25% of American Jewish Voters think Israel is an Apartheid State

I can only give you a 3/10 for that melodramatic "There were no people in Palestine before the Zionists got there", it just goes beyond belief.

As I never wrote that, it is profoundly dishonet to attribute something to me I never wrote. Actually, it doesn't go beyond belief you're befuddled and confused.

The problem is, it's a summary of Zionist apologetics to say that there were no people living in Palestine before the Jewish Refuse of Europe showed up in the 20th Century. The Fundamental LIE of Zionism is "A land without a people for a people without a land". There were people there. They had been their for centuries, and the Zionists displaced them. Then they sit there wondering why people strap bombs to themselves trying to blow them up.

Here's a crazy idea. If someone straps bombs to themselves trying to blow you up, go live somewhere else.

Just to educate you on the fraudulent claim "The Islamic world pretty much stopped expanding in 1500", we know that's pretty much false. We have that hoped for islamic caliphate that slaughtered and enslaved its way across Iraq and Syria; "The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham". You never read about that? It was on the news.
ISIL was Muslims fighting among themselves about what kind of government they should have, and frankly, never would have gotten a foothold to start with if the US and their Zionist Puppet-masters hadn't destabilized the governments of Iraq and Syria to start with.

Have you read the Hamas Charter? It harkens back to those halcyon days of islamist times of conquest by war and rapine.

Retaking your own land from European Interlopers... Much of the whole world has done that across the Americas, Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The Zionists are just the last vestige of colonialism.

I suspect you are the one "whining like little bitches". As penance for your history of colonization and exploitation, I'll expect a formal, written apology on my desk and the measures you intend to pursue as compensation for your behavior.

I am sorry that you are such a white trash tool who is easily manipulated by the One Percent to vote against your own self interest. Happy now?
Because. Britain conquered that area from the Ottoman empire during WWI. You do know what conquered means, right?

Except the British did nothing of the sort. What the British did was send in T.E. Lawrence to promise the Arabs if they revolted against the Ottomans, the British would make sure they got their own countries.

Then, being the British, they turned right around, stabbed the Arabs in the back and divided up the Ottoman lands into British and French colonies, and then tried to resettle the Jewish Refuse of Europe in Palestine as Colonization by Proxy.

The main purpose of the Balfour Declaration promising a Jewish homeland in Palestine was to keep Jews in Russia in the fight against Germany. It didn't work.
The problem is, it's a summary of Zionist apologetics to say that there were no people living in Palestine before the Jewish Refuse of Europe showed up in the 20th Century. The Fundamental LIE of Zionism is "A land without a people for a people without a land". There were people there. They had been their for centuries, and the Zionists displaced them. Then they sit there wondering why people strap bombs to themselves trying to blow them up.

Here's a crazy idea. If someone straps bombs to themselves trying to blow you up, go live somewhere else.

ISIL was Muslims fighting among themselves about what kind of government they should have, and frankly, never would have gotten a foothold to start with if the US and their Zionist Puppet-masters hadn't destabilized the governments of Iraq and Syria to start with.

Retaking your own land from European Interlopers... Much of the whole world has done that across the Americas, Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The Zionists are just the last vestige of colonialism.

I am sorry that you are such a white trash tool who is easily manipulated by the One Percent to vote against your own self interest. Happy now?
The problem is, you tend to rattle off misinformation as you did when you falsely attributed something to me I never wrote. That seems to be a tactic used by those who don't possess the facts or those who choose to spread misinformation.

I notice now that you have sidestepped your earlier claims about ''stolen land''. Land wasn't ''stolen'' when large tracts were purchased by Jewish agencies from absentee landlords in Jordan, Syria and Egypt. That was exactly the data resulting from the Ottoman land records.

Oh, I see. ISIS was 'created' by the evil Zionist Entity and the Great Satan. That's a bit of a stretch when we have 1,400 years of islamist history that presents a different image. We see throughout the islamist Middle East, revulsion for the competing religions of Judaism and Christianity is enshrined in the very fabric of Islamic ideology. One would have hoped that time and geography might have helped allow Islamism to emerge from from the age of fear and superstition that has defined its legacy of theocratic totalitarianism. On the contrary, it’s that as a cultural dynamic, Islamism is simply unable to meet the expectations of the relevant first world.

While you're making excuses for ISIS as ''boys will be boys'', we saw a return to that 7th century practice of dhimmitude for the non-Moslem.

It's right out of the playbook of Islamism.

Your heroes even had a sex slave market.

The problem is, you tend to rattle off misinformation as you did when you falsely attributed something to me I never wrote. That seems to be a tactic used by those who don't possess the facts or those who choose to spread misinformation.

I notice now that you have sidestepped your earlier claims about ''stolen land''. Land wasn't ''stolen'' when large tracts were purchased by Jewish agencies from absentee landlords in Jordan, Syria and Egypt. That was exactly the data resulting from the Ottoman land records.
No sidestep at all. Forcing people to sell their land after you've conquered the country is hardly what anyone would consider a fair business practice.

Oh, I see. ISIS was 'created' by the evil Zionist Entity and the Great Satan. That's a bit of a stretch when we have 1,400 years of islamist history that presents a different image. We see throughout the islamist Middle East, revulsion for the competing religions of Judaism and Christianity is enshrined in the very fabric of Islamic ideology. One would have hoped that time and geography might have helped allow Islamism to emerge from from the age of fear and superstition that has defined its legacy of theocratic totalitarianism. On the contrary, it’s that as a cultural dynamic, Islamism is simply unable to meet the expectations of the relevant first world.
Again- the problem isn't their religion, it's our policies. The Imperialist always thinks his way of life is better and anyone who doesn't accept it is a 'Savage".

Now, I'm an old man. I'm old enough to remember when the Vietnam War was still going on, and people talked about how savage the Vietnamese were, how they would send out children to stab GI's with punji sticks. Leave out the part that we are the ones who armed the Vietnamese to fight against the Japanese for us, then wondered why they didn't happily roll over when the French came back. Nope, they were savages!!! And we were going to bomb and defoliate their country until they accepted "Civilization".

Except this funny thing happened. When we left, and stopped bombing and defoiliating their country, they were kind of okay with us. They even invited American businesses in to do business.

While you're making excuses for ISIS as ''boys will be boys'', we saw a return to that 7th century practice of dhimmitude for the non-Moslem.
yes, ISIS was a particularly savage bunch. But judging the whole Islamic world on the actions of one savage faction would be as unfair as judging the whole of Christiantiy on the KKK.

We created ISIS. We created Al Qaeda, for that matter. When Osama Bin Laden was killing Russians in Afghanistan, Ronnie Ray-gun called him a "Freedom Fighter".

When they turned on us, they became "Terrorists".

Whoever we are arming now, watch out, in 20 years, they will become the enemy.
No sidestep at all. Forcing people to sell their land after you've conquered the country is hardly what anyone would consider a fair business practice.

Again- the problem isn't their religion, it's our policies. The Imperialist always thinks his way of life is better and anyone who doesn't accept it is a 'Savage".

Now, I'm an old man. I'm old enough to remember when the Vietnam War was still going on, and people talked about how savage the Vietnamese were, how they would send out children to stab GI's with punji sticks. Leave out the part that we are the ones who armed the Vietnamese to fight against the Japanese for us, then wondered why they didn't happily roll over when the French came back. Nope, they were savages!!! And we were going to bomb and defoliate their country until they accepted "Civilization".

Except this funny thing happened. When we left, and stopped bombing and defoiliating their country, they were kind of okay with us. They even invited American businesses in to do business.

yes, ISIS was a particularly savage bunch. But judging the whole Islamic world on the actions of one savage faction would be as unfair as judging the whole of Christiantiy on the KKK.

We created ISIS. We created Al Qaeda, for that matter. When Osama Bin Laden was killing Russians in Afghanistan, Ronnie Ray-gun called him a "Freedom Fighter".
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When they turned on us, they became "Terrorists".

Whoever we are arming now, watch out, in 20 years, they will become the enemy.
What a nonsense claim. No one forced absentee landowners to sell their land. That is an absurdity invented by you utterly unsupported.

Vietnam and ISIS held portions of Sgria and Iraq are in differing places on the planet. Check a map.

"We" didn't create ISIS. How absurd.
Does Israel care what American Jews think? Is that now how Israel runs their country?

What a nonsense claim. No one forced absentee landowners to sell their land. That is an absurdity invented by you utterly unsupported.

If you were an Arab in Jordan, what good does land in the Zionist Entity do you? Try not to think about it too hard.

Vietnam and ISIS held portions of Sgria and Iraq are in differing places on the planet. Check a map.

"We" didn't create ISIS. How absurd.

Let's see.

We toppled Saddam.
We allowed a militant Sunni insurgency to grow
We then bribed those insurgents to play nice until we left.
We then supported a corrupt Maliki government that stopped power sharing with the Sunnis.

Um. Yeah, the birth of ISIS is totally on us.

Does Israel care what American Jews think? Is that now how Israel runs their country?

Given the Zionist Entity is living off the American Dime, they should be.
If you were an Arab in Jordan, what good does land in the Zionist Entity do you? Try not to think about it too hard.

Let's see.

We toppled Saddam.
We allowed a militant Sunni insurgency to grow
We then bribed those insurgents to play nice until we left.
We then supported a corrupt Maliki government that stopped power sharing with the Sunnis.

Um. Yeah, the birth of ISIS is totally on us.

Given the Zionist Entity is living off the American Dime, they should be.
No they shouldn't and we shouldn't be giving them or any other country money.
Holy Cow. Looks like the jig is up!

A newly released survey has found that about a quarter of American Jewish voters view Israel as an apartheid state.

The poll, which was conducted by the Jewish Electorate Institute from June 28-July 1, asked respondents if they agreed or disagreed with the statement “Israel is an apartheid state.” Twenty-five percent answered in the affirmative; 52% disagreed, but those that disagreed were split on whether or not calling Israel an apartheid state is antisemitic––28% said it is antisemitic, while 24% said it isn’t.

Additionally, 34% agreed with the statement “Israel’s treatment of Palestinians is similar to racism in the U.S.” and 22% agreed that “Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians”; of those that disagreed with these statements, 20% and 31% viewed them as antisemitic, respectively. Only 9% said they agreed that “Israel doesn’t have the right to exist,” and 67% of those that disagreed with the statement said that not believing in Israel’s right to exist is antisemitic. Sixty-two percent said they had an emotional attachment to Israel.

I've often said that people with a conscience will look at the actions of the Zionist Entity and realize that they have become like an abused child who has gotten big enough to beat up on someone else.
25% of American Jews are self-hating jews. Isn't that ironic?
No they shouldn't and we shouldn't be giving them or any other country money.

Reality check... the people who make out like bandits with American foreign aid are Americans. We require them to spend that aid with our companies and they usually end up spending more.

25% of American Jews are self-hating jews. Isn't that ironic?

Or they recognize the abused have become the abusers.
If you were an Arab in Jordan, what good does land in the Zionist Entity do you? Try not to think about it too hard.

Let's see.

We toppled Saddam.
We allowed a militant Sunni insurgency to grow
We then bribed those insurgents to play nice until we left.
We then supported a corrupt Maliki government that stopped power sharing with the Sunnis.

Um. Yeah, the birth of ISIS is totally on us.

Given the Zionist Entity is living off the American Dime, they should be.
Correct. No one forced absentee landowners to sell their land. There's this ''thing'' with the Leftist Entity and insensate Jew hatreds. On the other hand, absentee landowners in Syria, Lebanon and Egypt apparently saw a benefit to sale of the land for reasons you don't get to decide. You can still seethe. Do that as hard as you can.

Uh, no. We did not create ISIS. You may feel better about yourself as you seethe with self-hate but don't project. The imposition of dhimmitude, sex slavery and brutality haveca 1,400 year long history in Islamism. The noise from ISIS was about the return of a Caliphate. Attempting to disassociate ISIS from their ideology is a fault of the Leftist Entity.

Unfortunately, the Leftist Entity doesn't understand that Islamic terrorists are not "made" by others. The names they operate under are subordinate to the cause of their ideology. That ideology, of course, is gee-had: warfare to expand the dominion of Allah's religion, as elucidated in the Koran.

Oddly, the beginnings of ISIS dates back to 1999. How strange. The US did not enter Iraq until 2003.

What's the next conspiracy theory you want to float?
Reality check... the people who make out like bandits with American foreign aid are Americans. We require them to spend that aid with our companies and they usually end up spending more.

Or they recognize the abused have become the abusers.

So, explain how we here in the Great Satan are ''making out like bandits''.

Your conspiracy theories are always entertaining.

The U.S. provides aid to countries that are recovering from war, developing countries, and countries that are strategically important to the U.S. In 2018, the U.S. spent over $47 billion on foreign aid – about $1 billion more than in 2017. About 37% of the aid went to ten countries:

Correct. No one forced absentee landowners to sell their land. There's this ''thing'' with the Leftist Entity and insensate Jew hatreds. On the other hand, absentee landowners in Syria, Lebanon and Egypt apparently saw a benefit to sale of the land for reasons you don't get to decide. You can still seethe. Do that as hard as you can.
And when the Arabs inevitably drive the Zionists into the sea, then who gets to do the seething?

Uh, no. We did not create ISIS. You may feel better about yourself as you seethe with self-hate but don't project. The imposition of dhimmitude, sex slavery and brutality haveca 1,400 year long history in Islamism. The noise from ISIS was about the return of a Caliphate. Attempting to disassociate ISIS from their ideology is a fault of the Leftist Entity.

Except ISIS never would have happened if we hadn't deposed Saddam because he made Dubya's Poppy look bad. We radicalized these people, and then complained about them.

Unfortunately, the Leftist Entity doesn't understand that Islamic terrorists are not "made" by others. The names they operate under are subordinate to the cause of their ideology. That ideology, of course, is gee-had: warfare to expand the dominion of Allah's religion, as elucidated in the Koran.

Um, yeah, arguing over who gets to run places they've run for years isn't really our business... We toppled Saddam and we tried to topple Assad. (Yes, I will be equally critical of Obama in this case.) We toppled Qadafy and got the nuts who attacked Benghazi. At some point, we need to learn if you don't want to get stung, don't stick your hand in the hornet's nest.

Of course, as long as we are letting the Zionists and the Oil Companies dictate policy, we aren't going to get that education any time soon.

So, explain how we here in the Great Satan are ''making out like bandits''.

Your conspiracy theories are always entertaining.
Um. I just did.

Okay. Simple one. We give poor country X foreign Aid. But the foreign aid comes with strings attached. You have to buy products from US Companies, even if you could get a better deal from a Japanese company. You have to follow certain policies and you have to give American companies access to your markets. To top it all off, a lot of that "aid" comes in the forms of loans, that have to be paid back with interest.

The U.S. provides aid to countries that are recovering from war, developing countries, and countries that are strategically important to the U.S. In 2018, the U.S. spent over $47 billion on foreign aid – about $1 billion more than in 2017. About 37% of the aid went to ten countries:

Okay, the Second one is the Zionist Entity, and others are their neighbors who we are bribing to play nice with the Zionist Entity. You are kind of making my point. It's less about "need" and more about furthering our own interests.
And when the Arabs inevitably drive the Zionists into the sea, then who gets to do the seething?

Except ISIS never would have happened if we hadn't deposed Saddam because he made Dubya's Poppy look bad. We radicalized these people, and then complained about them.

Um, yeah, arguing over who gets to run places they've run for years isn't really our business... We toppled Saddam and we tried to topple Assad. (Yes, I will be equally critical of Obama in this case.) We toppled Qadafy and got the nuts who attacked Benghazi. At some point, we need to learn if you don't want to get stung, don't stick your hand in the hornet's nest.

Of course, as long as we are letting the Zionists and the Oil Companies dictate policy, we aren't going to get that education any time soon.

Um. I just did.

Okay. Simple one. We give poor country X foreign Aid. But the foreign aid comes with strings attached. You have to buy products from US Companies, even if you could get a better deal from a Japanese company. You have to follow certain policies and you have to give American companies access to your markets. To top it all off, a lot of that "aid" comes in the forms of loans, that have to be paid back with interest.

Okay, the Second one is the Zionist Entity, and others are their neighbors who we are bribing to play nice with the Zionist Entity. You are kind of making my point. It's less about "need" and more about furthering our own interests.
If you want the Jews driven into the sea, grab a handful of balloons and get your own gee-had on, tough guy.

ISIS existed before the Great Satan entered Iraq. Just make it up as you go, eh?

I see you're backpeddling, stuttering and mumbling in retreat regarding your nonsensical ''making out like bandits'', comment.

"Zionist Entity''. Feel better now?
If you want the Jews driven into the sea, grab a handful of balloons and get your own gee-had on, tough guy.

ISIS existed before the Great Satan entered Iraq. Just make it up as you go, eh?

No it didn't. I mean, yeah, I guess if you want to count some guy who was living in his mother's basement in 1999 as the founder of ISIS, you can, but that would just look silly.

It didn't really become a thing until we toppled Saddam and there was outright civil war between the Shi'a and Sunnis in Iraq.

I see you're backpeddling, stuttering and mumbling in retreat regarding your nonsensical ''making out like bandits'', comment.

Did the big words confuse you. Because I'm honestly finding that explaining things to you doesn't do a lot of good because you STILL don't understand it after I do.
What a nonsense claim. No one forced absentee landowners to sell their land. That is an absurdity invented by you utterly unsupported.

Vietnam and ISIS held portions of Sgria and Iraq are in differing places on the planet. Check a map.

"We" didn't create ISIS. How absurd.

ISIS was born in Camp Brucca Prison, Iraq in 2004.. a direct result of the US invasion of Iraq.
The Arabs didn't get their own countries? Are you sure?

The Brits bet on the Emir of Mecca and sent TE Lawrence in to support him and the "great arab revolt". Ibn Saud had already chased the Ottomans off the Arabian Peninsula.

The Brits bet on the wrong guy.The Emir had no following among the Arabs.

The promise to the Arabs to "get their own countries" was limited in scope to Palestine, Syria and Iraq when France and the UK divided up what was left of the Ottoman Empire.

The Avalon Project : The Sykes-Picot Agreement : 1916
The Sykes-Picot Agreement : 1916. It is accordingly understood between the French and British governments: That France and Great Britain are prepared to recognize and protect an independent Arab states or a confederation of Arab states (a) and (b) marked on …
No it didn't. I mean, yeah, I guess if you want to count some guy who was living in his mother's basement in 1999 as the founder of ISIS, you can, but that would just look silly.

It didn't really become a thing until we toppled Saddam and there was outright civil war between the Shi'a and Sunnis in Iraq.

Did the big words confuse you. Because I'm honestly finding that explaining things to you doesn't do a lot of good because you STILL don't understand it after I do.
I guess if the Leftist Entity has a need to blame the Great Satan for all the worlds ills, he can make up whatever date is convenient.

Do dates and timing confuse you because when you're sitting in your dimly lit basement with a single light bulb hanging by a cord from the ceiling, you may have missed that ISIS took shape in 1999.
I guess if the Leftist Entity has a need to blame the Great Satan for all the worlds ills, he can make up whatever date is convenient.

Do dates and timing confuse you because when you're sitting in your dimly lit basement with a single light bulb hanging by a cord from the ceiling, you may have missed that ISIS took shape in 1999.

There was no ISIS in 1999.

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