241 American Troops Were Killed In Beirut 1983 Despite Warnings, No Two Year Witch Hunt.

HA! You really think I will waste my time looking at your lame video?
Beirut/Lebanon was a hot bed of violence at the time. American arrogance believes they can walk in and solve every problem and win every war. They see themselves are the most important and deserving leaders of the world.
Goups like hezbullah, today's jihadists and fundamentalists take easy advantage through propaganda and in violence.
Americans, and the west in general, have to stop thinking the world plays by rules. If they want to overcome the forces of violence in the world, they need to think like them, they need to stop thinking like americans when they decide to engage or defend against these groups.
Americans in Beirut did not just ignore of six months from of a decade of violence in the country. Letting Arafat sail away to Tunisia with his armed men was not automatically bring peace. American marines were not there to man check point and smile nicely to people who had no little except hate and violence. Shaking hands and handing out candy was not going to heal the wounds or distrust of the west. Americans had been targets of kidnapping, killing and the embassy had twice been the target of bombings. Marines had died at the embassy. What did they expect would happen with several hundred who were not familiar with the area or the people showed up with guns?
Warnings to the marines might have been general, no specific details, but the marines had been warned. They ignored the warnings and did not even take extra measures for defense.
Car bomb against american targets had been used back in '72 went a car was stopped at a check point near the embassy and american school went off. American and the west had been subject to hijackings because of the middle east. They made world news, militant advertising, global propaganda.
Syria had killed the president-elect of Lebanon. Camps had been subject to hundreds of death trying to clear out fighters (on syria not israeli orders), hezbullah was back by syrian and iran. Even then the fight was not just a handful of wackos but directed, or at least permitted, by syria and iran. We are still fighting that same battle today. We are still trying to make nice with iran while they incite violence. We are trying to end a millennia old conflict between Islam without understanding the problems or the people.
American arrogance that they can make the middle east like the west. Building and technology does not mold minds to western values or viewpoints. The people are still rules by primitive rules and culture. People have to be changed from the inside and that is not going to happen any time soon. Nor can the US/west throw money at the problem.
We have seen those from the middle east seek refuge or immigrate to the west and then undermine the values and laws of those countries. Being in the west does not solve or change them deep inside. They are still being educated or incited though their communities and certain mosques. The silence of the global muslim community only seem to enforce they idea these people are acting to peace Allah. Throwing money at the problem in the middle east, or the west, will not bring any solution in the near future either.
Americans do not really know or understand the people or the problems behind the violence then or now. Until they do they will not win. Americans need to stop thinking they are universally loved or respected. The death of an american makes global news while the death of everyone else is barely a foot note. Americans are giving them a platform to advance their own cause not finding a solution. It really is an issue that take a planet. American media has to get involved in a solution not just exacerbate the problem with dramatic headlines. It is more american arrogance. The world needs stress and teach how working together as one can bring peace and property. That free speech does not include incitement or hate. That violence is not a solution. That money is better spent on raising people up to stand on their own two feed, not to keep them down or to destroy each other.
Without arrogance, but with humility, people need to reach out and care about others. Big charity events that cost almost as much as they raise is not the answer either. They need to get up close and personal, not run mega businesses with their own PR firms. They might make the rich feel better about their own success but they do very little per dollar on the problems. It will be a one on one that does the most to bring change, but it will take everyone getting involved.
Beirut/Lebanon was a hot bed of violence at the time. American arrogance believes they can walk in and solve every problem and win every war. They see themselves are the most important and deserving leaders of the world.
Goups like hezbullah, today's jihadists and fundamentalists take easy advantage through propaganda and in violence.
Americans, and the west in general, have to stop thinking the world plays by rules. If they want to overcome the forces of violence in the world, they need to think like them, they need to stop thinking like americans when they decide to engage or defend against these groups.
Americans in Beirut did not just ignore of six months from of a decade of violence in the country. Letting Arafat sail away to Tunisia with his armed men was not automatically bring peace. American marines were not there to man check point and smile nicely to people who had no little except hate and violence. Shaking hands and handing out candy was not going to heal the wounds or distrust of the west. Americans had been targets of kidnapping, killing and the embassy had twice been the target of bombings. Marines had died at the embassy. What did they expect would happen with several hundred who were not familiar with the area or the people showed up with guns?
Warnings to the marines might have been general, no specific details, but the marines had been warned. They ignored the warnings and did not even take extra measures for defense.
Car bomb against american targets had been used back in '72 went a car was stopped at a check point near the embassy and american school went off. American and the west had been subject to hijackings because of the middle east. They made world news, militant advertising, global propaganda.
Syria had killed the president-elect of Lebanon. Camps had been subject to hundreds of death trying to clear out fighters (on syria not israeli orders), hezbullah was back by syrian and iran. Even then the fight was not just a handful of wackos but directed, or at least permitted, by syria and iran. We are still fighting that same battle today. We are still trying to make nice with iran while they incite violence. We are trying to end a millennia old conflict between Islam without understanding the problems or the people.
American arrogance that they can make the middle east like the west. Building and technology does not mold minds to western values or viewpoints. The people are still rules by primitive rules and culture. People have to be changed from the inside and that is not going to happen any time soon. Nor can the US/west throw money at the problem.
We have seen those from the middle east seek refuge or immigrate to the west and then undermine the values and laws of those countries. Being in the west does not solve or change them deep inside. They are still being educated or incited though their communities and certain mosques. The silence of the global muslim community only seem to enforce they idea these people are acting to peace Allah. Throwing money at the problem in the middle east, or the west, will not bring any solution in the near future either.
Americans do not really know or understand the people or the problems behind the violence then or now. Until they do they will not win. Americans need to stop thinking they are universally loved or respected. The death of an american makes global news while the death of everyone else is barely a foot note. Americans are giving them a platform to advance their own cause not finding a solution. It really is an issue that take a planet. American media has to get involved in a solution not just exacerbate the problem with dramatic headlines. It is more american arrogance. The world needs stress and teach how working together as one can bring peace and property. That free speech does not include incitement or hate. That violence is not a solution. That money is better spent on raising people up to stand on their own two feed, not to keep them down or to destroy each other.
Without arrogance, but with humility, people need to reach out and care about others. Big charity events that cost almost as much as they raise is not the answer either. They need to get up close and personal, not run mega businesses with their own PR firms. They might make the rich feel better about their own success but they do very little per dollar on the problems. It will be a one on one that does the most to bring change, but it will take everyone getting involved.

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