neither of them were with the Trump campaign when they were spied on.
The NSA has a database of every phone you ever made since it was created. Once they get a warrant, they can go through all of your old phone calls. That's why they got the FISA warrant on Page, numskull.

The FBI also sicked a number of spies on the Trump campaign. The one who fed information to Popodopolus about Hillary's emails is one of them.

The whole thing stinks to high-heaven.
Page never once spoke with Trump.
see - now we're ok cutting corners but barr is a stooge. you don't see how this is a one-way street you're on? every leeway that can be taken, you take. if anyone gives leeway, you call foul.

now these "shortcuts" as you mildly put it setup the foundation for the very investigation itself. so we vastly disagree on the range of impact from the FBI actions that horowitz himself found to be WRONG/ILLEGAL.

you excuse it, however, as a rougue element and never once entertain the idea this is all bad.
you are misrepresenting me now. I never said it was OK to cut corners. Why did you say I said that?
cause that's the impression i'm getting.

well they had a guy cut a corner...
well it could be a rogue element and some low level guy needs to pay, sure.
and suddenly you're a victim.

like i said - you're forgiving of the left and everything they did but barr is a "stooge". your implications are loud and clear.
I’m just going to stop reading each time you lie about me and then correct that lie. I didn’t say “a guy cut a corner” I said “several corners were cut by several people” I also said that one has been reported as a criminal violation.

why cant you have an honest debate? I haven’t known you to be this dishonest. I get that you don’t like me anymore because of the Hillary debate, but that doesn’t mean you need to disregard honesty and accuracy in your discourse... have some character and conduct yourself in a respectable way
i can have an honest debate. you just don't like what i have to say so now you come at me.

"a guy cut a corner" is a paraphrase of "corners were cut". did a guy cut a corner or not? was it done to begin surveillance on people? yes. this is the foundation of which RUSSIA came up and you're out to dismiss it as "cutting corners" - however you wish to phrase it at this point.

your entire stance is to minimize what the FBI did so you can stay on ORANGE MAN BAD trajectories.

that in itself is painfully obvious when you say Horowitz good | Barr stooglike (or however you said it originally).

so now you're back to questioning me and my honesty. so like you.

Slade3200 doesn't have a problem with police-state tactics, as long as they benefit the left.
now of that i would agree. i've found on many occasions he may offer a small bone and go "there, happy now" but never veer off ORANGE MAN BAD course.

the FBI lied in order to spy on people and setup the entire RUSSIA mantra and he says "some people cut corners" or something like that. push him and he will just start...


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