25% of Mexico's population has relocated to the USA

How about we invade Mexico and annex it? Much easier to secure the small Guatemalian border.
I've been saying the same thing for years. Hell I'd like to be able to buy a nice retirement home on the beach in Mexico and kick back eating tacos and drinking Corona.
It would definitely be more productive and beneficial than our adventures in the middle east.
For both us and them.

Why haven't we ever heard a Washington talking head mention this?
No idea. It would probably cost trillions and trillions of dollars and piss the rest of the world off though.
Crazy that.

I could piss off the rest of the world in one day, just by standing up the UN and saying 'Gayyyyyyyyyyyy' like homophobic seal every time an ambassador tries to speak.
Here's some actual stats on illegal immigration (bearing in mind that they precede Obama opening the gates for all the additional illegals)

5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S. Pew Research Center

Here are five facts about the unauthorized immigrant population in the U.S.

1There were 11.2 million unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. in 2012, a total unchanged from 2009, and currently making up 3.5% of the nation’s population. (Preliminary estimates show the population was 11.3 million in 2013.) The number of unauthorized immigrants peaked in 2007 at 12.2 million, when this group was 4% of the U.S. population.

2Mexicans make up about half of all unauthorized immigrants (52%), though their numbers have been declining in recent years. There were 5.9 million Mexican unauthorized immigrants living in the U.S. in 2012, down from 6.4 million in 2009, according to Pew Research Center estimates. Over the same time period, the number of unauthorized immigrants from Asia, the Caribbean, Central America and a grouping of countries in the Middle East, Africa and some other areas grew slightly (unauthorized immigrant populations from South America and Europe/Canada did not change significantly).

3Six states alone account for 60% of unauthorized immigrants—California, Texas, Florida, New York, New Jersey and Illinois. But the distribution of the population is changing. From 2009 to 2012, several East Coast states were among those with population increases, whereas several Western states were among those with population decreases. There were seven states overall in which the unauthorized immigrant population increased: Florida, Idaho, Maryland, Nebraska, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Virginia. Meanwhile, there were 14 states in which the population decreased over the same time period: Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Mexico, New York and Oregon. Despite a decline, Nevada has the nation’s largest share (8%) of unauthorized immigrants in its state population.

4Unauthorized immigrants make up 5.1% of the U.S. labor force. In the U.S. labor force, there were 8.1 million unauthorized immigrants either working or looking for work in 2012. Among the states, Nevada (10%), California (9%), Texas (9%) and New Jersey (8%) had the highest shares of unauthorized immigrants in their labor forces.

5About 7% of K-12 students had at least one unauthorized immigrant parent in 2012. Among these students, about eight-in-ten (79%) were born in the U.S. In Nevada, almost one-in-five students (18%) have at least one unauthorized immigrant parent, the largest share in the nation. Other top states on this measure are California (13%), Texas (13%) and Arizona (11%).

Here's more immigration stats.....

Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States migrationpolicy.org
One interesting note.....

Illegals make up 5.1% of the work force......

Wouldn't it be nice if Obozo would actually take steps to insure that poor (und poorly qualified) inner city youth could have those jobs???? Especially after the minimum wage goes up???

But apparently letting those kids have jobs wouldn't play into Obozo's plan, since he couldn't claim their not being employed is a root cause of our cities' problems.
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In order for Ann Coulter's claim to be true, 41 million legal and illegal Mexicans would have to have left Mexico and come to the US.

In short, Coulter is so full of shit her eyes should be brown.

Most of the Mexican-Americans in the US were BORN here. They did not emigrate here. The number of native born outnumbers the immigrants by almost 2 to 1, and together they do not add up to 41 million.

Then that steady stream of Mexicans pouring over our border daily is just an illusion.

Wow, Sassy, you sure like to make massive illogical leaps, eh?

Coulter's claim is trounced, and so you think that means we believe there are no illegals coming here? Please tell us how many times you had to hit your head with a ballpeen hammer to make that insane statement.

Let me explain in simple words for you and your closet full of socks: There are brown folks sneaking into Merka every day. But not 25 percent of Mexico. Ann Coulter is pouring you a cup of piss. Don't guzzle it.

Stupid American,
In order for Ann Coulter's claim to be true, 41 million legal and illegal Mexicans would have to have left Mexico and come to the US.

In short, Coulter is so full of shit her eyes should be brown.

Most of the Mexican-Americans in the US were BORN here. They did not emigrate here. The number of native born outnumbers the immigrants by almost 2 to 1, and together they do not add up to 41 million.

Then that steady stream of Mexicans pouring over our border daily is just an illusion.

Wow, Sassy, you sure like to make massive illogical leaps, eh?

Coulter's claim is trounced, and so you think that means we believe there are no illegals coming here? Please tell us how many times you had to hit your head with a ballpeen hammer to make that insane statement.

Let me explain in simple words for you and your closet full of socks: There are brown folks sneaking into Merka every day. But not 25 percent of Mexico. Ann Coulter is pouring you a cup of piss. Don't guzzle it.

If I was going to wear a sock, you dumbass it would be the same sock. I like some of Sassy's posts. That is the extent of our "union". Deflect some more.
Let me help you. I don't count Mexicans. whether it is 10%, 25%, OR 50%, YOU HAVE MISSED THE POINT THAT SHE HAS NOT MISSED. We are being overrun with illegals that our government not only condones, but enables.
It is the Disney workers who have to train illegal people to replace them and then figure out how to keep a roof over their children's heads that just got hit with the hammer. They don't give a shit about %. They have an exact count. 250 illegals just put 250 Americans out of work.
In order for Ann Coulter's claim to be true, 41 million legal and illegal Mexicans would have to have left Mexico and come to the US.

In short, Coulter is so full of shit her eyes should be brown.

Most of the Mexican-Americans in the US were BORN here. They did not emigrate here. The number of native born outnumbers the immigrants by almost 2 to 1, and together they do not add up to 41 million.

Then that steady stream of Mexicans pouring over our border daily is just an illusion.

Wow, Sassy, you sure like to make massive illogical leaps, eh?

Coulter's claim is trounced, and so you think that means we believe there are no illegals coming here? Please tell us how many times you had to hit your head with a ballpeen hammer to make that insane statement.

Let me explain in simple words for you and your closet full of socks: There are brown folks sneaking into Merka every day. But not 25 percent of Mexico. Ann Coulter is pouring you a cup of piss. Don't guzzle it.

Stupid American,
In order for Ann Coulter's claim to be true, 41 million legal and illegal Mexicans would have to have left Mexico and come to the US.

In short, Coulter is so full of shit her eyes should be brown.

Most of the Mexican-Americans in the US were BORN here. They did not emigrate here. The number of native born outnumbers the immigrants by almost 2 to 1, and together they do not add up to 41 million.

Then that steady stream of Mexicans pouring over our border daily is just an illusion.

Wow, Sassy, you sure like to make massive illogical leaps, eh?

Coulter's claim is trounced, and so you think that means we believe there are no illegals coming here? Please tell us how many times you had to hit your head with a ballpeen hammer to make that insane statement.

Let me explain in simple words for you and your closet full of socks: There are brown folks sneaking into Merka every day. But not 25 percent of Mexico. Ann Coulter is pouring you a cup of piss. Don't guzzle it.

If I was going to wear a sock, you dumbass it would be the same sock. I like some of Sassy's posts. That is the extent of our "union". Deflect some more.
Let me help you. I don't count Mexicans. whether it is 10%, 25%, OR 50%, YOU HAVE MISSED THE POINT THAT SHE HAS NOT MISSED. We are being overrun with illegals that our government not only condones, but enables.
It is the Disney workers who have to train illegal people to replace them and then figure out how to keep a roof over their children's heads that just got hit with the hammer. They don't give a shit about %. They have an exact count. 250 illegals just put 250 Americans out of work.
Coulter lied. Deal with it.
To the willfully stupid, it won't matter Coulter pulled that number out of her bony ass. She is relying on her rube herd to parrot the meme that "25% of Mexico relocated here" without taking the necessary two seconds to stop and think. As we saw by the innumerate posts in this topic, they aren't capable of thinking.

It's carefully crafted for the credulous cows whose intellectual bandwidth is that of a bumper sticker.

You will hear it parroted again elsewhere, in other topics. No doubt about it.
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Ann Coulter was wrong about something? I'm shocked. Shocked and hurt.


Is she wrong? truely....

She has idiots like ScreamingEagle buying her books and making her a millionaire... She is using the idiot class... F*cks sake she has the idiot class thinking they are the smart ones...

Eventually much like Karl Rove she will regret it as the idiot class will want an even more crazy & out their candidate... The race to be even more conservative (use this word very loosely) than the other will start again...

Look at Ron Paul and the 'Let them die' brigade in the last election. Real old time conservatives, ones with honor and respect for fellow Americans would know these statements as deeply unpatriotic and anti the American Society and thus anti American...
Coulter has been sinking from public view. When that happens to assholes like her, they tend to shriek more and more shrill claims to keep the spotlight on them.

She's a washed up has-been.
It's a hell of a lot more than 25%...If it were not for the weak ass borders maybe Mexico could become a nation to be proud of rather than just being the DNC and The GOP's political whipping boy. If I were a citizen of Mexico I'd be ashamed of my homeland but I wouldn't leave it I would stay and fight for a better Mexico. Mexico is a little corrupted Bitch of a nation and the only thing they don't suck at is soccer but even that is changing as all of their talent moves north...what a shame we have idiots in charge of our borders that couldn't care less about Mexico and it's people.
Go ahead Mexicans keep sucking America's tit until it's dry.
How about we invade Mexico and annex it? Much easier to secure the small Guatemalian border.
I've been saying the same thing for years. Hell I'd like to be able to buy a nice retirement home on the beach in Mexico and kick back eating tacos and drinking Corona.
It would definitely be more productive and beneficial than our adventures in the middle east.
For both us and them.

Why haven't we ever heard a Washington talking head mention this?
No idea. It would probably cost trillions and trillions of dollars and piss the rest of the world off though.
IDK... Mexico is a rich in resources country. I'm sure there'd be a way to have them help offset the cost.

I can't help but think that it will come to that someday, from Canada to Mexico, all one nation. We really wouldn't need the rest of the world for anything. We'd have it made. The only problem is then, what would the power structure look like over such a large portion of the world?
Yes, Anne is the problem. She fired those Disney employees. America is doing so well that there's plenty of work for everyone. The unemployment numbers bear that out. Meme is where the problem lies.
Coulter has been sinking from public view. When that happens to assholes like her, they tend to shriek more and more shrill claims to keep the spotlight on them.

She's a washed up has-been.
You mean like Hitlery?
Doesn't surprise me. There is no middle class in Mexico. You're either rich or dirt poor.

They come here for the money and Mexico is glad to have our greenbacks.

They need to all go back to Mexico and we should take measure to see that they can't get across the borer. I ain't holding my breath though.
Mexico is a third world pseudo dictatorship( elections? HA) run by a few very rich and corrupt politicians who live in the lap of luxury. Law enforcement is almost non existent as drug cartels either have police on their payroll or on a list "to be terminated"....
The only legitimate economy is due to US, Canadian and a few other nation's companies which have manufacturing sites and of course the state run oil company Pemex.
Half the people live in poverty. There are 'poverty clusters' where entire towns are impoverished.
Mexico Data
All that money invested by foreign firms, the oil industry and a billions of dollars in tourism....Where does it all go?...
Coulter has been sinking from public view. When that happens to assholes like her, they tend to shriek more and more shrill claims to keep the spotlight on them.

She's a washed up has-been.
BS she is hotter than ever and her books are always best sellers so once again you are talking out of your ass.
Coulter has been sinking from public view. When that happens to assholes like her, they tend to shriek more and more shrill claims to keep the spotlight on them.

She's a washed up has-been.
BS she is hotter than ever and her books are always best sellers so once again you are talking out of your ass.

Demonic: Weaker sales for Ann Coulter s latest Demonic

Guilty: Coulter s book sales off

Sales of Coulter's latest book appear to be far lower than her others.

She's sinking. Nice try. Not.
The idea is not to use the resources of other countries to benefit us. It is to redistribute our resources to others.
The new Pacific trade deal will be the next drain. Ask Hillary when she's up to questions. ..
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