25% of Mexico's population has relocated to the USA

G5 you really should stop posting you are hurting your side. You are the biggest idiot on this board and that is really saying something.
There were 5.9 million Mexican unauthorized immigrants living in the U.S. in 2012, down from 6.4 million in 2009, according to Pew Research Center estimates.

That's a long way from 41 million.

You're not very bright, which is why you're a leftist, Jake.

The government cops to 11 million illegals - which is absurd, the number is closer to 30 million. But going with the lower number, add this to 30 million legal Mexicans from 2000 to 2010, and what do you have?

I know, math is hard - but that is 41 million, or one quarter of the population of Mexico.
There were 5.9 million Mexican unauthorized immigrants living in the U.S. in 2012, down from 6.4 million in 2009, according to Pew Research Center estimates.

That's a long way from 41 million.

You're not very bright, which is why you're a leftist, Jake.

The government cops to 11 million illegals - which is absurd, the number is closer to 30 million.


But going with the lower number, add this to 30 million legal Mexicans from 2000 to 2010, and what do you have?

I know, math is hard - but that is 41 million, or one quarter of the population of Mexico.
Dipshit said 30 million illegal Mexicans, plus 30 million legal Mexicans immigrating here between 2000 and 2010. For a total of 60 million.

In a country of 318 million. What a maroon! You'd be tripping over Mexicans on your way to the bathroom.

Dipshit isn't even close: A Record-Setting Decade of Immigration 2000-2010 Center for Immigration Studies
Nearly 14 million new immigrants (legal and illegal) settled in the country from 2000 to 2010, making it the highest decade of immigration in American history.

And not all of those 14 million were Mexicans.
It's like boxing with a preschooler. It just feels...wrong.
Dipshit said 30 million illegal Mexicans, plus 30 million legal Mexicans immigrating here between 2000 and 2010. For a total of 60 million.

In a country of 318 million. What a maroon! You'd be tripping over Mexicans on your way to the bathroom.

Dipshit isn't even close: A Record-Setting Decade of Immigration 2000-2010 Center for Immigration Studies
Nearly 14 million new immigrants (legal and illegal) settled in the country from 2000 to 2010, making it the highest decade of immigration in American history.

And not all of those 14 million were Mexicans.


Mexico has a population of 122 million, Jake you lying fuck.

The World Factbook

"In fact, I cite the work, first of all, of two people advising people about their money, Bear Stearns analysts, and they looked at something other than the Census reports, which relies on people who have broken the law to be here telling the truth in government surveys," she continued. "They said, no, instead we're going to look at remissions of money back to Mexico, for example. That is money people send here. School enrollments in illegal alien hot spots. Housing permits in illegal alien hot spots."

"Back in 2006, they said it was 20 million—two Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist,s who spent a year investigating for Time Magazine, which you are one of the most influential people of—" she said as she was interrupted.

"That's what they say," Ramos interjected.

"So you better believe investigative reporters for Time Magazine and Vanity Fair," Coulter continued. "In 2006, they said there have been another 3 million a year. That adds up to a minimum of 30 million."

Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2015/05/c...he-population-of-mexico/#llzzbcEzBct5iGeZ.99}

25% of the population of Mexico now resides in the USA - it is fact - but fact you democrats need to distort.
Dipshit said 30 million illegal Mexicans, plus 30 million legal Mexicans immigrating here between 2000 and 2010. For a total of 60 million.

In a country of 318 million. What a maroon! You'd be tripping over Mexicans on your way to the bathroom.

Dipshit isn't even close: A Record-Setting Decade of Immigration 2000-2010 Center for Immigration Studies
Nearly 14 million new immigrants (legal and illegal) settled in the country from 2000 to 2010, making it the highest decade of immigration in American history.

And not all of those 14 million were Mexicans.


Mexico has a population of 122 million, Jake you lying fuck.

Hey, dumbass. The US population is 318 million. If there were 60 million Mexicans here as you claim, you'd be tripping over them on the way to the bathroom.

Still waiting on those links which prove there are 60 million of them here. Come on back when the teacher has changed your diaper.
"So you better believe investigative reporters for Time Magazine and Vanity Fair," Coulter continued. "In 2006, they said there have been another 3 million a year. That adds up to a minimum of 30 million."

Holy fuck! RENSE!?! Seriously? It just doesn't get any more insane than that UFO/Bigfoot rag.

Please link to the Time Magazine and Vanity Fair sources which say 30 million illegals are here.
What we have is a quote by Coulter based on a prediction for a single year (2006) which Coulter then extrapolated out nine years. Said prediction was also an extrapolation for that year.

I knew she was stupid, but holy fuck, that's beyond stupid.

Holy fuck! RENSE!?! Seriously? It just doesn't get any more insane than that UFO/Bigfoot rag.

Please link to the Time Magazine and Vanity Fair sources which say 30 million illegals are here.

Ohh, how clever - attack the source.

We know the claim came from Coulter, Jake - either her numbers are accurate, or they are not.

The problem you have is that they are.

One thing is for sure, your claim that Mexico has 300 million is a pile of shit,
What we have is a quote by Coulter based on a prediction for a single year (2006) which Coulter then extrapolated out nine years. Said prediction was also an extrapolation for that year.

I knew she was stupid, but holy fuck, that's beyond stupid.

Right Jake, because we KNOW illegals all participated in the census, and that no one illegal has come from Mexico in well over a decade.

I knew you were stupid, but holy fuck, that's beyond stupid - even for a partisan nutjob like you.

Holy fuck! RENSE!?! Seriously? It just doesn't get any more insane than that UFO/Bigfoot rag.

Please link to the Time Magazine and Vanity Fair sources which say 30 million illegals are here.

Ohh, how clever - attack the source.

Which you never do, right? It's RENSE, for fuck's sake. A paranormal site. You've sunk to a new low. UFOs, Bigfoot, and Coulter.

We know the claim came from Coulter, Jake - either her numbers are accurate, or they are not.

The claim is unsupported. She made it up. We can see that in her own words! On Rense!

One thing is for sure, your claim that Mexico has 300 million is a pile of shit,

Wow. You just can't get any dumber. THE US HAS 318 MILLION PEOPLE, NOT MEXICO.

Goddam! How fucking dense can you get?

If there were 60 million Mexicans HERE, out of a population of 318 million HERE, you'd be tripping over them.
25% of Mexico's population has relocated to the USA

Actually, they're just returning home to lands that were stolen from them.


The Hispanic Experience - Stolen Birthright
What we have is a quote by Coulter based on a prediction for a single year (2006) which Coulter then extrapolated out nine years. Said prediction was also an extrapolation for that year.

I knew she was stupid, but holy fuck, that's beyond stupid.

Right Jake, because we KNOW illegals all participated in the census, and that no one illegal has come from Mexico in well over a decade.

"No (sic) one illegal has come from Mexico in well over a decade"? Now you are building straw men. Awesome.

Gee, I wonder if I should trust a scientific census or a partisan hack like Ann Coulter who pulls numbers out of her ass...

Holy fuck! RENSE!?! Seriously? It just doesn't get any more insane than that UFO/Bigfoot rag.

Please link to the Time Magazine and Vanity Fair sources which say 30 million illegals are here.

Ohh, how clever - attack the source.

Which you never do, right? It's RENSE, for fuck's sake. A paranormal site. You've sunk to a new low. UFOs, Bigfoot, and Coulter.

We know the claim came from Coulter, Jake - either her numbers are accurate, or they are not.

The claim is unsupported. She made it up. We can see that in her own words! On Rense!

One thing is for sure, your claim that Mexico has 300 million is a pile of shit,

Wow. You just can't get any dumber. THE US HAS 318 MILLION PEOPLE, NOT MEXICO.

Goddam! How fucking dense can you get?

If there were 60 million Mexicans HERE, out of a population of 318 million HERE, you'd be tripping over them.

Oh, so you're just making shit up and wildly flinging shit.

Makes sense, you're a hack democrat.

Oh, and the article is a reprint from Drudge - who you no doubt also hate (if it ain't on DailyKOS, you don't believe it, amirite?) Drudge used a Time Magazine - yes the far left Time that you democrats normally demand is beyond reproach.


{On the Mexican side of the border, President Vicente Fox has actively encouraged the migration. He made his goal clear in 2000 when he called for a fully open border within 10 years, with "a free flow of people, workers" moving between the two countries. When U.S. opposition to the proposal intensified after 9/11, Fox sought the same goal through the back door. He pushed U.S. businesses and city and state governments to accept as legal identification a card called a matricula consular, issued by Mexican consulates. That has allowed illegals to secure driver's licenses and other forms of identification and open bank accounts. Earlier this year Fox pushed U.S. bankers to make it easier for Mexicans working here—some of them legally but most illegally—to ship U.S. dollars back home. Because of the exploding illegal population, the money sent back represents the third largest source of revenue in Mexico's economy, trailing only oil and manufacturing. That figure reached a record $13 billion last year.}

What the facts say is that you Communists are openly lying about the number of illegals flowing in, and that you are deliberately importing illegals to secure power for your party.

Now you and I have clashed enough that it is fair to say that you support and promote election fraud, that you view fraud as the sacred right of your party. So more illegals means more opportunity for fraud, and more power for your party.

Funny, I think that is the point of Coulter's book as well..

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