25% of American Jewish Voters think Israel is an Apartheid State

There was no ISIS in 1999.
"... because I say so".

The group began, in a very different form, in 1999. In the 16 years since, it has been shaped by — and has at moments helped to shape — the conflicts, physical and ideological, of the Middle East.
"... because I say so".

The group began, in a very different form, in 1999. In the 16 years since, it has been shaped by — and has at moments helped to shape — the conflicts, physical and ideological, of the Middle East.

Most of the Middle East does not want another caliphate. In fact when the Emir of Mecca proclaimed himself Caliph in 1924, Ibn Saud chased him off the Arabian Peninsula.

I have read the claims.
Like this:

But, AQ is not the same as ISIS nor did they ever consider forming a caliphate. AQ was Deobandi.. which initially came out inresistance to British colonialism.

Sunnis in Iraq were NOT radical or militant until Bush's invasion.
Most of the Middle East does not want another caliphate. In fact when the Emir of Mecca proclaimed himself Caliph in 1924, Ibn Saud chased him off the Arabian Peninsula.

I have read the claims.
Like this:

But, AQ is not the same as ISIS nor did they ever consider forming a caliphate. AQ was Deobandi.. which initially came out inresistance to British colonialism.

Sunnis in Iraq were NOT radical or militant until Bush's invasion.
I'm not so sure that most of the Middle East does not want a Caliphate. Most of the Middle East accepted (grudgingly or not), ISIS slaughtering Arabs-Moslems across Iraq and Syria while they expanded their nascent Caliphate.
I'm not so sure that most of the Middle East does not want a Caliphate. Most of the Middle East accepted (grudgingly or not), ISIS slaughtering Arabs-Moslems across Iraq and Syria while they expanded their nascent Caliphate.

The last Caliphate was a dud and caused stagnation throughout the ME.. They don't want another Caliphate ..especially in the oil producing states.

No one accepted ISIS. They are drug addicts and losers who killed mostly other Muslims.. They are despised and feared.

Is this some indirect justification of Israeli aparthied? The invasion of Iraq was the brainchild of Bibi in Clean Break Strategy. Syria was second on his list.
The last Caliphate was a dud and caused stagnation throughout the ME.. They don't want another Caliphate ..especially in the oil producing states.

No one accepted ISIS. They are drug addicts and losers who killed mostly other Muslims.. They are despised and feared.

Is this some indirect justification of Israeli aparthied? The invasion of Iraq was the brainchild of Bibi in Clean Break Strategy. Syria was second on his list.
The fact remains that Middle Eastern nations did virtually nothing to stop ISIS.

Israeli "apartheid" conspiracy theories are best left for others to respond to.
The fact remains that Middle Eastern nations did virtually nothing to stop ISIS.

Israeli "apartheid" conspiracy theories are best left for others to respond to.

Are you kidding? They have had pitched gun battles with ISIS since 2011.

Are you kidding? They have had pitched gun battles with ISIS since 2011.

Gee whiz. Never heard much about Moslem NATO. Did they meet once, break for lunch and go home?

That other NATO seems to pale by comparison.

I couldn't help but notice the Great Satan was No. 1 on the list of Moslem NATO nations fighting ISIS.
The promise to the Arabs to "get their own countries" was limited in scope to Palestine, Syria and Iraq when France and the UK divided up what was left of the Ottoman Empire.

And Jordan.
Tell Joe. He doesn't think the Arabs got their own countries.
Holy Cow. Looks like the jig is up!

A newly released survey has found that about a quarter of American Jewish voters view Israel as an apartheid state.

The poll, which was conducted by the Jewish Electorate Institute from June 28-July 1, asked respondents if they agreed or disagreed with the statement “Israel is an apartheid state.” Twenty-five percent answered in the affirmative; 52% disagreed, but those that disagreed were split on whether or not calling Israel an apartheid state is antisemitic––28% said it is antisemitic, while 24% said it isn’t.

Additionally, 34% agreed with the statement “Israel’s treatment of Palestinians is similar to racism in the U.S.” and 22% agreed that “Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians”; of those that disagreed with these statements, 20% and 31% viewed them as antisemitic, respectively. Only 9% said they agreed that “Israel doesn’t have the right to exist,” and 67% of those that disagreed with the statement said that not believing in Israel’s right to exist is antisemitic. Sixty-two percent said they had an emotional attachment to Israel.

I've often said that people with a conscience will look at the actions of the Zionist Entity and realize that they have become like an abused child who has gotten big enough to beat up on someone else.
That must mean that 75 Percent of Israelis don’t agree. Thank you!
Maybe next time you should ask those who believe Israel is Apartheid how they feel about “ No Israelis in Palestine” or denying the Jewish people access to their Religious Sites . The PLO has formally stated their position
Of course you won’t. That takes guts and a brain. You have neither
BTW, Please tell us why Abbas turned down Olmert’s offer Lol
Polls can be made to say whatever most people want haven’t we learned our lessons from the previous elections…Besides the reality is quite different as Israel is a very diverse country with people from Muslim, christians, Baha’i, etc etc enjoying the freedoms that Israelis of Jewish descent do as well.. Can the same be said of Muslim majority states that don’t tolerate others of different faiths living there … Israel is not perfect it’s true but compared to most Muslim majority nations she is about as tolerant as she gets and the apartheid example is Silly and ill informed.. If we keep an even playing field then the apartheid finger can be pointed at other countries as well….
I guess if the Leftist Entity has a need to blame the Great Satan for all the worlds ills, he can make up whatever date is convenient.

Do dates and timing confuse you because when you're sitting in your dimly lit basement with a single light bulb hanging by a cord from the ceiling, you may have missed that ISIS took shape in 1999.

Not really. The people who called themselves ISIS didn't have an organization or a goals until AFTER we toppled Saddam.

The war that was organized by Neo-con Jews in Washington, that most experts on the region said was a bad idea.

But that's the joy of being a right-winger. You never have to be held to account for your bad ideas.
That must mean that 75 Percent of Israelis don’t agree. Thank you!
Maybe next time you should ask those who believe Israel is Apartheid how they feel about “ No Israelis in Palestine” or denying the Jewish people access to their Religious Sites . The PLO has formally stated their position
Of course you won’t. That takes guts and a brain. You have neither
BTW, Please tell us why Abbas turned down Olmert’s offer Lol

If you had bothered to read the article, it was a survey of American Jews, not Israelis living in the Zionist Entity.

As for why Abbas rejected Abbas's offer.

Kind of like if I raided your house, chased out your family, shot your dog, and then later generously offered to let you live in your unheated garage.

Any deal made with Zionists would legitimize their theft of Palestine to start with.
I'm not so sure that most of the Middle East does not want a Caliphate. Most of the Middle East accepted (grudgingly or not), ISIS slaughtering Arabs-Moslems across Iraq and Syria while they expanded their nascent Caliphate.

You mean they didn't want to get involved in a war that put Iran in a dominant position, that's the thing.

This is why most people thought Bush's war to get back at Saddam was a terrible idea, because what happened would inevitably happen. The Iranians now control Iraq and Syria, and it's only a matter of time before the Zionists try to get us into a war with Iran because now those are the people they are scared of.
JoeB131 hhahahah
key word --''THINK'' = not factual
... like lots of blacks THINK America is racist....police are bad...when the facts are = BLACKS are the racists and criminals
If you had bothered to read the article, it was a survey of American Jews, not Israelis living in the Zionist Entity.

As for why Abbas rejected Abbas's offer.

Kind of like if I raided your house, chased out your family, shot your dog, and then later generously offered to let you live in your unheated garage.

Any deal made with Zionists would legitimize their theft of Palestine to start with.
I did read the article. My question remains the same. The Balfour Declaration declared a Jewish Homeland The UN closed the deal
So in effect you’re saying that any Peace Agreement ( Two State Solution) would be impossible. Thank you for verifying the Palestinians are interested in just one thing; Israel’s destruction
Not really. The people who called themselves ISIS didn't have an organization or a goals until AFTER we toppled Saddam.

The war that was organized by Neo-con Jews in Washington, that most experts on the region said was a bad idea.

But that's the joy of being a right-winger. You never have to be held to account for your bad ideas.
Oh, I see. ISIS was just a collection of wayward teens with too much free time on their hands. Yeah, that must be it.

Strange, though. After the Saddam was hanged, ISIS exhibited the behaviors customary to 7th century Islamism:war, rapine and conquest. Where do think those behaviors came from? Odd how they slaughtered Moslems, took sex slaves and operated open air slave markets, all consisten with the behaviors of the warlord who was the model for all mankind.
You mean they didn't want to get involved in a war that put Iran in a dominant position, that's the thing.

This is why most people thought Bush's war to get back at Saddam was a terrible idea, because what happened would inevitably happen. The Iranians now control Iraq and Syria, and it's only a matter of time before the Zionists try to get us into a war with Iran because now those are the people they are scared of.
The Leftist Entity is on another tirade regarding that crafty Zionist Entity.

I'm sure the Moslem NATO will step up and defend Iraq and Syria.

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