25% of Mexico's population has relocated to the USA

Here is how you calculate whether or not Coulter is full of shit.

Current population of Mexico: 122.3 million. This figure would have to be 75% of the total figure X if Coulter's claim is true.

X - 25% = 122.3 million.

Put another way X * .75 = 122.3 million.

So X = 122.3/.75 = 163 million.

25 percent of 163 million is 41 million. I rounded up.

163 million - the 41 million who allegedly relocated to the US leaves you with the current population of 122.3 million.

Therefore, 41 million Mexicans would have to have relocated here for Coulter not to be a stark raving idiot.

Sadly for Ann, 42 million Mexicans have not relocated to the US. Not even close.

Which makes her a bigoted moron.

I know, I know. "Bigoted moron" is redundant.

i guess we will just have to wait until someone here reads her book to get to the truth of the matter....

Her claim has been soundly disproven. Thanks for demonstrating that you will still go for a refill of your piss cup from her, though, even though her claim has been trounced! Awesome.
no it hasn't... or have you counted all those illegals yourself...?
Too much pride. Too much pride to say, "I've been had and I will be more careful not to be conned again."
Here is how you calculate whether or not Coulter is full of shit.

Current population of Mexico: 122.3 million. This figure would have to be 75% of the total figure X if Coulter's claim is true.

X - 25% = 122.3 million.

Put another way X * .75 = 122.3 million.

So X = 122.3/.75 = 163 million.

25 percent of 163 million is 41 million. I rounded up.

163 million - the 41 million who allegedly relocated to the US leaves you with the current population of 122.3 million.

Therefore, 41 million Mexicans would have to have relocated here for Coulter not to be a stark raving idiot.

Sadly for Ann, 42 million Mexicans have not relocated to the US. Not even close.

Which makes her a bigoted moron.

I know, I know. "Bigoted moron" is redundant.

i guess we will just have to wait until someone here reads her book to get to the truth of the matter....

Her claim has been soundly disproven. Thanks for demonstrating that you will still go for a refill of your piss cup from her, though, even though her claim has been trounced! Awesome.
no it hasn't... or have you counted all those illegals yourself...?
Did Ann?

I have provided hard data. Unless you have something to refute it, you are just standing there with your sore gullible nuts in your hands.

You are going to have a helluva time proving 41 million Mexicans have relocated here.
Here is how you calculate whether or not Coulter is full of shit.

Current population of Mexico: 122.3 million. This figure would have to be 75% of the total figure X if Coulter's claim is true.

X - 25% = 122.3 million.

Put another way X * .75 = 122.3 million.

So X = 122.3/.75 = 163 million.

25 percent of 163 million is 41 million. I rounded up.

163 million - the 41 million who allegedly relocated to the US leaves you with the current population of 122.3 million.

Therefore, 41 million Mexicans would have to have relocated here for Coulter not to be a stark raving idiot.

Sadly for Ann, 42 million Mexicans have not relocated to the US. Not even close.

Which makes her a bigoted moron.

I know, I know. "Bigoted moron" is redundant.

i guess we will just have to wait until someone here reads her book to get to the truth of the matter....

Her claim has been soundly disproven. Thanks for demonstrating that you will still go for a refill of your piss cup from her, though, even though her claim has been trounced! Awesome.
no it hasn't... or have you counted all those illegals yourself...?

Has Ann Coulter?

And voilà, right back to where we started. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Hey, maybe that's what she's doing all that time she's not-eating. Head counts.
How about we invade Mexico and annex it? Much easier to secure the small Guatemalian border.
I've been saying the same thing for years. Hell I'd like to be able to buy a nice retirement home on the beach in Mexico and kick back eating tacos and drinking Corona.
It would definitely be more productive and beneficial than our adventures in the middle east.
For both us and them.

Why haven't we ever heard a Washington talking head mention this?
No idea. It would probably cost trillions and trillions of dollars and piss the rest of the world off though.
Too much pride. Too much pride to say, "I've been had and I will be more careful not to be conned again."
many believe that the tossed-about number of 11 million current illegals is one farce of a figure....
Too much pride. Too much pride to say, "I've been had and I will be more careful not to be conned again."
many believe that the tossed-about number of 11 million current illegals is one farce of a figure....
Here is the claim: 41 million Mexicans have relocated to the US.

Prove it. Did you count them?

Good luck with that.
Here is how you calculate whether or not Coulter is full of shit.

Current population of Mexico: 122.3 million. This figure would have to be 75% of the total figure X if Coulter's claim is true.

X - 25% = 122.3 million.

Put another way X * .75 = 122.3 million.

So X = 122.3/.75 = 163 million.

25 percent of 163 million is 41 million. I rounded up.

163 million - the 41 million who allegedly relocated to the US leaves you with the current population of 122.3 million.

Therefore, 41 million Mexicans would have to have relocated here for Coulter not to be a stark raving idiot.

Sadly for Ann, 42 million Mexicans have not relocated to the US. Not even close.

Which makes her a bigoted moron.

I know, I know. "Bigoted moron" is redundant.

i guess we will just have to wait until someone here reads her book to get to the truth of the matter....

Her claim has been soundly disproven. Thanks for demonstrating that you will still go for a refill of your piss cup from her, though, even though her claim has been trounced! Awesome.
no it hasn't... or have you counted all those illegals yourself...?

Has Ann Coulter?

And voilà, right back to where we started. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Hey, maybe that's what she's doing all that time she's not-eating. Head counts.

that's just it....we haven't yet learned about her research on how she came up with the 25% ...
Here is how you calculate whether or not Coulter is full of shit.

Current population of Mexico: 122.3 million. This figure would have to be 75% of the total figure X if Coulter's claim is true.

X - 25% = 122.3 million.

Put another way X * .75 = 122.3 million.

So X = 122.3/.75 = 163 million.

25 percent of 163 million is 41 million. I rounded up.

163 million - the 41 million who allegedly relocated to the US leaves you with the current population of 122.3 million.

Therefore, 41 million Mexicans would have to have relocated here for Coulter not to be a stark raving idiot.

Sadly for Ann, 42 million Mexicans have not relocated to the US. Not even close.

Which makes her a bigoted moron.

I know, I know. "Bigoted moron" is redundant.

i guess we will just have to wait until someone here reads her book to get to the truth of the matter....

Her claim has been soundly disproven. Thanks for demonstrating that you will still go for a refill of your piss cup from her, though, even though her claim has been trounced! Awesome.
no it hasn't... or have you counted all those illegals yourself...?

Has Ann Coulter?

And voilà, right back to where we started. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Hey, maybe that's what she's doing all that time she's not-eating. Head counts.

that's just it....we haven't yet learned about her research on how she came up with the 25% number...

--- Which is the question that 100% of my posts in this thread have been about.

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Links have been provided which show nothing even close to 41 million Mexicans have up and moved to America.

Thus, Coulter is trounced.

No one has been able to refute the trouncing. Game, set, match.

But we can count on the rubes lining up for refills. Again. And again. And again. No matter how many times they are shown they have been drinking piss.
Stupid American, how many before we have too many illegals? If she is wrong, do we wait till she's right?
Why should we listen to a known bigot and liar? Her conclusions and solutions are built on a steaming mound of bullshit.

If you have to lie to win, your philosophy is utterly bankrupt.

And Coulter is not just whining about illegals. She is whining about ALL Mexicans. She whines about how many are here. She whines about their culture. She's a racist c*nt, like you.
i guess we will just have to wait until someone here reads her book to get to the truth of the matter....

Her claim has been soundly disproven. Thanks for demonstrating that you will still go for a refill of your piss cup from her, though, even though her claim has been trounced! Awesome.
no it hasn't... or have you counted all those illegals yourself...?

Has Ann Coulter?

And voilà, right back to where we started. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Hey, maybe that's what she's doing all that time she's not-eating. Head counts.

that's just it....we haven't yet learned about her research on how she came up with the 25% number...

--- Which is the question that 100% of my posts in this thread have been about.

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

yet everybody jumps to conclusions.....like you.....

myself.....i'm still willing to bet her assertion is true....
Stupid American, how many before we have too many illegals? If she is wrong, do we wait till she's right?
Why should we listen to a known bigot and liar? Her conclusions and solutions are built on a steaming mound of bullshit.

If you have to lie to win, your philosophy is utterly bankrupt.

And Coulter is not just whining about illegals. She is whining about ALL Mexicans. She whines about how many are here. She whines about their culture. She's a racist c*nt, like you.
having a bad day are you....?
Fun fact: Did you know that 729% of Ireland's population has relocated to the United States?
True story. 33.5 million Irish here; 4.595 in Ireland.

I could write a book! :eusa_dance:

Pogo wins.
Here's some actual stats on illegal immigration (bearing in mind that they precede Obama opening the gates for all the additional illegals)

5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S. Pew Research Center

Here are five facts about the unauthorized immigrant population in the U.S.

1There were 11.2 million unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. in 2012, a total unchanged from 2009, and currently making up 3.5% of the nation’s population. (Preliminary estimates show the population was 11.3 million in 2013.) The number of unauthorized immigrants peaked in 2007 at 12.2 million, when this group was 4% of the U.S. population.

2Mexicans make up about half of all unauthorized immigrants (52%), though their numbers have been declining in recent years. There were 5.9 million Mexican unauthorized immigrants living in the U.S. in 2012, down from 6.4 million in 2009, according to Pew Research Center estimates. Over the same time period, the number of unauthorized immigrants from Asia, the Caribbean, Central America and a grouping of countries in the Middle East, Africa and some other areas grew slightly (unauthorized immigrant populations from South America and Europe/Canada did not change significantly).

3Six states alone account for 60% of unauthorized immigrants—California, Texas, Florida, New York, New Jersey and Illinois. But the distribution of the population is changing. From 2009 to 2012, several East Coast states were among those with population increases, whereas several Western states were among those with population decreases. There were seven states overall in which the unauthorized immigrant population increased: Florida, Idaho, Maryland, Nebraska, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Virginia. Meanwhile, there were 14 states in which the population decreased over the same time period: Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Mexico, New York and Oregon. Despite a decline, Nevada has the nation’s largest share (8%) of unauthorized immigrants in its state population.

4Unauthorized immigrants make up 5.1% of the U.S. labor force. In the U.S. labor force, there were 8.1 million unauthorized immigrants either working or looking for work in 2012. Among the states, Nevada (10%), California (9%), Texas (9%) and New Jersey (8%) had the highest shares of unauthorized immigrants in their labor forces.

5About 7% of K-12 students had at least one unauthorized immigrant parent in 2012. Among these students, about eight-in-ten (79%) were born in the U.S. In Nevada, almost one-in-five students (18%) have at least one unauthorized immigrant parent, the largest share in the nation. Other top states on this measure are California (13%), Texas (13%) and Arizona (11%).

Here's more immigration stats.....

Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States migrationpolicy.org
25% of Mexico's population has relocated to the USA

"America needs diversity!" Ramos cried. She [Ann Coulter] cried back, "One quarter of the population of Mexico has emptied into America already. Thirty percent of legals are Mexicans; sixty percent of illegals are Mexicans. That's not diversity!”

I couldn't grasp what she'd just said: That 25% of Mexico's people had relocated to the U.S.? Do people know this?

Ann Coulter said it, so it has to be true.
There were 5.9 million Mexican unauthorized immigrants living in the U.S. in 2012, down from 6.4 million in 2009, according to Pew Research Center estimates.

That's a long way from 41 million.

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